Seeing that a teammate was infected with his own eyes, he suppressed his grief and immediately issued an order: "All members of the armed forces, form a wall and protect the rest."


They were well-trained, and instantly formed a human-shaped wall to protect Master Jiu and those scholars and professors.

The machine gun in his hand kept sweeping S at the undead zombies.

Although you can't kill them, it will temporarily block their footsteps.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was all moved by this scene.

"These soldiers are so cute! They are the most loving people in the world."

"In the face of the horror of this group of undead zombies, they are not afraid, and are even willing to sacrifice their lives to protect others. This kind of character deserves our respect."

"Maybe this is the responsibility on their shoulders?"


"I don't know if they can break through the encirclement."

"Sure, I trust them."


Seeing that the situation was critical, Master Jiu was also thinking.

"This group of undead zombies seem to be immortal, but they are not. They must have weaknesses."

"Salt! Bring the salt!"

After hearing Master Jiu's words, the assistant immediately opened Master Jiu's treasure chest and brought a bag of salt from it.

Master Jiu sprinkled the salt into the syringe and handed it to Captain Lin Hao.

"Try injecting salt water into the body of the undead zombie and see if it will work."

Master Jiu had rich experience in expeditions, and the captain Lin Hao trusted him very much, so he immediately took over the syringe and went to do it.

Lin Hao's skills are quite extraordinary. He rushed into the group of undead zombies, and knocked down several undead zombies with three punches and two kicks.

He grabbed one of the undead zombies, stuck a needle in its neck, and injected it with salt water.

This undead zombie suddenly let out a shrill cry.

The whole body is shaking.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, it turned into a puddle of salt water.

"It really works?"

Master Jiu was overjoyed, and quickly ordered his assistants to do the same.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage also increased at this moment.

"As expected of Master Jiu! We are the most prestigious exploration expert in Panda Country."

"Master Jiu is amazing, he found a way to restrain the undead zombies so quickly."

"How else can I say it's the old world, it just feels different."

"With Master Jiu here, I feel more at ease."

"This is called ginger or old spicy."

"Jiu Ye is awesome! Give Jiu Ye a thumbs up!"


Many viewers were fans of Master Jiu.

But there are too many undead zombies here.

Although their method is effective, it can only block it for a while, and cannot completely solve the crisis at all.

After killing dozens of undead zombies, they hid in a dilapidated wooden house.

Members of the armed forces rushed to the forefront, trying their best to guard the position where all the undead zombies might break in.

"My God! It's not an option to go on like this."

"This group of undead zombies is too fierce."

Wang Bingbing was so anxious that she was sweating coldly.


"I feel like... I feel like I'm going to be infected."

Director Wang Tao suddenly let out a scream.

Only then did everyone see that there was a scratch on Wang Tao's arm, which should have been accidentally caught by an undead zombie.

"Director Wang, how do you feel?"

Director Wang Tao endured the severe pain, shook his head and said, "There is nothing wrong now, but the wound is very itchy."

Master Jiu said in a deep voice: "This is the rhythm that is about to be infected. Take a knife quickly and cut off his arm. Maybe there is still hope."

"What? Cut off an arm?"


The people next to them were taken aback.

Master Jiu made a quick decision, picked up a knife he carried with him, and chopped off director Wang Tao's left arm with one blow.


There was another heart-piercing scream, and director Wang Tao rolled on the ground in pain, almost fainting.

This bloody scene made some viewers in the live broadcast room vomit directly.

So cruel!

Master Jiu explained: "In the exploration of the forbidden area, you must have a clear judgment on everything you encounter."

"Compared with a life, an arm is not worth mentioning at all."

Master Jiu's words were like a lesson for everyone.

This is the seasoned explorer, the experience he has accumulated over a lifetime.

There are professional medical staff in this team, and they immediately bandaged the director Wang Tao.

Fortunately in misfortune.

Director Wang Tao's arm was cut off in time, and the source of infection did not spread, so he will not become an undead zombie.

This life was also saved.



At this time, outside the wooden house, the undead zombies were still roaring, showing no intention of leaving.

Lin Hao felt more and more inappropriate, and made an astonishing decision at this moment.

"Some people left first, and the rest prepared Z medicine, and died with this group of undead zombies."

"I don't believe they survived when their bodies were blown to pieces."

Lin Hao clenched his fists, holding the attitude of swearing to death.

Vice-captain Wang Wei immediately said: "Captain Lin Hao, you evacuate with the large army first, and I will pick a few people to stay."

Lin Hao resolutely refused, "No, I'm the captain! The most dangerous thing must be left to me."

"But Captain Lin Hao, you just got married last month. Unlike me, you are a bachelor, so I sacrificed myself."

"Vice captain, count me in, I'm also a bachelor."

"And I."

"Okay! Brothers! All those with families, you evacuate first, and the bachelors stay here with me." The deputy captain Wang Wei gave the order, and seven or eight bachelors stood beside him decisively.

Lin Hao shouted: "They all rebelled, right? I'm the captain, listen to me."

"I'll stay, Wang Wei, you take the other brothers to evacuate."

Deputy Captain Wang Wei shook his head: "Captain, I can listen to you on other matters, but this matter is absolutely not."

"Before I came, I heard my sister-in-law called you. She is pregnant. When the child is born, I can't live without my father."

Lin Hao's heart skipped a beat.

Before leaving, his wife did give him a phone call.

Tell him a very pleasant news.

The wife is pregnant.

He's going to be a dad soon.

But at this time, he received an extremely difficult task.

Now he is faced with the choice of life and death.

The deputy captain Wang Wei grabbed Lin Hao's hand and said solemnly: "Captain, just listen to me, the child cannot live without a father."

Members of other armed forces also spoke to persuade them.

Lin Hao sighed, his eyes suddenly became firm.

"Don't say anything."

"We are soldiers!"

"The purpose of a soldier is to obey the calling."

"This is the task entrusted to us by the higher authorities, and it must be completed."

"I'm the captain! Your captain, I have responsibilities on my shoulders. If there is danger, I must be the first to charge. If anyone dares to persuade him one more word, he will be dealt with by military law."

After Lin Hao said this, he faced the north, which was the location of his home.

He seemed to see his wife's gentle face.

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