"Because I just took a shower and haven't put on my clothes yet... Don't take advantage of me just because you are a soul body..."

"That's it...then I won't come in."

Because this is Amu in Yinyuegu's fantasy, the strong thought in her mind is that Amu will not find out, so this kind of dialogue happened.



[ps: I slept until 16:23... from 30:[-] yesterday...]


347 I Won't Be Fooled by You Again! !

"Absolutely don't come in! If you come in, you're a big pervert...!"

Aunt Yinyue emphasized it again.

"Okay, okay, I won't come in, but... what are you doing these days? I haven't seen you for three days."

"I, I'm learning art... with the master."

Yinyuegu could only lie like this, it was impossible to tell Amu the truth, she wanted him to at least have a good mood in the last few days, and finally the goodness would dissipate away.

It's up to her to bear the pain...

Although, that doesn't seem like a pain.

"Study art, sure enough Yue Gu is still working hard as always."

"...Then, that's for sure!"

Aunt Yinyue said with a guilty conscience, she has never been so guilty before, she has indeed learned a lot in art.

I also worked very hard, so hard that I couldn't walk.

"In that case, I won't bother you with your art studies."

"……it is good."

The person who could be liked by pushing open the door saw Amu, but Aunt Yinyue could only answer yes at this time.

But at this moment, Ze Yu hugged Aunt Yinyue from behind: "Since he's gone, shall we continue?"

"Who wants to continue with a scum like you? Are you kidding me?"

Aunt Yinyue wanted to push away Ze Yu, but her whole body was weak, how could she push away.

And while pushing and shoving, Aunt Yinyue slammed into the door.

It seems that this movement aroused the suspicion of the soul at the door: "Yuegu? What's wrong? Did you fall? Are you okay?"

The caring words made Yin Yuegu at a loss.

"Yeah, I fell down...uh...you get out of here..."


"No, no! I'm not talking to you..."

"Aren't you talking to me? Aunt Yue, is there anyone else in your room?"

Aunt Yinyue flustered all of a sudden, she lied again and explained: "No, yes, it's my puppy! That's right... it was going to crawl on me just now, so I fell down."

[No, bastard, this scum... If this goes on, I won't be able to think anymore! 】

"Aunt Yue, don't you hate puppies?"

Amu stopped Yinyuegu in one sentence.

"Recently, I like it again... No, can't I?"

Yin Yuegu pretended to be fierce and said.

"Of course, of course..."

But hearing Amu's humble voice made Yinyuegu feel guilty again.

Obviously I said that kind of words to Ze Yu before, all kinds of flattering words, but I was so fierce to A Mu... Obviously Ze Yu is a scum, and A Mu is the person she likes and is also a gentle person.

But at this time, Ze Yu made her lose her mind suddenly. When she came back to her senses, she heard Amu calling her name at the door.

"Aunt Yue? Aunt Yue, why don't you talk? Aunt Yue? You, are you really okay?"

"Yuegu, I'm about to enter the door, if you don't talk anymore."

"I, I'm here, I'm here! You must not enter the door! Don't!! You can't!!" Aunt Yinyue hurriedly told her, feeling really scared in her heart, especially scared.

[I can't be made unconscious by this scum anymore, I will be found out like this!Amu will find out!That can't be done! 】

At some point, Yinyuegu's mentality changed.

From resisting this scumbag master, not making a sound, always remembering that he likes Amu, to... not letting Amu know.

The attitude softened a little.

"Master... Please, don't be like this, at least, at least after Amu leaves..."

Aunt Yinyue turned her head and pleaded repeatedly, obviously she was so fierce to Amu just now, but when she begged Cho Yu, she was humble and gentle, flattering her like a flattery.

[Bastard, scum, scum, scum... Disgusting! 】

If she couldn't hear her heart, Ze Yu would probably agree to Yinyuegu's request... But after hearing the other party's heart, Ze Yu didn't want to.

But on the surface, he agreed: "Okay."

Ze Yu smiled.

But he has no reason not to lie.

"Thank you master..."

Aunt Yinyue lay beside Zeyu's ear and whispered, afraid that Amu at the door would hear her.

Then continue to talk to Amu.

"Amu, you go first, you are here, I, I have no clothes on now, I am very sorry..."

"Yuegu...are you hiding something from me?"


Aunt Yinyue became even more flustered, so flustered that Ze Yu couldn't help frowning slightly.

[What to do, what to do, what to do, Amu is suspicious, he is about to be discovered... No, no! 】

"Huh~? Amu really wants to know my secret?" Aunt Yinyue suddenly made a playful tone.

"...that... think about it."

"Then let me tell you. In fact, there is a birthmark on my lower abdomen, which is very ugly. It's not that I don't want you to see my body. You have become a soul... It will disappear in a few days, I I definitely want to show you...but, but I don't want you to see such an unattractive me, so, so wait a few days...I, my master and I will learn some skills."

"I can remove this birthmark, and I'll show you when the time comes, okay?"

"...So that's the case, but, Aunt Yue, I don't dislike it."

"I hate it!"

"...Okay, then, let's do what you said, Aunt Yue, I, I'll go first."


Yinyuegu immediately held her breath, waiting for Amu to leave.

But Ze Yu moved his hand from her waist to the door, and gently opened a weak gap.

With the creaking sound of the door being pushed open, Yin Yuegu's heart almost stopped suddenly.

Afterwards, Yinyuegu quickly held onto Ze Yu's hand to prevent him from pushing the door open, but how could she hold it.

【Don't push open the door, don't, no, no, don't let Amu know! 】

"Actually, let me tell you a secret."

Ze Yu pushed open the door directly, and at this moment his and Yin Yuegu's bodies were exposed in the corridor outside.

It's just that there is nothing in the corridor, this is a dead city!The only living people in the whole city are Zeyu, Yinyuegu, and Wu Muqing!

"Your Amu is dead, and all you hear is the sound of your hallucinations. I can't do things like resurrection."

Aunt Yinyue's mind went blank, and she felt that something was emptied for an instant, her heart was emptied.

"You lied to me?"

"You lied to me?!"

Aunt Yinyue got her strength from somewhere, and grabbed Ze Yu's neck with both hands, a white light appeared in her hands, which was spiritual power: "You lied to me?!"

"I'm doing this for your own good." Ze Yu easily lifted Aunt Yinyue's hand, "Look at what you have in your hand, it's spiritual power. Congratulations, you've become a cultivator."

Aunt Yinyue was put down and fell to the ground, staring blankly at the spiritual power in her hand: "..."

"Becoming a cultivator in this way... I would rather, I would rather not! I would rather be a mortal!"

Yin Yuegu stared at Ze Yu with hatred.

"Isn't that good?" Ze Yu smiled.

"It's not good! Obviously I had a relationship with you, I lost my innocence, and then I fantasized about cheating Amu and not letting him know, this kind of thing is not good!"

"Actually... I lied to you just now, your Amu is alive."

Aunt Yinyue glared at Ze Yu: "I won't be fooled by you again! Scum!"

But there was a trembling voice behind him.

"Aunt Yue...?"



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