"No, I must take revenge on Ze Yu... definitely! Otherwise, my Dao Heart will probably stagnate at this moment, and there is no way to go up to another level! If this is the case, then I must take revenge!"

Bai Cheng slammed the ground hard, and clenched his teeth.

A new obsession with Bai Xiaoyu had already formed in his heart.

But he didn't know that Empress Fuyao was standing on the wall beside her, looking at him with slightly raised eyebrows. She originally planned to come over and have a sneak bite with Ze Yu~

It’s just that Ze Yu couldn’t find it, so he summoned Zi Nai, and heard, “Uh, uh, mom, mother? Why did you send me a message all of a sudden, uh, brother Yu, slow down, mom, send me a message… Yeah !"

"I can't do it, mother... I'll talk about it later... Brother Yu..."

"What's your name? Murano?"

"Master...Master~ Mother, I have cut off the communication, it's too late..."

"Don't stop, let her listen."


Then Nangong Ruonan directly and unilaterally ended the interrogation.

To be honest, she was worried about her daughter, and then felt a little jealous, and her heart was very complicated.

Then, she was just about to leave with a complicated mood, and she also wanted to go to Ze Yu...but she heard such an interesting conversation on the way.

"Bai Cheng... It's really interesting that this person who has delusions about me actually wants to attack your husband's bed warmer."



So, the next day at noon.

Today is the time for Zeyu to have dinner with the Bai family.

There was Bai Cheng at the dinner table, Bai Xiaoxiao and him... there were only three of them.

"Ze Yu...Your Excellency, is our Bai family's food still delicious?" Bai Cheng asked with a smile.

It's just that I don't know how much I hate Cho Yu in my heart.

"It was delicious."

Ze Yu nodded, and then Bai Xiaoxiao fed him virtuously: "Master... Open your mouth~"

But when Bai Xiaoxiao subconsciously mentioned the master, she immediately reacted and looked at her brother nervously:

"Brother, you, listen to my explanation, it was my slip of the tongue... slip of the tongue..."

Bai Cheng's heart suddenly stopped.

He drank alcohol yesterday because his sister married the man who took away the man he had a crush on, and his mentality changed.

But today I heard my sister call another man...Master.

Immediately it became even more unacceptable.

"No, Xiaoxiao, you are a fast learner in this area." Zeyu opened his mouth and bit down the food that Bai Xiaoxiao fed.

Bai Xiaoxiao's face turned red immediately: "Master... Husband, don't say such things in front of brother~"

Bai Cheng's heart temperature dropped to zero, and his revenge failed, and his mentality collapsed again.



[Don't add 4 for now, let me update one to become 0/99]

【Yada, don't want it to become 100 or something...】

336 Bai Cheng Gradually Approaches the Scum

Bai Cheng has never seen his younger sister become like this. In front of him, his younger sister has always been well-behaved, docile, with a soft smile.

He thought, as someone else's wife's younger sister, she must also be gentle, virtuous, and courteous.

I will call my husband affectionately... But, I will definitely not call my master! !Still, it's still when his brother is still here! !

It's just that Zeyu smiled and sent a voice transmission to Bai Xiaoxiao at this time: "If we are a family of mortals, it's really not good."

"But...we are monks, you can call me Husband on the surface, and then call me something else through voice transmission...wouldn't it be fine?"

Bai Xiaoxiao turned reddish again, but Bai Cheng just couldn't understand the change of his sister.

"That's it, isn't it good?" Bai Xiaoxiao is still relatively conservative, just now because she yelled too loudly yesterday, too many times, she didn't change her words for a while...

She was almost dying of embarrassment.

And Ze Yu continued to transmit the voice: "Yesterday, I remember that I haven't taken it out yet, right? I rolled my eyes involuntarily in front of your brother... or listen to me, you choose one, little sister big man."

"Husband, you are too bad... This, this is too shameful!"

Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help but said, how did she know that Xiaoyu would be such a person... although in fact it was just a little more tricky in this respect.

But it is undeniable that it is indeed... quite exciting.

She felt like she was going to change into a set of underwear after eating.

"What do you want to call it?"

"...I, I don't want to..."

Bai Xiaoxiao was still a conservative young lady, if she slipped her tongue, it would be impossible for her to speak again.

But Cho Yu secretly played tricks, which made Bai Xiaoxiao's pretty face turn red all of a sudden, and she couldn't help panting. Under the Luo skirt was her thigh wrapped in white stockings, and she couldn't help rubbing it slightly.

"Husband...do you have to do this?"

"Yes, I must, and... you also find it very exciting, right? Xiaoxiao?"

"No, no..."

"Speak the truth."

Bai Xiaoxiao's face was extremely red, she bit her lip, and the tone of the sound transmission was very low: "Actually... I think it's really... very exciting. I, I've been holding my legs between my legs..."

"Sexy stuff."

Bai Xiaoxiao's heart trembled when she heard such insulting words, but she didn't refute or agree, but if she didn't speak, it meant... acquiescence.

She is coquettish inside, but wants to be reserved on the surface, so she might be the one.

She's really... so cheap...

"I, I see, I will call you... call you, master."

"now it's right."

Ze Yu and Bai Xiaoxiao reached an agreement in this way, but Bai Cheng didn't know about it at all, he just kept eating and didn't know the conversation between Ze Yu and his sister at all.

Because the atmosphere was somewhat silent, Bai Cheng had no choice but to speak first:

"When are you going to have children?"

After talking about Bai Cheng, I felt regretful, why did I ask this?

And Bai Xiaoxiao replied in a low voice: "This...don't worry about it."

While talking, she communicated with Ze Yu, it seems that because it was only for Ze Yu to hear, so she...let go of herself a little, and can't suppress herself.

【Xiao Xiao is so anxious~ very anxious, very anxious~Master~】

【Master wants to make Xiaoxiao... let Xiaoxiao's belly grow bigger and become pregnant every night~ give birth to many children for the master~】

Ze Yu's smile suddenly became brighter.

And Bai Cheng, who didn't know anything over there, was slightly relieved, his sister didn't seem to be planning to get pregnant... that's good, that's good.

If my younger sister gets pregnant by Ze Yu...

Although it might be a good thing, Bai Cheng always felt a little strange and uncomfortable.

It's just... It seems that whether she is pregnant or not is different from how Xiaoxiao will be treated by Select Yu, right?

Thinking of this, Bai Cheng felt that he still had to... warn Ze Yu.

What about the early stage of transformation?I'm your uncle!

"Your Excellency Zeyu...Although this is a bit impolite, as an older brother, I still want you to treat Xiaoxiao well, okay?"

Ze Yu laughed lightly: "Of course, I am very good to my wives."

"Of course..." Ze Yu slightly raised his eyes and looked at Bai Cheng: "If Xiao Xiao likes to be rough, then I can't help it. As a husband, I must satisfy my wife's request."

Bai Cheng smiled stiffly: "Then our family, Xiao Xiao, will definitely not be that kind of girl, right? Xiao Xiao?"

Bai Xiaoxiao bit her lip, how else could she answer: "Well, of course... I still like gentle ones..."

【Xiao Xiao just likes to be rough~Master~】

[Please don't treat Xiaoxiao politely at night... When the master hit me, it was really, really special...]

"Pervert, you are really a pervert, Xiaoxiao."

[Yes~Xiaoxiao is a pervert, a pervert who is only in front of the master~perverted lady~]

While transmitting explicit content to each other, Bai Xiaoxiao still smiled at Bai Cheng as usual.

"Sure enough, Xiaoxiao hasn't changed, she's still so cute and gentle."

"My worry is unfounded... The master was just Xiao Xiao's slip of the tongue, right?"

Bai Cheng felt a little relieved, but he knew that he was lying to himself.

In fact, that is not the case at all, absolutely not.

Xiaoxiao was lying to him, and Zeyu was teasing him.

It's okay...it's okay, he will also let Ze Yu know what it feels like to be taken away! ! !

He wants to play with Bai Xiaoyu, a maid who belongs to Ze Yu, behind his back!Be sneaky!

He specifically looked up the exercises and methods of Acacia.

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