"Hehe... Don't you want me to submit, to be your dog, to be your slave, to take away my innocence? Then hurry up?"

Aunt Yinyue tightly closed her eyes, as if waiting for a nightmare to come.

"Are you looking forward to it?"

"Who expected it? Anyway, you have to do this, and I can't escape or resist. If you want it, just take it... Hurry up, I have to deal with the paperwork later, thanks to you, I have to deal with it in a few days The paperwork has doubled again!"

Zeyu slid his hand from Yinyuegu's waist to her thigh, and then pressed hard:

"Then you have misunderstood me. I just want to give you a massage to relax your mental consciousness... If you fall into a coma due to mental fatigue again, I will not rescue you again."

Aunt Yinyue slowly opened her eyes, a little dazed: "Huh?"



353 Gu can't do what he wants!

Confused for a moment, Aunt Yinyue felt an extreme stimulation transmitted to her forehead again, making her lose her mind for a short while, and when she came back to her senses, she felt that the pressure deposited on her mental consciousness was reduced a little.

【He is really relaxing my mental pressure... Where did you learn this technique?Where did I get it... Oh no, it's coming again...]

This kind of stimulation made Yinyuegu feel so comfortable that she couldn't help sticking out her tongue slightly.

But she quickly realized her gaffe and tried her best to restrain her expression.

Zeyu put his hand on Aunt Yinyue's thigh, and continued to massage and knead it with a special technique. Although Aunt Yinyue felt ashamed to do so, her thigh was touched unscrupulously by a man...wrapped in flesh-colored stockings beautiful legs...

But the other party was indeed massaging, for her own good, and did not do anything else to herself other than massaging.

This made Aunt Yinyue couldn't help but say:

"I don't believe you... would be so kind."

"Just now you want me to be your dog, and now you want to give me a massage... What do you mean?"

Ze Yu's hand pinched Yinyuegu's face, which was undoubtedly the greatest provocation to the empress dowager, but Yinyuegu could only glare at him, but couldn't resist, it was really... annoyed.

"You said what the owner usually does to the pet dog."

"I've never had a dog, how would I know?"

Aunt Yinyue replied coldly.

And Zeyu touched Yinyuegu's thigh with his hand: "It's like this, touching the dog's fur, it feels good to the touch, and why do you think the owner must be cruel and bad to the pet dog?" ?”

"what ever."

Aunt Yinyue snorted.

【Even if this scumbag is not a scumbag to the end...】

However, soon, she realized that she was thinking too much. After this scumbag massaged her for an hour, her consciousness began to become blurred.

She realized it herself.

【Oops... I really shouldn't have allowed this scum to do whatever I want with my body】

[Because the consciousness is too relaxed, my mind is now dominated by subconscious thoughts... If I can't control my body...]

Aunt Yinyue could use her spiritual power to forcibly wake herself up at this moment, but the problem was that Ze Yu kept pressing her body, making it impossible for her to concentrate on using her spiritual power.

[I can't do it... I can't take it anymore... Even if I'm alone, I don't exist without desires and desires... My body... is so hot...]

Aunt Yinyue felt her body was hot, sitting on Ze Yu's lap, but her thigh couldn't help being clamped... I wish I could turn around and hug Ze Yu's body at this moment, and then satisfy my desire...

She knew that it was not in line with her status as queen mother, and she was sorry for Amu.

So, she just thought about it, she tried her best to restrain her body, not to be controlled by her subconscious thoughts.

[But I really can't help it... This bastard, who said he was giving Gu a massage, actually just wanted to tease me all the time, let me relax until I sent it to him, and let me seduce him on my own initiative]

[I will not let him succeed! 】

Aunt Yinyue immediately firmed up her inner thoughts, but her fair and pretty face couldn't help but turn red, and she kept breathing lightly, charming and alluring...

She is obviously the empress dowager of the world, why, why is she sitting on a man's lap now, panting like this, with her legs crossed?

Shouldn't it be?

【But... But it's really comfortable... I feel like my whole body is going to soften... Why, why won't he lay hands on me... Hurry up and push me down hard...】

Such an idea was born in Aunt Yinyue's subconscious mind.

It seemed that under such circumstances, she had completely forgotten about her childhood sweetheart.

He forgot the person he once liked, the bouquet he wanted to protect with all his might before he died...

Only the heat of my body remains in my mind...

"Let's end here today. I'm tired too. At noon, I have to have dinner with Zi Nao and her mother."

【what?And that's the end of it?What's the meaning?Why, why not continue? 】

【Obviously my body is still in this state...】

"Master... walk slowly."

Although Aunt Yinyue's body was almost limp and paralyzed, she wanted to indulge in Ze Yu's embrace and let him satisfy her, but she still wanted to maintain her image as the queen mother.

Can't fall...yes, can't fall.

【It's so hot...so hot...】

But there was a big conflict between the subconscious thoughts and her ideas.

But when she looked up, Ze Yu had already left without staying.

"How can I bear this..."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue sat on the dragon chair by herself, holding tightly to the armrests of the dragon chair, but it was not enough.

The massage just now softened her whole body and released a lot of mental stress. She felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

But at the same time, my subconscious mind was also emptied, I felt... I couldn't think anymore... I became a fool... I became a bitch who only had those dirty thoughts...

Impossible... This kind of thing is impossible...

"This kind of thing, I... can do it... This is not a betrayal of Amu, this... Is it okay? No one is watching..."

The loving and tolerant empress dowager, the mother of the world, actually showed an expression of indulgence on her face, and her hands were no longer on the armrest of the dragon chair.



"No, no, no..."

"Your Majesty, this is the...document submitted by the ministers today..."


The first base of thick papers fell to the ground with a clatter, and the maid who brought the papers stared dumbfounded at what happened on the dragon chair.

That empress dowager... actually, actually on the dragon chair, doing such a thing?

"... Your Majesty, I, I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything!"

Aunt Yinyue's body trembled, she was also frightened at the moment, why did a maid come over at this time?

My mind was in a mess.

But as the queen mother, she calmed down quickly, raised her hand and used spiritual power to put the maid into a deep sleep, and deleted her memory just now.

It's just that the maid forgot, but the Queen Mother Yinyue deeply remembered what she had done.

She...did something she had never done before.

Because once this kind of thing happens, there will be a second time. In order not to let her thoughts be controlled by this desire, the Queen Mother Yinyue restrained her behavior every time.

Moreover, the higher the cultivation base, the more restrained he can be about this kind of thing, and he has basically achieved a pure heart and few desires.

But today... I couldn't restrain myself.

The massage that Ze Yu gave her made her spirit too relaxed.

"What the hell is he trying to do to me..."

Empress Dowager Yinyue couldn't blame Ze Yu either.

Because judging from the results, Ze Yu helped her get out of the illusion and relieved her mental pressure.

And what she has paid so far is nothing more than her own dignity and shame, as well as some physical contact...

"No, what am I thinking, I can't have this kind of thinking, how can I think he is a good person? He just wants to see me think like this, so I can't think like this. "

"Restrain... must restrain..."

Yinyuegu gritted her teeth, but the heat still remained in her body.



354 Don't Think I'll Thank You!

"Husband, you have worked hard~"

Nangong Ruo Nan brought the last bowl of vegetables, and then picked it up with his own hands and fed it to Ze Yu.

Because of her maternal love for Nangong Zi Nai, Nangong Ruo Nan is now becoming more and more like a virtuous wife, and even started to learn how to cook for Ze Yu and Nangong Zi Nai.

Although monks don't need to eat at all, Nangong Ruonan still asks Zeyu to accompany her to eat at noon every day.

"Is it delicious? Husband~"

Nangong Ruonan spoke sweetly.

Ze Yu's expression was a little off, but he resisted the urge to pant and said, "It's delicious..."

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