Nangong Ruonan knelt on the ground before realizing that he knelt down by himself.

Her body had already engraved such a reaction.

"Aren't you going, I'm going, I'm going!"

Nangong Ruonan felt that the best way at the moment was to leave here, as long as she didn't hear Ze Yu's voice, she would still be herself, the Empress Fuyao, and would not be controlled!

Cho Yu also let Nangong Ruonan leave.



She came to the border as if fleeing all the way, Nangong Ruonan was able to catch her breath, her face was still flushed, she looked very moving.

"It's's okay."

She comforted herself: "It's just the body's stress response. As long as I have enough time, I can forget this reaction, and I won't be manipulated by him, just avoid him... just fine."

"Just avoid him."

The empress thought of such a method, and it was the only way to allow her to take a breather temporarily.

But she hadn't thought at this time that if she wanted to escape from Ze Yu... she also had to escape from her daughters who could not see her.

Time passes day by day.

Even without the succubus pattern... I don't know why, Empress Fuyao still feels hot and hot from time to time.

Because what her body remembered was not only Ze Yu's orders, but also the yearning for and liking for Ze Yu.

The relationship simulated in the hallucination and the things she experienced are all based on the fact that she likes Cho Yu and is willing to be his wife.

After being separated from her husband for so many days, Empress Fuyao gradually couldn't control her yearning for her husband...and her daughters...

The strong matriarchal attachment made her want to go to the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Cult, to see her daughters, and to see Ze Yu...

"'s been a few days, I have to completely forget this feeling before I can go to see them...but, but I really miss was so hard to get to know each other, and they accepted me .”

"But because of my personal reasons, I can't continue to accompany them... What kind of mother am I?"

Nangong Ruonan paced back and forth in the tent, with a look of hesitation and worry on his face.

"It's take a look secretly, yes, I invisible."

In the end, Empress Fuyao couldn't bear the longing for her daughter in her heart, as well as the longing for Ze Yu that she didn't want to admit, and went to the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Cult in stealth.

She was far away on the edge of the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Cult, and she didn't dare to step in, because once she stepped in, even if she was invisible, the barrier of the forbidden area would respond.

It was immediately exposed.

"What are they doing now..."

Although Nangong Ruonan can directly see through the building and use perspective to see the situation inside, but using perspective, Yuan Gupan will know, so she can only keep looking for angles to peep.

"Wait, is that Yuan Gupan?"

The Empress saw Yuan Gupan walking into the main hall of the Demon Cult's forbidden area.

Her heart suddenly became worried, because Yuan Gupan was led in by a chain by Ze Yu, which made her feel very... very uncomfortable, very aggrieved, and she didn't know why.


Unable to bear it any longer, Nangong Ruonan used the most secret means to see through and peep.

She felt... Yuan Gupan would be made to roll her eyes, and she probably wouldn't notice her peeping, and her spells were very delicate!

Nangong Ruonan saw Yuan Gupan wearing torn black stockings on the throne in the main hall of the Demon Cult's forbidden area, with his legs wrapped around Ze Yu's body, his arms tightly around Ze Yu, his face was flushed, his lips were slightly parted, and his expression was charming:

"Husband ~ my lord ~ ​​today... Treat Gu Pan like a wife today, okay~?"

"Good wife."

"My husband is the best..."

Yuan Gupan's black silk jade feet are small and attractive, the full toes are slightly spread in the black stockings, they move slightly, the knees are slightly bent, the whole person is turned sideways, lying in Ze Yu's arms, the black silk feet are beautiful Putting it in Ze Yu's arms, his eyes were full of confusion.

"They, they..."

For some reason, Nangong Ruonan couldn't help but stretch out his hand to hold his chest tightly while watching this scene.

Bitch...Yuan Gupan, you bastard...get off!get off!Don't step on my husband with your dirty black silk stinky are shameless!That's my husband!

My husband can only be stepped on by my beautiful black silk feet and lie in his arms. It should be me who is called his wife!

Bastard, bastard!You bitch, you mistress!

Nangong Ruonan clenched his fists, and his breathing became short of breath.

She looked at Yuan Gupan's coquettish look, and she stretched out her hand! !shameless!That's her thing!

It's her husband! !

"It's mine...that's mine...!"

Nangong Ruonan clenched his fists tightly, but he could only stare like this.

Looking at Yuan Gupan. Riding on her man!

So angry...a kind of anger was simmering in my heart.

She was originally played by Yuan Gupan, but that was obviously her husband!Shameless!They are all shameless!

Yuan Gupan, you are a slave, why do you let your husband call you his wife?She is!


Nangong Ruonan was angry for a long time, and then he realized that he lost his composure: "I was just...was that jealous?"

Even though Nangong Ruonan didn't want to admit it at the moment, she was aware of her anger.

She is jealous.

At this moment, Nangong Ruonan suddenly understood many things.

She cares about Zeyu.

Very concerned.

Not only because of Zhuyue and Zi Nao, even though they were the cause...but gradually, she couldn't do without Ze Yu.

Yes, the body is inseparable!

Maybe others know what's going on in her heart, and they'll say that she's shameless, and because of her mere body, she can't help herself to a man... What is this?

But she is shameless and cheap!

What Fuyao Empress...isn't important's not important anymore!

She just cares, what the hell is the reason?

Whether it's because of pure physical depravity, because she likes it, or because she's not reconciled, she only has one thought now, to kick this scumbag down, she is Ze Yu's wife!

She is Shino's mother, Zhuyue's mother... and Zeyu's wife.

She can't understand Yuan Gupan!She is just jealous, she just doesn't want to, no matter what the reason is, she just has this idea... Isn't the purpose of practicing is for the sake of mastering the years?Why should she restrain herself?

"Fallen... just fall... why can't I fall? What about a thousand years of practice? What about the empress? I want, I want a husband... I want a husband! I'm going to sink...I'm just a bitch. !"

Nangong Ruonan didn't hesitate any longer, and appeared in the air, released the invisibility, panted continuously, and appeared in the main hall in a blink of an eye, looking at Ze Yu and Yuan Gupan with blurred and slightly angry eyes.



311 Queen's Apology

"Nangong Ruonan?"

Yuan Gupan was a little surprised to see the Empress who suddenly appeared, she didn't notice that Nangong Ruonan was peeping all the time.

After all, she was so busy making out with Ze Yu that she couldn't think anymore, and she couldn't take care of herself, so how could she pay attention to the outside world?

"Yuan Gupan, get off my husband...get off!"

Nangong Ruonan came to Yuan Gupan's side, firmly grasped Yuan Gupan's arm, bit her rosy lips, and stared at her: "Come down!"


Yuan Gupan shook off the empress's arm, and then pressed tightly against Ze Yu's arm. The two balls of white, soft, and greasy were squeezed on Ze Yu's arm. It is sweet.

It's actually sweet too

"Why? You are just your husband's slave, but your husband's concubine...Can't I tell you to go away?"

Nangong Ruonan looked down at Yuan Gupan.

"Are you the husband's concubine?"

Yuan Gupan let out a low laugh, then grabbed Nangong Ruonan's hand, looked at her white, delicate, empty little hand: "Where's your ring? Where is it?"

Saying that, Yuan Gupan raised his other hand, as if he was a little proud: "Tell me, where are you? Empress?"


Nangong Ruonan couldn't speak, but her face was ugly, she turned to look at Ze Yu, ready to question, but remembered that if she was Ze Yu's wife, her voice shouldn't be so cold, so she tried to calm herself down, Speak softly:

"Husband... why did you give my ring to Yuan Gupan?"

In fact, of course she knew the reason, so she rushed to speak:

"Even if I got angry, untied the pattern of the succubus, and returned the ring to your husband, I, I was just angry... I was wrong, but why did you give her my ring?"

This is already Nangong Ruonan's concession to a great extent as the empress, instead of asking sharply, she admitted her mistake.

This surprised even Cho Yu, what kind of mentality change Nangong Ruonan had experienced.

But... also good.

"That's not your ring, your ring is here."

Ze Yu took out Nangong Ruonan's ring from the storage bag: "I don't want to reuse things like rings."


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