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Besides, Kasa and Liya are also here, and Qiyana can't guarantee that she can guarantee their safety in the face of the three xiu organization cadres.

The soldiers who received Qiyana's order immediately turned the rudder, and the hull turned [-] degrees immediately. Such a quick turn of the rudder also made the warship Katz turn.

"Want to escape? This is not allowed."

0F SF light novel

On the pirate ship, Julie, who was wearing a cheongsam close to her body, sneered, stretched out her hand to push her blue bangs blown by the sea wind behind her ears, and signaled the crew to start shelling.

Bang bang!

Several shells flew out of the huge muzzle, emitting a large amount of black smoke. The shells passed through a large area of ​​sea and landed on the sea less than [-] meters away from the warship, blowing up spray seven or eight meters high.

The calm sea suddenly became choppy, huge waves slapped on the steel side of the warship, pushing the warship several meters away, and all the busy soldiers on the deck of the warship fell to the deck. =

"It seems that the distance is still a bit short, let's move on.

Seeing that the first round of shells failed to hit the warship at the longest distance, Julie also ordered her subordinates to continue the pursuit.Bang

Not long after, the loaded cannonball was fired again, and it quickly attacked the warship. Qiyana stepped on the side of the ship, jumped high and flew into the air with the moon step, and then swung the god meteor sword to slash several times. An arc-shaped flame sword energy.

Sword Qi accurately hit several cannonballs, and they exploded on the spot. Thick black smoke exploded in the air along with the flames, and fragments of the cannonballs also fell into the sea, causing some splashes.

"Have you blocked them all? As expected of Rear Admiral Ji Zi from the Ministry of the Navy, he has a few tricks, but I'll see how much you can block, so keep firing."

Julie saw from a distance that Kiyana easily intercepted a few shells from the warship, she was not surprised, but ordered to continue bombarding Junjian.

Kiyana floated in mid-air using moon steps, lowered her head and yelled at Saska.


Saska quickly nodded in response, and then directed the soldiers to use the cannons on the warship to fight back——

Within a short period of time, more than a dozen shells were fired from the warship. In terms of firepower, the Navy's standard warships are sufficient.

The shells exploded in the waters near the three pirate ships, and the huge waves sprayed the seawater on the deck like rain.

The warship started a chase with the three pirate ships, bombarding each other.

"Sasca, have you contacted the Ministry?"

Kiyana asked loudly while cutting off incoming shells.

"Marshal Sakaski has sent Admiral Fujitora to support him, and he is on his way."

Would you like to send Yixiao? Kiyana felt relieved immediately, if Youxiao helped, she would definitely be able to catch all these pirates.


Chapter 54

A few more shells landed on the sea around the warship, and the flames of the explosion reflected on Kiana's face. The three pirate ships fired shells together, and the number was astonishing.

The shells flew one after another as if they didn't need money. Although Qiyana tried her best to defend, many shells still fell around the warship.

"Sister Jizi, let me help you!"

Liya, who put on the gloves, also used the moon steps to come into the air. Kiyana nodded when she heard the words, and said: "Be careful, don't

Liya nodded very seriously, then turned her head to watch the shells approaching in the distance, and punched hard.


A large area of ​​space in front of Liya suddenly shattered, like a broken transparent glass, several shells were shattered by the powerful concussion force, and an astonishing heat wave erupted in the air.

At the same time, Qiyana also slashed out several sword qis to split the other cannonballs. The cannonballs were cut in half and fell into the sea where they exploded, causing splashes several meters high.

"Good job.

Kiyana praised her, and Liya is getting more and more reliable.

On the bow of a pirate ship, Orson, who was wearing a white suit, also smiled when he saw Liya beside Kiyana

"It seems that Potter's deduction is correct, Liya really followed Major General Jizi.

The mission this time is to recapture Liya, and now that the mission objective has appeared, Orson turned to Julie and Landru on the bows of the other two pirate ships and said, "Don't hurt Liya.

"Is that what you need to say?

Julie responded with a chuckle, her eyes fixed on Liya.Boom!

The cannonballs from both sides were coming and going, which lasted for more than ten minutes. Liya used the moon step to fly in the air for a long time, and also used the shock fruit to intercept the flying cannonballs. Her physical strength was also consumed quickly, and she began to pant heavily. There was a few drops of sweat left on the temples.

"Where do these guys get so many shells?"

Qiyana couldn't help but want to complain, did the Xiu organization use all their belongings to buy arms? - A cannonball cost a lot of money, right? This short period of time consumed no less than two hundred, right?

Even the shells on the warship are almost gone, and the pirate ship is still bombarding the warship with shells continuously.

old man!

Qiyana blasted several cannonballs into pieces again, but Liya seemed to be out of strength, the strength of the fists she blasted was much weakened, and the space crack created by the shocking fruit was also greatly reduced. Breaking through Liya's defense net, it landed on the side of the warship. It exploded.

Qiyana turned her head to look, and saw a big hole under the side of the ship, and a large amount of seawater began to pour into the cabin.


Seeing this, Liya couldn't help blaming herself. She failed to protect the warship, which caused a hole under the warship.

"You've done a great job, keep it up.

Seeing Liya's self-blaming expression, Qiyana did not accuse Liya of her faults. After all, people are not machines and cannot be perfect, and if it is not for Liya's help, Qiyana alone cannot stop it. Large number of shells.

"Major General Ji Zi, there is a big hole in the side of the ship, sea water is pouring in, and the warship will sink soon."

Saska got out of the cabin and reported the situation inside the cabin to Kiyana. Kiyana nodded and said, "I saw it. Where is the nearest island?"

"Five nautical miles to the west there is an uninhabited island.

Saska quickly flipped through the map and said.

"Just go there.

Qiyana- -as she spoke, she slashed out a sword aura and cut off several shells. Now that the warship is flooded, if they don't get to land quickly, the warship will sink by then, and they can only be used as targets by others.big; of h

Kiyana people can use moon steps to leave, but what about other people? Although Liya can also use moon steps, she can't last as long as Kiyana. In addition, Liya has already consumed a lot of physical strength just now, which is even more difficult. Impossible to escape.

Steer and go west!"

Saska quickly ordered the helmsman to turn the rudder, and then followed a large number of soldiers to use buckets to carry the water out of the cabin and pour it outside, but this was just a drop in the bucket, the amount of seawater that poured in was far more than what they brought out. This is nothing more than delaying the sinking of the warship by a little bit.Bang

Kiana and Liya continued to intercept the shells flying from the pirate ship. Due to the flooding of the cabin, the speed of sailing was obviously much slower than before. One side is slightly tilted.

"It looks like the warship is going to sink.

Holding a telescope, Julie looked at the warship that was beginning to tilt in the distance, and a large number of soldiers pouring water in a panic on the deck, showing a smirk.

"Judging from their forward route, they should be going to the uninhabited island ahead, and bring Liya back there.

Holding a map in his hand, Orson determined that the warship was going to an uninhabited island not far ahead.

On the warship, Saska was holding a bucket full of seawater in both hands. Regardless of the soaked navy uniform, he quickly came to the side of the ship and poured out the water in the bucket, and then returned to the cabin.

A dozen or so naval soldiers on the side even formed a platoon, passing buckets like a relay race.

Although Saska and others have worked hard enough, the warship is still slowly sinking point by point, and it is only a matter of time before it sinks completely.

"Hold on, everyone, you can already see the island!"

" "

" "

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The naval soldiers on the observatory put down their binoculars and shouted to the crowd. When they heard the words, they exploded with astonishing power again, and the speed of transporting water was a bit faster.

In the end, the warship finally arrived at a distance of 200 meters from the coast of the uninhabited island before it sank completely.

"Everyone, leave the warship and go to the island."

Saska led all the soldiers, protected Kasa and jumped off the warship all the way, swimming towards the uninhabited island.

Kiyana and Liya used moon steps to protect hundreds of soldiers in the sea in mid-air, intercepting all flying shells in mid-air.

Finally, the pirate ship stopped shelling, as if it had run out of shells, Qiyana couldn't help pinching her slightly sore shoulders.

"It's a fight, how much money did you spend on weapons? If you give it to me, you can draw a few rounds of supplies, right?

Qiyana couldn't help but want to complain about the wealth of the Xiu organization. Qiyana always felt that all the money obtained by the Xiu organization's raids on merchant ships in the past few months was spent on it.

At this time, Qiyana also took the time to look at the environment of the uninhabited island, like a virgin forest, full of lush century-old trees and various unknown plants. The area of ​​the island is not very large, only a few In the middle of the island, there are a few thick trees with a height of [-] meters that are very conspicuous. They are very similar to the mangroves on the Chambord Islands, but there are no bubbles.

"Liya, take a team of soldiers to protect Kasa and hide on the island, and I will lure those pirates away.

After Qiyana and Liya landed on the shore, seeing that Liya was sweating profusely, panting heavily, and tired enough, she asked Liya to take Kasa to find a safe place.

"Sister Jizi, I want to stay and help you.

Liya wiped the sweat off her face with the back of her hand and said.

"Don't be brave, how can you help me in your current state? Take Kasa to a safe place."

Liya was a little reconciled, as if she had become a burden. Although she really wanted to stay and help Sister Jizi, Sister Jizi was right, and she really couldn't help in her current state.

"I see, Sister Jizi."

Liya sighed secretly, and then walked towards Casa, with a dozen soldiers on the side also going together.

"Jizi, be careful with that guy named Orson, I heard that his fruit ability is very strong, it's best not to get close to him.

Before leaving, Casa also reminded, about this Orson, Casa has heard rumors about him before, but that was a long time ago, many details have long been forgotten, but Casa still remembers the most It's best not to get close to the other party, this is also a special warning at this time.


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