No, calling Wusu a dog is an insult to the dog!

"Master... can you give me... some time? I want to clean up the family style."

"Of course." Ze Yu just wanted to see this scene.

And Wu Su burst into a big laugh, looking at Wu Muqing: "You say I'm scum... that's because you are such a shameless bitch, coquettish, you strip me of such a scum! I am your Nascent Soul , There is a deeper connection than the so-called mother and child, everything about me was born from you!"

"You are the shameless person! Shameless mother! Shameless bitch! You are not worthy of being a general!"

Wu Muqing was panting heavily, and was about to explode. She gritted her teeth and looked at Wu Su, but she seemed unable to refute.

But Ze Yu propped his chin and said calmly: "Don't you know that a person's character and behavior are not determined by the person who gave birth to him, not because of innate factors, but because of acquired education and situation? "

"Your mother obviously educated you well...perhaps in the wrong way."

"But you are a scum to the bone, bad to the bone, not because of your mother, your mother gave you a starting point in the Nascent Soul Realm, but you have sunk under such an environment... Tell me, who is to blame ?”



327 Wu Su's Desperate Passing

"Then can you blame me?! Can you blame me? I was born in the Nascent Soul Realm, the son of the Great General of the Dongxuan Dynasty! I am only inferior to the two of you! Isn't anyone weaker than me just a plaything?!"

Wu Su completely lost his mind, and at this moment he could only scream and defend himself according to his own position, even though it looked so stupid and disgusting.

"It seems that it is useless to tell you this."

Ze Yu shook his head, stopped talking, and just glanced at Wu Muqing.

Wu Muqing was naturally very angry at the moment, knowing that her son... was such a scum.

"Nizi, you have harmed too many innocent girls and killed many innocent people... Then pay the price, I will not show mercy just because you are my son."

A magic sword appeared in Wu Muqing's hand, releasing a terrifying evil spirit.

"The wound cut by this magic sword can never be healed, even if it is in the state of transformation, use it today to chop off the root of your evil!"

Wu Muqing was merciless, and thrust her sword between Wu Su's legs with a livid face!

"Mom, you can't treat me like this, you can't... you can't ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

Wu Su screamed like a pig being killed, clutching his crotch tightly, his whole expression was distorted, the hurts too much! !

" old...two!!"

"It exploded...Mom, you, what did you do?!"

Wu Su completely lost what symbolized the dignity of a man, he screamed and roared in horror.

"You have lost all children and grandchildren, do you know?! Mom?!"

Wu Muqing's face was cold, and she was full of anger at the moment: "I'm not dead yet, and let me tell you a piece of news, my lifespan has been extended by at least several hundred years. With the master's ability, it's no problem for me to give birth to an heir..."

"You really disappointed me, Wu Su." Wu Muqing shook her head repeatedly.

And Wu Su's eyes were suddenly blank, he lost his value... the mother can give birth to other children.

That's right, why does he feel that his mother is the only son in her life?Can't there be another future?

It's not that the mother has lost the function of reproduction, the mother in the past just didn't want to give her body to those men.

"...You let me down too, mother!!" Wu Su roared through gritted teeth.

"But you know, I was forced? Well, think whatever you like, think of your mother as a shameless woman."

Wu Muqing sighed, more and more disappointed with Wu Su.

It seemed, as if she was willing to degenerate into this state...she was also forced!Of course...that was right from the start.

But he was just depraved in private, and he didn't do anything harmful.

But Wu Su has done too many unreasonable things.



The sound of two flesh and blood being chopped off sounded.

Wu Su's arms were cut off by Wu Muqing himself, and then Wu Muqing ignored Wu Su's screams, lifted him by the neck, and grabbed him in front of Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoyu.

"Kneel down, apologize, and apologize to Xiaoxiao and this maid!"

" have to kowtow to them ten million times!"

"I don't want it!!" Wu Su roared angrily.

But Wu Muqing directly kicked Wu Su's head off and knocked on the ground: "Kowtow."

"If you still think of me as your mother."

"I said, I don't want it!!"

Wu Su knelt on the ground, turned his head to stare at Wu Muqing, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Then I...then I..."

Wu Muqing's voice also started to tremble, a little hoarse, she tried to calm down her voice:

"...Then I can only kill you, and use the whole family style."

The magic sword was held up high by Wu Muqing.

As a general, she has encountered such a situation countless times on the battlefield. Her closest subordinate made a big mistake. In order to keep the army's morale in check, she could only kill her closest subordinate.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished.

Rules are rules.

Even if it was his own son who made the mistake.

And Wu Su's eyes suddenly revealed panic, he never thought his mother would be so angry, he had never seen it... so angry that he wanted to kill himself.

"!! You can't do this!"

"I am your son!"

"It's the Nascent Soul that you cultivated for hundreds of years! Are you willing to kill me? Because I did something wrong? Because I played with some irrelevant women?!"

"I haven't succeeded this time! I haven't made a big mistake yet, you can't kill me, you can't!"

Wu Su backed away in fright, his expression was out of control at this moment, and he was extremely terrified. If he hadn't been an immortal cultivator and had already fasted, he might have lost control at this moment.

But Wu Muqing looked at Wu Su's reaction, shook her head even more, stepped forward step by step, the magic sword fell little by little.

Seeing that the magic sword was about to fall, Wu Su panicked completely, and didn't dare to keep talking.

He is afraid of death, really afraid of death!

"Mom, I was wrong...Mom!"

"My son is wrong, wrong! I shouldn't have done those bad things, I shouldn't have played with those women, I shouldn't have conspired against Miss Bai and Miss Bai Xiaoyu...I shouldn't!"

"Damn me, I'm unforgivable...but, but mom, I'm your son, forgive me once, okay?"

"I kowtow! I admit my mistake!!"

Wu Su changed his face faster than anything else, one moment he refused to admit his mistake, and the next moment he started kowtow.

He knelt in front of Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoyu, and kowtowed vigorously: "I'm sorry, two ladies, I was wrong, I was wrong, I, Wu Su, am a damned scum, I shouldn't have done this kind of dirty work to you. Dirty heart..."

Wu Muqing picked up Wu Su's head neatly, chopped it into the air, and the flying head spat out the last word: "...Thinking."

Then Wu Su's entire body was wiped out.

"You were born from my body, do you still think that this can escape my eyes?"

Wu Muqing sacrificed an empty soul lamp, imprisoning Wu Su's invisible soul who was trying to escape inside, and then lit the soul lamp, and the flame burned Wu Su's soul inside the lamp.

Then she hung the soul lamp by the eaves in the yard, and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao apologetically:

"What Nizi tried to do to Xiaoxiao, I, as a mother, apologize to you. The flame of this soul lamp will burn for 1000 years, and it will only bring extreme pain to Nizi's soul, but it will not annihilate his soul." , this flame will be extinguished after 1000 years, and at the same time when it is extinguished, my rebellious soul will also be completely extinguished."

"Let him confess to Xiaoxiao you for a thousand years in pain, and also to those innocent women for a thousand years, and then die in pain and despair."

"So, Xiaoxiao, are you satisfied?"

To be honest, Bai Xiaoxiao is still a little scared now. Regarding Wu Su's death, she naturally feels extremely happy in her heart, but... she is worried about other things.

"Of course I'm satisfied, but... what should I do about my engagement with him? Tomorrow is the wedding, and the empress dowager will be here in person. I, I don't know what to do..."



[After all, I can't keep it, I can't keep it 89]

328 Become Miss Bai's new fiancé~

"That's really a problem."

Wu Muqing frowned slightly, because of her rebellious son, many plans have been disrupted now.

But... her lifespan is now several hundred years longer, and many things can happen in a few hundred years, so there is no need for marriage.

It's just that the arrow is on the line now, and I have to say it. It is impossible to cancel Xiaoxiao's wedding and make everyone laugh.

"You have to get married to get married, otherwise you'll be playing tricks on the people you invite...but..."

Wu Muqing wanted to say that she didn't know who she should let Bai Xiaoxiao marry now, and that she arranged someone else's wedding, it was a matter of sorry to Xiaoxiao, she should respect Xiaoxiao's own wishes.

Biting her lip and thinking for a while, Wu Muqing looked at Bai Xiaoxiao:

"Xiaoxiao, there are only two choices now. One is to announce that the wedding is void, but this will ruin your reputation, Xiaoxiao. Even if you are a victim, your reputation will be ruined after will attract a lot of criticism."

"The other is to find a man who can suppress these public opinions and marry him... It's just that such a person, I'm afraid I can't find it in the East Xuan world, right?"

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