
A bowl-sized wound blasted out by the bronze armored corpse!

Ye Chen's eyes lit up involuntarily!

He controlled the zombies to fight the zombies, all for the purpose of testing the strength of the silver-armored corpse and the strength of its body!

Although he wanted to refine the latter, it was the first time he had seen a zombie of this strength!

Before you know the opponent's strength, you will never go up and hammer it. Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. This is the last word! ! !


In the crazy attack of the silver armored corpse.

The bodies of the two bronze armor corpses exploded!

But they didn't die in vain. During several rounds of attacks, they also left a lot of scars on the body of the silver armored corpse!

There is only one bronze armor corpse under control.

On the contrary, Ye Chen became happy, and couldn't help murmuring: "Hey, isn't the silver armored corpse very strong?"

Uncle Nine: ? ? ?

Four eyes:? ? ?

Chizuru:? ? ?

Yellow Taoist:? ? ?

The four looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.

Always felt like he was joking!

The silver-armored corpse killed so many bronze-armored and iron-armored corpses with his own power!

its strength.

It has already made these old Taoists fearful!

To know.

Only one person out of thousands of cultivators can become a teacher!The Earth Master is one of ten thousand!

Even Uncle Jiu, who has just joined the Earth Master, is not sure enough to push him down with his full physical strength!

You are special... an eight-year-old child!

Say it's not strong? !

If someone else said this!

They more or less dare to mock!

But from Ye Chen's mouth, they only felt a little horrified!

Is it possible that the only thing that can make Xiaochen feel afraid is the golden armored corpse or the golden armored corpse general? !

Think of this.

Everyone's scalps were numb!

at this time.

The last bronze armor corpse.

It was directly torn apart by the silver armor corpse!

Since the zombie is immortal, the two halves of the body are still on the ground, twitching non-stop!

Uncle Jiu and the others frowned, they were already ready to fight!

But right now.

That young figure rushed towards the silver-armored corpse with moderate steps!

"Master, don't worry about it anymore!"

"The silver-armored corpse has its last breath left, I'll go up and make up for it!"

Ye Chen, who was sprinting, did not forget to remind everyone!

"Damn it...Little Junior Brother, you are not mean enough! Don't call me if you have such a good thing!"

0···Ask for flowers·······

"That's right, I, Wencai, need to help with this matter!"

The fear in Wen Caiqiusheng's heart disappeared instantly!

After all... this kind of second-hand pussy picked up for nothing!Still a silver armor force!It's really uncomfortable if they don't go up for a rub! ! !

If it was a silver armored corpse!

Can die under the swords of the two of them!

This matter is enough to blow them into the next life!

The two stopped thinking about it and picked up the thing.

Grinning like a lotus, just rush up!

But I just took two steps.

He was stopped by the angry Uncle Jiu: "Bastard, the breath of the silver-armored corpse has not weakened by half, are you two going up to die?!"

Hear this.

Wen Cai Qiusheng calmed down instantly!

Staring at the silver-armored corpse whose body was full of potholes but whose aura remained undiminished, the two of them felt their scalps go numb!


You know, zombies are immortal!

Even if half of his body is smashed to pieces, he can still fight!

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but feel worried.

Hastily said: "Master, why are you still standing there? If something happens to the younger brother, we will not only quit the school, but also hate you for the rest of our lives!"

Uncle Nine: ? ? ?

Four eyes:? ? ?

Chizuru:? ? ?

The three of them immediately looked at it with hatred!

Showing a 'you two quit now' expression!

They are naturally as worried as Wencai Qiusheng!


According to the understanding of Xiaochen, its strength far exceeds their expectations, and its temperament is extremely calm, and it will not do things that are not sure!

He must have other ideas!

the most important is.

My disciples specifically asked them not to take too much care, although they were extremely worried, but they were unwilling to go against Xiaochen's wishes! ! !

"Don't worry, if Xiaochen is invincible, I will risk my life to kill that evil beast!"

Looking at Wencai Qiusheng who was still anxious, Daoist Huang comforted him.

But the voice just fell.

Three rebuttals came again and again!

"Hmph, my eyebrows are still there, it's not your turn to work hard!"

"That's right, my brother is down, and I still have four eyes!"

"If you dare to hurt my Xiaochen, the first person to go all out is naturally me, Qianhe!"

Yellow Taoist:? ? ?

He really didn't expect it.

This is the first time I made up my mind to work hard for others, yet I still received such disgust!


With a bang, Ye Chen and the silver-armored corpse fought together!

Everyone was completely dumbfounded!Husband.

Chapter 120 Damn... I didn't expect the one who broke the defense to be a teacher? !

I saw the young figure, facing the silver-armored corpse without any fear, not even using any Taoism, and punched the silver-armored corpse's straight arms! ! !


A bang!

In the violent shaking, the stones and rubble on the ground began to dance!

The smoke and dust immediately spread from under the feet of one big and one small like a barrier!

The wind is blowing everywhere, and the dust and sand cover the eyes.

Everyone could not help covering their faces with two arms, frowning tightly, watching the battle covered by dust!

His eyes are full of worry!

You know, the most powerful part of a zombie is its indestructible body!

The armored corpse is already invulnerable!

The silver-armored corpse bombarded it with a cannon, but it might not be able to injure it in half!

No matter how high Xiaochen's Taoism is!

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