Zhao Jun, who was twisting the talisman with one hand, suddenly frowned, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually disappeared! ! !


The Taoist priest I just defeated in the air-to-air battle has the strength of the middle stage of the earth master, and should be the strongest existence in their group, but why the sacrificial corpse I controlled not only failed to break through the formation, but was suppressed to death? !

Hard to do.

Are there any strong among them? !

Think about this.

Zhao Jun closed his eyes slightly, stood in the center of the altar and began to practice, allowing his own "[-]" spiritual consciousness to be transferred to Jiangfu's corpse, wanting to find out who the other party is!

Hundreds of corpses have long been puppets in his hands, and it is not difficult to transfer a trace of spiritual consciousness there! ! !


After a burst of humming in Zhao Jun's mind.

He vaguely saw the situation in the entire Jiang's residence.

Zhao Jun recognized everyone's identities at a glance.

After all, there are not many powerful ascetics in this world nowadays. Moreover, Maoshan and Longhushan have always had a friendship. As long as they meet each other, even if they don't know each other, they can call each other by name!

Lin Jiu, Gongyang Zhiyuan, Qianhe, Four-Eyed Taoist...


Who is that young figure standing in the altar? !

Could it be that he was the one who suppressed the corpse that was about to break through the formation? !


Take back the spiritual consciousness!

Zhao Jun was shocked, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

The technique just now.

You can only see people who are lower or comparable to your own cultivation base. If the other party's cultivation base is higher than the caster, you can completely detect it, and then use blindfolds to confuse the latter! ! !

Zhao Jun has cultivated dozens of Taoism and knows the difficulties.

He would rather hit his head to death than believe that a young child can beat him in magic spells and dao rhymes!

and so.

That young figure.

It's definitely an old guy from Maoshan who used a blindfold method!

at this time.

Zhao Jun's eyes froze instantly!

Standing in the altar of fighting in the air, he clearly sensed that the opponent's [Looking Qi Technique] had already locked his figure! ! !

[Looking Qi Technique] Dragon and Tiger Mountain also has it, but even he, as the peak master, can't easily lock the enemy who is hidden to the extreme across a distance of a town!

Anyone who can practice [Aura of Hope] to this level, except for some old fellows in Maoshan!

Who else? !

Think about this.

Zhao Jun immediately packed up his things and prepared to leave. After all, he still has important things to do, and he must not be discovered by Maoshan people!

But right now.

Two figures, one in front and one behind, blocked the two ends of the deep alley.

Sensing the spread of the dangerous aura, Zhao Jun quickly looked!

I see.

on the left.

A silver-armored corpse covered in corpse aura, raised its arms, pressing forward with every step!




Heavy footsteps, like drums of war!

on the right.

Flying stiff with metallic luster all over his body, floating in the air, stretching his arms!

Attacking at a very fast speed!

Swish! ! !

Faced with this lineup.

Even Zhao Jun, who is the pinnacle of Earth Master, couldn't help but get nervous!

Too late to think about it.

Grab dozens of talismans in the altar with both hands!

Throw it to both sides!

Boom boom boom!

The character meets the corpse.

Immediately there was an ear-exploding sound wave, as well as a dazzling flame!

But Zhao Jun was numb all over!My brain is buzzing!

I see.

The fire of the talisman engulfed Fei Zong at an extremely fast speed!

But that is flying stiff!

With just a shock all over, the fire of the talisman was scattered!

Dozens of talisman seals didn't even leave a single scar on its body!


What's even worse... is the Silver Armored Corpse!

Because Ye Chen had already refined Nintendo's organization into the body of the silver armored corpse, giving it the same characteristics as Nintendo!

Immune to Taoism!

Don't be afraid of the sun!

The talisman hit him, but it didn't have any effect at all!

Just like ordinary yellow paper!Slip all the way down!

Zhao Jun:? ? ?

He looked dumbfounded!

To be able to reach the peak of the Earth Master, he has naturally fought fiercely with many super powerful zombies, but this is the first time he has seen such outrageous two-headed zombies! ! !


This... is clearly a pervert at both ends!


Rao is Zhao Jun, who has experienced countless life-and-death battles, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and unconsciously touched the heavenly and earthly swords behind him with both hands!

With the blessing of these two swords!

His aura can reach the realm of a half-step celestial master!

After leaving Longhu Mountain!

He has never encountered an enemy who can push him to such a level!

Because if you use the Shuangjue sword before you have completed the training to become the Shuangjue Qigong, it will cause the poison of the sword to enter the body!



Under Ye Chen's control, Silver Armored Corpse and Flying Zombie didn't give each other a chance at all, they flanked each other and attacked straight away!


Zhao Jun can't keep calm anymore 0...

Hastily drew out the Heavenly Jue and Earth Jue, two divine swords!

Terrifying spiritual power!

From the moment the sword edge was unsheathed, it swept along the alley suddenly!

The momentum of Zhao Jun's whole body also rose suddenly, because the Shuangjue Sword Qigong needs to use all the Yin Qi in his body, so the thick Yin Qi has already covered his eyes!

Even though the power emanating from the two swords is extremely terrifying, the Silver Armored Corpse and Flying Zombie are not in vain!

The attack is getting fiercer!


When the sword met the corpse, roars rang out one after another!

a time.

Two corpses and one person, it's hard to tell which one is better!

After all, the current Zhao Jun has not fully cultivated the dual swords to the extreme, and it is difficult to exert all the power of the dual swords!


in battle.

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