"Well, Xiaohui, how are your preparations going?"

Fan Xinglu nodded in satisfaction, then turned to William, who was still confused, and said to Zhao Hufeng.

"Well! Although it may be a little sudden!"

"But can I trouble you, William, to have a ranking battle here first?"

"What's the reason!"

William directly stopped Fan Xinglu's Zhao Hufeng who was about to question him, and took over the topic himself.

"Well! A few guys from Jielong called me just now."

"Ask me if I can let you participate in the ranking competition. I think this is quite interesting, so I agreed!"

In fact, there is no problem for students outside the sequence to participate in the Xingwu Festival, but it is the first time that William, who is outside the sequence and then reached the top 32, and has the potential to win the championship, appears for the first time.

Of course, the operating matrix behind Jielong doesn't want this kind of thing that breaks the existing rules.

But unfortunately, they can't directly order this "Wan You Tian Luo"!

Can only use the tone of discussion!

"The reason is not unacceptable!"

William nodded, and he had no intention of resisting this kind of thing.

After all, even if Fan Xinglu had the right to directly help him refuse, but this is not a big deal, it doesn't matter if he agrees.

"Then my opponent is your eldest disciple?"

William looked at Wu Xiaohui, who was standing upright, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

He didn't know much about Fan Xinglu, the eldest disciple.

Compared to Se Xili and Zhao Hufeng who often met, they could be regarded as strangers.

He just heard from Zhao Hufeng and Se Xili that Wu Xiaohui is a very powerful person who has completely inherited Fan Xinglu's mantle.

But in the occasional chat with Fan Xinglu, Wu Xiaohui is a good-for-nothing who has completely failed in her cultivation in her eyes.

He didn't have time to understand this kind of contradictory people before.

"That's right, it's a match with Xiaohui!"

"Although the result is already doomed!"

Fan Xinglu put away the folding fan in her hand, and gently pressed it against her little lips!

At this moment, her eyeballs also rolled up, as if thinking of something, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Of course, if you don't feel comfortable sitting in the second position in the sequence, it would be nice to have the old man accompany you to play formally!"

"Anyway, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"It's a wonderful thing to start dinner in advance."

After Zhao Hufeng heard Fan Xinglu's words, he was shocked, and then shook his head desperately at William.

The expression between the eyebrows and eyes reveals a request, begging William not to agree.

Of course William could understand what Zhao Hufeng meant!

But he is not interested in having a fight with Fan Xinglu right now.

If it is said that with Wu Xiaohui and the like, it only takes a little effort.

But if it's with Fan Xinglu, it's very difficult for him to win if it's not at night and he doesn't do his best.

After all, the old monster who has lived for thousands of years has too many methods in his hands.

In a normal battle, you don't know when you will fall into her tricks.

"Let's forget it! The battle between the two of us, let's start after the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"!"

William shook his head and refused.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with him agreeing. After all, with his current recovery ability, even if he is exhausted, as long as he is fully exposed to the moonlight all night, he can recover.

But that is really tiring!

After receiving William's reply, Fan Xinglu looked disappointed!

Wu Xiaohui remained expressionless.

As for Zhao Hufeng, while he was relieved, he even looked at Fan Xinglu complainingly.

Regarding Fan Xinglu's occasional intermittent convulsions, as the person who often follows Fan Xinglu and handles affairs for her, he is completely fed up with this situation! .

In Jielong, the public ranking battle of "Universal Heavenly Luo" is not easy to start.

If it is opened, it will have to go through multiple approvals.

"Okay! Hufeng, you are ready to record the video!"

If the official ranking battle is not held in the state of public performance!

Then make it into a video file and save it!

ps: Thanks to Kongwuye for the one salted fish stab, two blades and one spicy stick.

Thank you for the bunch of rewards sent by Zero Mo

Thank you for the tip I want to become a European emperor, the great emperor of the universe Ailei Xiujigal, I am drunk, super crazy, and not chaotic, Aoxue Canglang

Chapter 160 Using a killer move "4000 characters for subscription"

When Zhao Hufeng was concentrating on preparing for the recording!

Fan Xinglu moved a chair from nowhere, and looked at the two people who were getting ready with a happy face.

"Xiaohui, I need you to do your best this time, you know?"

Wu Xiaohui remembered Fan Xinglu's entrustment to him just now.

At the same time, he never doubted his Fan Xinglu's words.

Since Fan Xinglu said that William was at the same level as her, he had no qualifications to keep it.

Wu Xiaohui picked up the long stick she had prepared long ago from the ground, and spun around in the air.

At the same time, he pinched a seal in his hand.

Fireballs burning with raging fire emerged behind him, although there were not many of them.

But almost all of them have a width of nearly five meters in diameter.

"So that's how it is. With such skills, he can indeed be called the number one disciple under Xinglu's sect!"

Don't look at anything else, just looking at the ability of Wufu to activate the Star Immortal Technique, it can already prove that Wu Xiaohui has really learned Fan Xinglu's skills.

You must know that even the current leader of the water faction, Cecily, cannot activate the Star Immortal Technique without the help of spells.

Wu Xiaohui who can do this is not much worse than those natural magicians.

William nodded, holding one hand in the void, and a long spear exuding a mysterious aura gathered into shape in his hand.

"Oh! Has this gun finally been used again!"

When Fan Xinglu saw "Orion", her eyes suddenly brightened a little.

This gun made a deep impression on her. You must know that when she was fighting with William, the several dangerous situations were almost caused by this gun.

And as a master of pyrotechnics, she couldn't even see how this gun was made.

All these made her very interested in this gun.

"bring it on!"

William, who was holding the spear tightly, shook his shoulders, and said to Wu Xiaohui who had been waiting for him to prepare.


After a sonorous and forceful answer, Wu Xiaohui's soles of her feet violently exerted force, and her whole body was like a shell fired from a chamber, bombarding William.

In the next moment, Wu Xiaohui's stick was already on the verge of William's head.

The strong wind pressure knocked William's upright blond hair down.


A large number of sparks burst out from the joint where the weapons collided!

At the same time, Wu Xiaohui's lips moved slightly.

The left hand holding the stick raised a little finger.

The ground at William's feet immediately began to squirm irregularly, and then several ground thorns gleaming with cold light rose from the ground.

"[Roar! (Thunderstorm)!]"

Dazzling thunder burst out suddenly, and the attacking earth thorns were instantly crushed by the arcs that continued to escape around William's body.

It turned into the most primitive soil powder in nature again and scattered on the ground.

Seeing this phenomenon, Wu Xiaohui quickly retreated while her hands kept moving.

The star power on his body surged out again, and William was seamlessly linked by the fireball that he stayed in place.






The five fireballs tightly blocked all of William's exits.

The fiery temperature above the fireball baked the air, and the trainer, who was originally equipped with an air conditioner to adjust the temperature very comfortably, was now like a steamer.

Then one can imagine what kind of temperature William, who is located in the center of the fireball, is facing.

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