"Ah... ah... ah..."

The empress was panting heavily, and her face was already a little pale at the moment.

But Ze Yu and Yuan Gu Pan were still pressing hard.

The empress clenched her long sword tightly: "I never thought... I've been planning for thousands of years, and I'm going to die here today... What a... irony!"

Yuan Gupan laughed lowly, as if he had heard something funny.

The Empress frowned slightly: "What are you laughing at?!"

"I laugh...you don't know what you will face next."

"Hehe...Of course I know, isn't it just death? Fear of death, why are you cultivating immortals!"

"No, no, no, that's something more depraved than death..."

Yuan Gupan recalled what happened to her in the past. She went from sitting on the throne, a high-ranking demon lord, to finally degenerate into a dog crawling in front of Ze Yu...

Humblely lift up. Fart. Ass...

"You guys, what do you mean?"

The empress suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

Ze Yu looked at her with a smile: "My lord mother-in-law, Zi Nai and Zhuyue miss you very much... How could I let you die?"

"Let them be kept in the dark for so many years, you have to bring some compensation back."

"For those who lack motherly love and fatherly love...you will have motherly love when you go back, but ah..."

Ze Yu smiled and looked at the Empress: "They still lack fatherly love."

The empress gritted her teeth: "Dengtuzi!!"

"Even if I die, I won't let you defile me, you two bastards...you're really cheap!"

"Fuyao, you haven't figured out your current situation yet!"

Yuan Gupan made a sudden move, the spiritual power bound the empress's body tightly, and then pinched the empress' cheek with one hand, yes!

You know, this is the empress!

"Yuan Gupan!!!"

The empress felt extremely humiliated.

"Want me to let go?"

"You let go!"

"Is this your attitude of asking for help?!"

Yuan Gupan's hand gradually moved down, and he licked his lips: "I have gradually fallen like this before... I want to see you, my old opponent, the majestic Fuyao Empress, how long can you last?"

"You, you!!"

The empress really became angry from embarrassment, she was naked at the moment, and a large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed outside.

"Shameless! You are really shameless! Yuan Gupan, you have no self-esteem? You are also a powerhouse who transforms into a god, one of the strongest fighters in the world! The master of the demon sect! But you are willing to be a man's X. slave. scribe?!"

"Do you still have the pride of being a devil?! Why are you so depraved?!"

Yuan Gupan was not angry at all, instead he said with a light smile: "Yes, I am willing to be the master's slave... It's just so depraved, in front of the master, I have no pride, just like naked, No, it should be removed as if it should be changed!"

As he said that, the demon lord raised the empress' chin: "Have a good taste of the treatment you should receive after defeat, my lord empress!!"

But Ze Yu glanced at Yuan Gupan: "Go away, kneel there, this is my patient...how can you treat her like this?"

"...Yes, I understand, Master."

Under the surprised gaze of the empress, Yuan Gupan was very obedient, his voice trembled, as if he was very scared, he really rolled to the side, and then knelt there obediently.

Swallowing, the Empress turned her head to look at Ze Yu's smile. She was always calm, but at this moment there was a trace of...fear in her eyes.




【Sleep, good night, actually I haven't slept since yesterday...】

[Help me think about how to treat the empress, the empress has thought it over, the empress has not compiled yet ()]

291 Empress' Trust

"What on earth are you trying to do? Don't show such a hypocritical look, it makes you feel disgusted when you look at it."

The empress held the long sword tightly, and still refused to give in at the moment, staring at Ze Yu's hypocritical smile, and said in a cold voice.

"Oh, don't think so badly of me, I just want to undo the curse for you."

Ze Yu shook his head and sighed.

It's just how could the Empress believe in Ze Yu, she retreated vigilantly, but she knew that she couldn't escape.

Now that most of her spiritual power has been consumed, but both Ze Yu and Yuan Gu Pan still have enough power left, she is afraid that she is about to fall into the clutches of this scumbag.

But she didn't know that as long as she dragged on for another half an hour, she would be able to make a comeback.

But Ze Yu knew it, so he couldn't make the empress fall in the same way as the evil and fallen demon lord. Besides, the demon lord intended to experience the love between men and women... The empress didn't have this kind of thought at all, it was a way Ruthless woman.

For half an hour, it is impossible for the empress to fall into evil.

And to engrave the slave mark... It's not that the Empress is powerless to fight back now, she has no chance.

Therefore, the only thing that could drag the Empress down was the "Powerful Psychotherapy Talisman Paper" that was left in Ze Yu's hand.

This was originally rewarded to him by the system for treating Yun Miao.

It's a pity... Yun Miao has been broken to the point where she can't be broken any more, her stomach is getting big.

So this talisman paper is useless, put it there... But now, it has become a key item to control the empress.

"If you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to kill, you can kill. If you want to humiliate me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Countless thunder surged from the empress's body again, she gritted her teeth and clenched her long sword tightly.

"We won't do anything, as long as you cooperate with the treatment, Empress."

Ze Yu took out a porcelain bottle, which contained pills.

"You want to feed me these suspicious pills, do you think I'll be fooled once, and I'll be fooled twice?"

The empress will not take this broken medicine again.

Even though she is at the end of her strength, it is impossible for her to be captured by Cho Yu. When the time comes, she will choose to commit suicide first.

"Don't come close!"

The empress frowned when she saw Ze Yu leaning towards her, and the thunder fell again.

"My lord empress, think about it carefully, there is no pill that can threaten you in this world, does it? You are not afraid of poison."

"You've already used that excuse once."

The empress looked at Ze Yu coldly.

Ze Yu and the Empress looked at each other, and their ability to suggest psychologically was fully activated: "But I only have one elixir, the elixir that can affect the transformation of the gods, if I have a bottle... Isn't it funny!"

The Empress frowned lightly, somewhat believing what Ze Yu said.

It's not that she's really so ignorant...but subconsciously, she subconsciously feels that what Ze Yu said is true.

Both Ze Yu and the Empress are now consummated gods, and in the same realm, the effect of psychological suggestion is very useful.

"If you don't believe me, I can let Yuan Gupan eat it first."

The empress didn't speak, it seemed to be tacit agreement.

And Yuan Gupan also ate the elixir in a porcelain bottle, and he didn't show any abnormal expression after that.

The empress believed even more in her heart.

It's just that the empress didn't notice a detail, and it's impossible to notice, that is, the thighs wrapped in black pantyhose under Yuan Gupan's skirt, couldn't help but lean slightly inward, and squeezed tightly, sweat dripped from the corner of her forehead, just Covered by bangs.

"Master... what are you going to do, move faster, this medicine is a bit strong, I'm afraid that after a while, I will lose my mind and I won't be able to fight the empress."

Yuan Gupan sent a voice transmission to Ze Yu, with a slight gasp in his voice.

"I see."

Ze Yu responded.

But the empress pointed her sword at Ze Yu at this moment: "You, eat it too."

"……it is good."

Ze Yu had no choice but to take the elixir, and he had no antidote for this thing.

It was Yu Han'an who gave it to him, saying that it was left by his mother, and her mother confessed, "Han'an, if you have any boy you can't love in the future... just trick him into taking this pill, and then you can I got him, no one can sustain the effect of this elixir."

Now that Ze Yu has personally experienced it, he also feels that this thing is really fierce. If it weren't for his looser robes... the Empress might have noticed something was wrong now.

"Now, can you rest assured to eat it? If you eat it, the curse will definitely be loosened. If you eat the whole bottle, the curse will be eradicated immediately."

Ze Yu handed the porcelain bottle to the Empress.

Because of the effect of psychological hints, the Empress now has 90% trust in Ze Yu's words, so she took the porcelain bottle, tentatively ate half of it, and even carefully broke it in half.

The moment Yuan Gupan took the elixir, she loosened some curses for the Empress.

And because he ate half of it, the effect of the medicine did not take effect immediately, and the Empress suddenly showed a surprised look:

"You didn't lie to me, and...there are no side effects this time."

The empress sensed her state, her mind was intact, and there was no poison in the elixir, and she didn't feel any physical discomfort.

The only change is that the curse is loosened up a bit.

"You said you can untie it after eating a bottle? Is it true?"

"Of course it is true. I got it from Yuan Gupan. She is the culprit who cursed you."

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