331 Empress Dowager, do you still feel indifferent now?

"Empress Fuyao?"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue looked at Empress Fuyao who had quietly come to her bedroom in surprise, her pupils shrank involuntarily.

"Your breath... you, you unraveled the curse, crossed the tribulation and broke through to the God Transformation?!"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue's expression changed a little. It was obvious that Empress Fuyao had broken through to Huashen, which made her flustered.

Because just like killing a Nascent Soul at the God Transformation Realm is like slaughtering a dog... Killing a God Transformation Realm above the God Transformation is like slaughtering a dog!

That is to say, at this moment, even if the Empress wants to take over her country and her Dongxuan Dynasty, it will be a breeze!

"I just broke through a few days ago, and I was about to share this joy with my husband, who knew that you were going to kill my husband..."

Nangong Ruonan let out a low laugh, defending Cho Yu everywhere.

The Empress Dowager Yinyue bit her lips lightly, she also had to put down the musket in her hand at this moment, and then sighed: "I admit it, tell me what you want."

"Of course I want you to die." Empress Fuyao's eyes were full of coldness.

She is still that ruthless empress when she treats her daughter and outsiders other than her husband.

"... Hehe... It came so suddenly. Death." The Empress Dowager Yinyue shook her head helplessly. At this moment, her vision turned black and white again. Her mental state gradually collapsed due to the high-intensity work every day. .

Now that Empress Fuyao came and announced her death, she felt even more desperate and helpless.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill her, why did you make the decision without authorization? Empress?"

Ze Yu spoke softly at this time, but he also felt a little surprised, he didn't expect the empress to come to see him.

"I'm sorry, Husband, Ruo Nan did something wrong again..."

Completely different from the cold, ruthless, decisive face just now, the empress bit her lip, showing a shy gesture like a little girl, and spoke in a low voice.

Like a young wife who depends on a little bird.

Empress Dowager Yinyue and Wu Muqing were stunned by this scene... Is this the Empress Fuyao?That ruthless Fuyao empress?

Calling her husband so crisply, any man would be fascinated.

"I did something wrong, what should I do?" But Ze Yu just said calmly.

It seems that treating the empress like this is commonplace.

"...Master, uh... no! Husband, husband..." Nangong Ruonan seems to have not changed his habit: "There are others watching here. Later, when my husband and I are together, Ruonan will take care of you." Sorry~”

How could the Empress Dowager Yinyue not understand that this apology had a deep meaning.

And... What does the "Master" that the Empress unintentionally said... mean?

She seemed to know why Bai Cheng often looked distracted after returning from Beixuan Realm, probably because she knew about the relationship between the Empress and Ze Yu... No wonder when she asked about the relationship between the Empress and Ze Yu , Bai Cheng just spoke indistinctly, with an indistinct relationship.

"You spare Gu's life, do you want to use this as a threat to make Gu obediently offer your body to you?" The Empress Dowager Yinyue sat back on her chair and asked in a low voice, with a sigh in her tone.

"Of course not, I spare your life because you are a patient."

"Patient?" The Empress Dowager Yinyue deliberated on this word: "But Gu Ke doesn't have any diseases."

"Really? Then eat and watch this."

Ze Yu took out a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the storage bag, and handed it to Queen Mother Yinyue: "Eat it."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue held the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, a little hesitant, wondering if she should eat it or not.

"Don't worry, neither poison nor aphrodisiac, even if you really want to do something to you, you can't resist, can you?"

"..." The Empress Dowager Yinyue took a bite in doubt.

"It's not poisonous." She didn't eat any toxins or other bad things in it.

It's just...she couldn't taste it. After eating this sweet-scented osmanthus cake, it felt colorless and tasteless.

"Then tell me, what does this pastry taste like?"

"...Naturally it is sweet." She thinks the pastry is not sweet, what else can it taste like?

"No, it's spicy, and it's a crazy spicy kind. My fiancée used this pastry to play tricks on me."

Ze Yu smiled softly... Although it was enough to make Nangong Zi Nai eat bad food afterwards, this is called courtesy.

"Spicy... huh..." The Empress Dowager Yinyue suddenly let out a low laugh, which meant nothing, but felt a little ironic, and she couldn't taste the taste.

"Okay... Gu may not be able to taste the food, but does this have any effect? ​​As a monk, you don't need to eat."

"Don't you think it's a pity that you can't eat delicious food?" Ze Yu couldn't help asking.

"Of course I don't think so. Instead, I eat and delay my processing time." The Queen Mother Yinyue replied calmly.

"Okay." Ze Yu nodded: "Then tell me, what color is it?"

Ze Yu took out a piece of cloth.

The Empress Dowager Yinyue frowned slightly, but she could only guess, and said bravely, "Yellow?"

"It is indeed yellow."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"But...yellow is just one of them. It's a cloth of mixed colors."

"...Gu can do things even if he doesn't distinguish colors." The Empress Dowager Yinyue still insisted.

"That's fine."

Ze Yu nodded, and then began to approach the Empress Dowager Yinyue, which made the Empress Dowager Yinyue frown slightly, but as the Empress Dowager, she could not show panic and could only force herself to be calm.

In fact, she was already sweating slightly under the robe, and the sweat was sliding under the robe along her alluring white skin~

"What are you going to do to Gu?" Queen Mother Yinyue frowned slightly.

"You wear this."

Ze Yu put the blindfold that Wu Muqing originally wore on the table.

"You let Gu wear it... Do you want Gu to wear it?" The Empress Dowager Yinyue was obviously unwilling. Although she was in a weak position at the moment, there was still a faint sense of oppression in her words.

Empress Fuyao held the spirit sword in her hand: "Then how about I put it on for you?"

"Do you want one person not to be able to see, or is it that the entire Dongxuan Dynasty can no longer see what the world looks like?" Empress Fuyao said lightly.

"...I wear it."

Empress Dowager Yinyue only felt ashamed, but she still put a blindfold on herself.

All of a sudden, she couldn't see even more, but she immediately discovered the clue, her spiritual power couldn't be used anymore!

"You villain!!"

"Don't worry, I'll take it down for you later."

As Ze Yu said, he reached out and did something to Queen Mother Yinyue.

But the Empress Dowager Yinyue didn't feel it at all, she didn't know what she had suffered, and Wu Muqing immediately wanted to step forward to stop her, but she was stopped by the Empress.

"Okay, I'll help you take it down."

Ze Yu took off the blindfold of Queen Mother Yinyue so that she could see clearly.


Seeing her condition clearly, even the Empress Dowager Yinyue couldn't help but let out an exclamation... Her blouse was taken off!

The pale yellow robe fell between her thighs, exposing her white and delicate skin, her bellyband was taken away, and Ze Yu saw everything!

And Ze Yu was holding her underwear in his hand and turning around: "Those things just now were really insignificant things, so now this disease...is it still insignificant things?"

"Even when my clothes were stripped off, I didn't notice anything unusual."



332 Empress Yinyue's Shame and Anger

"Shameless... obscene!"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue tightly clutched her chest, but her exposed lower abdomen was still exposed to the air. The small and delicate belly button, the willow waist that can be grasped gracefully, the snow-white fragrant shoulders, the skin is white and rosy, graceful and sexy~

And the empress dowager, who kept her 30-year-old appearance, showed a shy and angry expression at this moment... It was the first time that she was naked by a man!

Humiliation... Huge shame!

"I'm just a wake-up call for you, Empress Dowager, come here, and give it back to you."

Ze Yu threw back the apron in his hand to Queen Mother Yinyue, with a slight smile on his face.


The Empress Dowager Yinyue couldn't help cursing, she took the bellyband in her hand, but burned it directly with spiritual power!

It is impossible to wear this kind of underwear that has been touched by men.

"Oh, it's really a waste of fabric, that's all, since I took it off, I'll be responsible to the end, put it on again for you, fix it, don't call me a scum... I am so responsible."

While sighing with emotion, Ze Yu took out the pure white underwear from the storage bag.

Then I reached out to put it on for Queen Mother Yinyue.

"Don't touch Gu!"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue firmly held Ze Yu's hand, not wanting her skin to be touched again, dirty... really dirty!

"It's okay, put on the blindfold, you won't be able to see, and you won't feel anything, just pretend I haven't touched you, and everything will be back to normal."

The powerful effect of psychological suggestion actually affected the Empress Dowager Yinyue at this moment.

Her expression froze for a moment, and then she was put on a blindfold.

By the time she realized it, her vision had become pitch black, and she couldn't see anything.

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