Ze Yu said that he was about to leave.

But Wu Muqing still hugged Ze Yu.

Ze Yu wanted to pick her up and throw her on the bed, but Wu Muqing wrapped her body softly like a snake, and then kissed him:

"Wait a minute...Master."

"Did you forget the pain?"

Ze Yu raised his hand and used his spiritual power to spread the cloth for torture equipment. Hearing the sound of spreading, a look of fear flashed across Wu Muqing's fair and pretty face. These things...she was still afraid.

But she still bit her lip firmly, and said in a trembling voice:

"Always, always... Let, let the master come to find me like this, how can this be... So, can, can you give me a token or something? If the master needs me, please move the token, and I will rush to the master's side... "

"Want to get out of my position?"

"No! The master can make the token into a thing that only sends out location information once when it is activated. Wouldn't that be good?"

Wu Muqing felt like this...every few days and one night, the time is too short, she wants to take the initiative...

"Forget it, that's fine."

Ze Yu casually made a wooden token and handed it to Wu Muqing.


Before the next amnesia, Ze Yu hurriedly wrote a letter to himself who lost his memory.

[If you encounter a situation where Miss Bai is harmed by Wu Su before I come back again, crush this wooden sign]

As soon as he finished writing, Ze Yu felt dizzy for a while, and the next moment, his eyes became confused.

He stared blankly at the wooden sign in his hand, and then looked at the note that "I" left for him: "There is another note... Is it me who has recovered my memory? Who is 'I'?"

Ze Yu felt that he who recovered his memory was probably a very powerful person, and he was definitely not a mortal.

He thought he had super hearing before, but according to "my" explanation, it was because he was a very strong immortal cultivator.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't use his spiritual power and couldn't master that method.

"Ze Yu, wake up! Hurry up!"

Bai Xiaoyu had already knocked on the door.

"Also, and, don't do that kind of thing every night again... I asked, this thing hurts the body!"

Then came the sound of fleeing footsteps.

Ze Yu still didn't know what Bai Xiaoyu was talking about.

But still got dressed and went out.


"Let me tell you, today that scumbag Wusu wants to come over to see Miss in advance, although... he is very scumbag, but you don't want to show it, you know?"

Bai Xiaoyu instructed Ze Yu, with a helpless and disappointed expression on his face.

"Why?" Ze Yu couldn't help asking, gritting his teeth.

"There's no reason for this, it's all helpless..." Bai Xiaoyu sighed.

"I'm telling you, I can't understand it, anyway, just don't talk nonsense."

Zeyu felt sad in his heart, but what else could he do: "...I know."

Time soon came to noon.

Wu Su came to the Bai family's mansion for dinner.

After Wu Su and Bai Cheng exchanged pleasantries, the space was left to Bai Xiaoxiao and Wu Su alone...Of course, the servants followed behind, and Ze Yu and Bai Xiaoyu stood behind Bai Xiaoxiao.

Bai Xiaoxiao tried her best to restrain her fear: "Master Wu Su...you, hello."

Wu Su smiled and said: "Miss Bai, you don't have to be so restrained. The day after tomorrow is our wedding day, and we are a family."

"..." Seeing Wu Su's smirk, Ze Yu couldn't help shaking.

So sad…

But Wu Su's gaze suddenly turned to Ze Yu... Bai Xiaoyu beside him: "What's your name?"

"Back...Master Wu Su, this servant is called Bai Xiaoyu."

"Bai Xiaoyu, it seems that you are the dowry maid?"

Wu Su casually raised his hand, wanting to touch Bai Xiaoyu's face: "You are just like your young lady, you are pretty..."

But Ze Yu couldn't help holding Wu Su's arm, preventing him from touching Bai Xiaoyu's face, gritted his teeth, and glared at Wu Su.

This caused Bai Xiaoyu and Bai Xiaoxiao's expressions to change suddenly, while Wu Su's smile remained the same, but he was obviously not happy.



323 Bai Cheng Discovers Ze Yu!

"Miss Bai, your servants seem to be a bit ignorant of etiquette."

Wu Su looked at Ze Yu with a smile.

Ze Yu felt panic in his heart at this moment, he was holding a wooden sign in his other hand, "he" said that if this happens, he should crush the sign.

"Master Wu Su, I have been in charge of educating him on etiquette, and I have neglected my duty... I will severely criticize and teach him a lesson in the future!"

Bai Xiaoyu said hastily.

And Wu Su didn't care about Bai Xiaoyu, looking at Ze Yu with a smile at the moment:

"Do you... like Miss Xiaoyu?"

"I, I didn't..."

Ze Yu's voice trembled, and he was very scared at the moment.

"I don't like Miss Xiaoyu...then do you like Miss Bai?" Wu Su chuckled.

"I can not…"

"Don't you dare? Think about it, then don't you dare?" Wu Su had a bad taste in his heart at this moment.

And Bai Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, and looked at Wu Su: "Master Wu Su, we are all monks... There is no need to be so aggressive to a mortal, right? He also did it unintentionally. For my sake, let it go. okay?"

Only then did Wu Su look away, and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with a smile: "Do you have a lot of face? Miss Bai?"

"I'm your fiancé, and he's a servant who has second thoughts about you. Even if I kill him, it's reasonable."

Bai Xiaoxiao's expression changed suddenly, she didn't know what to do.

She... didn't want anything to happen to Ze Yu. She rescued Ze Yu and brought him back to the Bai family. She couldn't hurt him like this.

And just when several people were deadlocked.

Bai Cheng, who was a little worried outside, walked in: "You... How are you talking? Xiao Xiao? Xiao Su?"

But seeing the stalemate atmosphere, Bai Cheng was stunned for a moment: "What happened?"

Wu Su smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, it's just that the servants of your Bai family have other thoughts about your master...Brother Bai Cheng, what do you think we should do about this? According to the rules of your Bai family, there is no , how did you deal with it?"

Bai Cheng thought it was something, and immediately looked at the servant:

"Our Bai family's family rules will directly execute...death..."

The moment he saw Ze Yu's face, Bai Cheng's pupils constricted, and his lips trembled.

It's him...it's him! !

It's the person who treats the Empress like a dog, presses her under her body, and humiliates her in all kinds of ways... that person.

Ze Yu... yes, it's called Ze Yu!

What did he come to Dongxuan Realm for?What are you doing pretending to be a servant of your own family?Why are you following your sister? !

Bai Cheng suddenly felt suffocated...

And Zeyu was very flustered, afraid that he would be executed, so he glanced at Bai Cheng in a panic, and then looked away.


Bai Cheng's breathing was messed up.

He looked at himself!The man glanced at him!

That... joking look!

No, no, no... Bai Cheng, don't panic, this is your place!Even if he can sleep with the Empress, so what?This is Dongxuan Realm! !

Maybe, or does it just happen to look alike?

"Brother, Xiao Yu is just a mortal. If he makes a mistake once, there is no need to execute him... I will educate him severely in the future."

Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help but speak.

And Bai Cheng's breathing completely stopped.


This person is also called Yu...

Then there can be no mistake... He is Ze Yu, and besides, he can't sense any breath from the other party.

He is at least in the same realm as himself...or...becoming a god?

This kind of Tianjiao, less than thirty, the Nascent Soul is perfect, what is impossible?

Maybe... the empress is in the capital, or is she watching him from somewhere?

Bai Cheng felt a lot of pressure at the moment.

"Brother Bai Cheng, it's not that I'm embarrassing a servant, but this servant has other thoughts about my fiancée, which makes me... feel uncomfortable." Wu Su sighed:

"Father cares about appearance very much. If this matter is known to outsiders, it will be bad. Of course, I know Xiaoxiao is a good girl, and she will definitely not have anything to do with servants."

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