Then Usopp sang a song, the battle song of the king of sniper. Kiyana felt embarrassed just listening to it, and moved a little away from Usopp, showing the attitude that I don't know him.

Sauron looked at Usopp speechlessly, how dare you say that.

"Everyone, I hope you can help me, don't tell the news that the Straw Hat Pirates are here, please."

Bingshan said to the residents around the port with a very sincere attitude.

"Mayor Bingshan, please don't worry, we won't say anything, right, everyone!"

"Yes, the savior of Mayor Bingshan, we will never expose it.

The citizens responded one after another, promising to Bingshan that they would not reveal it. Seeing this, Bingshan also showed a smile on his face.

"Really loved by the townspeople."

Seeing this, Qiyana couldn't help muttering in a low voice, for the citizens of this water city, Bingshan is really a respected and respected personage, deeply loved by the citizens, which is very rare.

However, this also reflects how Bingshan usually behaves. If Bingshan was the kind of corrupt mayor, such a situation would never happen. - Upon hearing the news of his injury, everyone in the city was looking for the murderer , The Straw Hat Pirates also took the blame.

Fortunately, the misunderstanding has been clarified now, and the Straw Hat Pirates have become the benefactors of saving the iceberg.

"Please come with me, I will take you to the dormitory behind the shipyard, it is not safe to live in the back street.

"Then please, Uncle Bingshan!"

Luffy said with a smile.

"Small idea."

QE long small block

Then, Bingshan took everyone from the Straw Hat Pirates to the shipyard on the shipbuilding island, and Kiyana followed closely behind them.

Everyone took the unique transportation tool of the water capital, Bru, and passed through many streets all the way to the shipbuilding island. Through the heavy gate of the shipyard, they came to the dormitory behind the shipyard.

"It's safe here, rest at ease, I still have things to deal with, excuse me."

"Well, go ahead, thank you so much."

Afterwards, Bingshan left. As the mayor, he has a lot of things to do.

Kiyana looked at the back of Bingshan leaving, and then followed Luffy and the others into the dormitory. There are not many rooms in the dormitory, only one large room, and there are several upper and lower floors in the corner. bed.

"There is only one room, _...does it mean that men and women are going to live together?"

Seeing this, Sanji immediately became excited, panting heavily and looking at Kiana and Nami, hehehe, Robin-chan, Nami-san and Kiana-chan, could it be that he can sit quietly at night? Did you appreciate their cute sleeping faces from a distance?

Feeling Sanji's gaze, Kiyana couldn't help but get goosebumps, but there is only one room here, and Kiyana has no good solution, so she can only stay temporarily.

"It's a bed!"

Luffy threw himself on the bed directly, and fell asleep without taking off his clothes.

He was so sleepy.

Qiyana also didn't sleep all night, she just found a top bunk and climbed up, took off her shoes, exposing her white and tender feet, then lay down, closed her eyes and began to sleep.

On the side, Nami was lying on a table in the room in a somewhat depressed state.

"Our luggage was all put in the back street, and the tsunami last night probably swept away our luggage as well.

"Don't be depressed, Nami-san, as long as we're okay.

Sanji said comfortingly

(PS: The + sign adds more.


Chapter 54

"That's what I said, but the [-] million Belly we used to buy a new boat, clothes, furniture, and orange trees from Beru Mersan may all be gone. Under such a tsunami, how much damage was done to the back streets Seriously, did you see it too?

Nami was very depressed. In fact, other things were not important. The most important thing was the orange tree of Beru Mersan, which was something she attached great importance to.

Because Luffy quarreled with Usopp and gave the Meili to Usopp after the duel, so they took all the things from the Meili and put them all in the hotel in the back street, and then it happened again A lot of things happened, so they couldn't go back to the hotel to get things.

Those things must be taken away by the tsunami, just thinking about Nami can't help but sigh.

Sanji can't say anything to comfort Nami, not only the money is gone, but also the furniture and everything. It can be said that the Straw Hat Pirates have nothing now, and they want to buy a new ship, enough to support it The ingredients for the long voyage are no way.

Because they have no money, if they want to sail, they may have to wait for a long time, so they can only slowly work in the water capital to save money.

But it may take several years to save enough money to buy a boat. According to Luffy's temperament, he probably can't help it.

"Well, there is no way to be depressed, we won't be able to sail in a short time, so we might as well think about how to make money.

Zoro sat down with his back against the wall and said.

"I could go to a restaurant and apply to be a chef, and with my cooking skills I should be fine.

Sanji sat next to Nami, then took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket and lit it in his mouth.

"Then I'm going to be a doctor!"

Chopper, who was resting on the bed, also raised his hand and said that if you want to save enough money to buy a boat, everyone must play their part, so that the speed of saving money is the fastest.

Sauron hesitated and hawed for a long time, and finally told his old practice.

"Are you an idiot? What kind of bounty hunter are you, a pirate?"

Sanji suddenly complained, and took the head of the pirate to the navy to collect the bounty? Isn't that self-inflicted?

Guangshuan novels

Sauron stopped talking, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to know nothing but killing people.

Kiyana was lying on the bed, listening to everyone's conversation quietly. Now that the Straw Hat Pirates are discussing how to save enough money to buy a boat, Kiyana is not too worried, because she knows that all the things in the back street have been destroyed by the water. The citizens of the capital put it away, and they will return it tomorrow.

As for the new ship, Franky will help them get it done, so there is no need for Qiyana to help them.

Kiyana now has [-] million Baileys in cash, which can be said to be a little rich woman. Throwing even [-] million Baileys to Nami and the others may affect the plot, so Qiyana has no intention of helping.

Although it feels good to show off her wealth, Qiyana still doesn't pretend to be that aggressive.

Soon, Kiyana finally fell into a deep sleep amidst Nami and the others' conversation, and fell asleep right away - one day, the next day - early in the morning, just before dawn, Kiyana woke up.

Kiyana sat up, rubbed her eyes and looked around, and found that Sauron, Luffy and others were still sleeping, and Kiyana didn't bother them, but got out of bed by herself, put on her shoes, and started to wash .

During the process, Sanji also woke up. Seeing that Kiana was washing up, he hurriedly said, "Qiana-chan, you're already awake. Are you hungry? I'll prepare breakfast for you.

"Well, please." n

Sanji quickly got up from the bed, washed up quickly, and left the dormitory to find a place to cook.

Qiyana sat on a chair, fiddled with her mobile phone boredly, received the six + crystals given by the monthly login card every day, and then clicked on the skill interface to continue learning the skills of the White Night Armor.

After consuming all the skill points, Qiyana still didn't use all the skills of the White Night Armor, and could only wait until the skill points were recovered.

Fortunately, the recovery speed of the skill points is very fast. After waiting for two hours, Qiyana can order another - wave skill.

Qiyana continued to specialize in the skills of the Baiye armor. Unlike other armors, the Fuhua character series has many armor combos. Qiyana felt that it was necessary to study it seriously.

Soon, Sanji came back with a lot of smelling food, and Kiana also put away her mobile phone and began to enjoy the breakfast made by Sanji

Because of the aroma of food, Nami and others also woke up.

"Nami-san, Robin-chan, come and eat the loving breakfast I prepared for you, it will definitely make you energetic all day long.

Kiyana ate silently. Although Sanji was a little pale, the taste of the food was worthy of recognition. Anyway, Kiyana tasted delicious.

By the way, Kiyana suddenly remembered that there was an episode of Water City in the previous life - an original plot by the anime production team. It was about Sanji meeting an old man who cooked delicious food. The old man seemed to use water. The rice made from the deep sea salt brought by the tsunami of the gods is very delicious.

After the tsunami hit, the deep sea salt left on the roofs of the back street after being sun-drenched, this kind of thing can’t be missed by Kiyana. picky.

After all, everyone wants to eat delicious food, right? Kiyana decided to collect deep sea salt after breakfast, and she has to collect a lot. Anyway, her materials have a lot of space, and things will not deteriorate if they are placed in it. , the more deep sea salt you collect, the better

Anyway, Qiyana doesn't eat it herself, so it's not bad to collect more and give it to others. Master will like it too.

"Kiana, when do we start?"

Sauron put down the teacup and turned to ask Qiyana.


"Domineering practice.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm going to do something first, and I'll talk about it when I get back. Barbara

Kiyana intends to collect deep sea salt first and then come back to teach Sauron Haki. Anyway, it will take a long time for Franky to build the Sonny, so there is no rush to learn Haki, and Kiyana can't teach much about Haki aspects of things.

good book search


Remember to collect and recommend to friends who love to read

After all, she herself is also a fledgling, and she just started as a teacher from Aisha, and she still can't use domineering skillfully. If she casually expresses her understanding of domineering, it may lead Sauron astray.

Kiyana promised yesterday a little too quickly, but after thinking about it carefully, it might be a bit inappropriate to do so. It is better to let Mihawk be Sauron's master-some, after all, Mihawk's understanding of armed color domineering must be Much stronger than Qiyana.

So regarding the aspect of armed domineering, Kiyana intends to just talk about it casually, so that Sauron can have a general understanding, and what Kiyana intends to focus on is knowledge-based domineering.

Compared with armed domineering, Kiyana's knowledge and knowledge of domineering can be said to be at the master level, with her own unique understanding, if she is in the realm of Shura, Kiyana is confident that her knowledge and domineering will not be weaker than anyone .

Although armed domineering can't help Luffy Zoro and others, but what I have seen and heard about Sekiyana is still qualified to be their master.

Seeing that Qiyana seemed to be going to do something, Sauron had no choice but to wait, even though he really wanted to learn domineering now.

Kiyana went out directly, and Sanji wanted to follow along, but Luffy also woke up at this time, clamoring for food, and Sanji could only stay and cook for Luffy.


After arriving outside the dormitory, Qiyana also flew up using moon steps, and flew towards the back street. Many people on the way saw Qiyana's figure and became nervous.

The spies of the world government who attacked the mayor of Bingberg last night were the ones who used this technique, and it was only natural that they would be nervous.

However, Qiyana moved very quickly, and it didn't take long for her to disappear from their sight and go to the back street.

Kiyana didn't know that her move made the citizens of the water city very nervous, but even if she knew, she wouldn't go to


Kiana landed on the roof of one of the buildings in the back street, the dazzling sunlight shone down, and the roofs of the surrounding buildings were covered with white coarse salt-

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