[The next chapter will not reveal...the shady scene will be revealed at the critical moment]

306 The Queen's Secret... Has Been Known!

At this moment, everyone present looked at the humble woman in the picture, but couldn't connect her with the lofty Empress Fuyao.

Humble or secondary... Perhaps, the Empress was threatened?

But what does that feeling expression mean?

"Yuan Gupan—!"

Nangong Ruonan raised his hand, forcibly cut off the screen, and then prepared to attack Yuan Gupan himself.

This bastard actually broke his promise. She had already withdrawn, but the other party still played tricks on her!

"Are you in a hurry?" Yuan Gupan didn't look flustered at all, and the aura on his body gradually climbed.

From the middle stage of the transformation of the gods... all the way to the perfection of the transformation of the gods!

"Consummate God Transformation?"

Nangong Ruonan was suddenly surprised.

"Impossible...With your talent, it is impossible to improve any more!"

"Then it's all thanks to your husband~" Yuan Gupan chuckled.

Because of Cho Yu, she successfully separated from her two clones, without the burden of the clones, and her unshakable cultivation for 1000 years has improved a lot in just a few months. Now, she has reached the consummation of the God Transformation , the same realm as Nangong Ruonan.

"So what... this emperor will destroy you today!"

Nangong Ruonan was humiliated in this way, and was shown such a shameful video in front of his subordinates!

She must kill Yuan Gupan to vent her anger!

However, the conversation between them and the information they revealed shocked the others, and even made them speculate.

Especially Bai Cheng, he...he recognized the man in the picture just now.

"Isn't that the empress' son-in-law? Why, why did she become the empress' husband? What happened to them that day?",

An unacceptable thought rose in Bai Cheng's mind.

"That day...they didn't mean to push me away on purpose, and just after the front foot was pushed away, the back foot was above the clouds, and they did that kind of thing?"

"Obviously rejected me...But to such a frivolous and weak man, groveling, even more despicable than a romantic woman?"

The more Bai Cheng thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt.

"What kind of Empress Fuyao is this?!"

"Bitch! Bitch!!"

Bai Cheng clenched his fists under the table.

However, at this moment, the situation of the empress who confronted Yuan Gupan seemed to have changed.

"Indeed, even if I'm in the same realm, I can't beat you, but... I won't throw myself into the trap so foolishly, I'm naturally prepared."

Yuan Gupan chuckled, and the touching smile made all the men present almost lose their minds. She raised her warm and moist hands, and squeezed a law.

At the moment when the spiritual power fluctuated, the empress's originally fair and pretty face was immediately stained with a seductive blush, and suddenly became extremely red, panting heavily, her pupils constricted, and the little hand that was originally pressing on the table suddenly became weak , the thighs under the Tsing Yi suddenly moved inward, and then fell limply on the ground.

That cold and proud Empress Fuyao was leaning against the wall at this moment, as if she had come... showing a very charming expression, with hot air coming out from between her lips and teeth, with an orchid-like fragrance, and the jade feet under her shoes were constantly Twisted, the jade body trembled slightly.

"Ahem, empress... If you need help, just say hello, and I will come to help immediately, but right now, I think it's better for me to avoid it..."

The head of the Roland sect, as the funniest person who can watch the excitement and run the fastest, saw that something was wrong...Of course he wanted to leave immediately.

Although Empress Fuyao's expression is very attractive at the moment, as a man, she can't help but want to take a few more glances.

But he felt that his life was the most important thing.

Besides... If the female empress fights with Yuan Gupan, there will definitely be a lot of noise, and it won't be too late for them to help.

The God Transformation Realm is not so easy to kill.

But Nangong Ruonan didn't have the heart to answer now, his brain went blank, his body began to convulse slightly, a pair of jade legs under the green clothes kept swaying slightly, and his expression gradually collapsed...

Seeing that the head of the Roland Sect had left, the three members of Qingxu Sect, Buddha Temple, and Hehuan Sect also hurriedly left.

The head of the Hehuan Sect walked the fastest... Since he was beaten by the elders of the Jade Girl Pavilion, he has learned a lot.

Bai Cheng clenched his fists, tried hard to suppress his expression, gritted his teeth and left.

In order not to be exposed, Yun Miao naturally prepared to leave.

And Yuan Gupan glanced at her, and said softly: "The master told you to go back to the forbidden place of the Demon Cult to raise your baby."

When Yun Miao heard this, she was stunned for a moment, then bit her lip, and a joyful blush flashed across her face: "...I, I know."

The master still remembers her...

As long as she remembers, she feels satisfied.

So only Yuan Gupan and Nangong Ruonan were left in the tent.

"Look at your appearance, where did your previous arrogance go?"

Yuan Gupan lifted Nangong Ruonan's chin.

"Ah... ah..."

Nangong Ruonan could only pant heavily, but he hadn't recovered yet.

Yuan Gupan learned the spell to trigger the succubus texture from Ze Yu.

This technique will cause Nangong Ruonan's succubus texture to explode. Naturally, the texture will not have such a big reaction, but this technique will also affect the curse.

The superposition of the two made Nangong Ruonan lose consciousness in a short period of time, and his mind went blank.

But Nangong Ruonan is the empress after all... After a moment of loss of consciousness, she regained consciousness, and then firmly grasped Yuan Gupan's arm:

"go to hell!"

This time the empress didn't hesitate, and before Yuan Gupan could make a decision, she was thrown out.

Yuan Gupan fell outside the tent before stabilizing his figure, and then laughed lowly: "It's as if my magic arts need to be in front of you to take effect."

Then, she pinched Fajue again.

Nothing seems to change.

Only the tent moved slightly...

This was obviously due to the chain reaction caused by the empress leaning against the edge of the tent.

"Forget it, if you continue to stay here, there will be too much noise. Anyway, torture her from time to time, it will be fine."

Yuan Gupan let out a low laugh, and then disappeared in place.

Those half-step god-turning powerhouses in mid-air also breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Bai Cheng... His lips were trembling at this moment, and he felt very uncomfortable.

He fell slowly, wanting to see the condition of the Empress.

The curtain of the tent was lifted, and he saw the empress with a broken expression at the moment, rolling her eyes, panting heavily, sticking her tongue out...

"My lord empress? Are you... all right?"

Bai Cheng asked cautiously, he had never seen such an expression on the empress's face.

But when I think about it, this expression is just normal for that man, he can see it at any time, he can wantonly play with the jade body of the empress he wants, and let his empress say such shameful words...

It was extremely depressed in my heart.


Nangong Ruonan clenched his fists tightly, trying to recover himself.

At this moment, Bai Cheng was bold and wanted to get closer, but before he could take a few steps, the empress stood up against the wall. It's so cold.

"What are you going to do if I have something to do?"

"I, of course I dare not do anything!" Bai Cheng quickly lowered his head.

"Better so..."

The empress is still panting softly, but she doesn't plan to stay here any longer, she's going to a more private place, God knows when Yuan Gupan will make a decision?

But Bai Cheng suddenly spoke again: "My lord empress... in the picture given by the demon lord, it's all...really?"

His voice trembled.



308 Why, why don't you let go of my sister? !

At the same time, a certain poor fox girl is still being hunted down.

"Bastard, I'll fight with you!"

After being chased for a whole day, this white-haired fox completely blew up, transformed into a human form, and was ready to fight these bastards!

If you can't fight...then call the parents over!Destroy them all!

At this moment, a stream of light flashed across the sky, which made the monks who were about to attack the fox girl pause for a moment.

Because that streamer's breath...is the Nascent Soul Consummation!

Among them, not a single Nascent Soul was consummated.

That streamer was naturally Ze Yu, she was going to "talk to the heart" with the Empress.

But at this moment, the mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding, you have a new patient】

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