If Shi Jian and the others were embarrassed, he would not remind him if they gave him a hundred taels of gold!

"Master Uncle Qianhe, I still don't want to remove this tent!"

"The celestial phenomenon I saw just now is that the stars will blink, so I have to bring an umbrella today."

Qianhe smiled and rubbed Ye Chen's head.

In his opinion, although Xiao Chen is a closed disciple of Jiu Shu, he has a good talent for cultivating Taoism, but it is a bit outrageous to be able to see the sky in broad daylight!

Besides, he was only an eight-year-old child!

It's just childish nonsense!

"Let Xiaochen worry about it, since your four-eyed uncle said it's fine, then it should be fine!"

Then, he turned around and prepared to tear down the tent.

The stars are blinking, do you want to bring an umbrella today? !

Xiaochen is pretty good at making up things!

The four eyes couldn't help being happy, but the next moment, they suddenly lost confidence!

Although it is outrageous to observe the sky in broad daylight, are there still few outrageous things that happen to Xiaochen? !

Every time he said... Everyone thought it was bragging? !

It turned out, Xiaochen did it in minutes!

Four eyes stared blankly.

He hurriedly stood in front of Qianhe: "Xiaochen says something is wrong, so what I say doesn't matter!"

Chizuru:? ? ?

Looking at the extremely serious eyes, even though Qianhe had thousands of doubts in his heart, he had no choice but to believe it!

Simu didn't dare to explain too much.

My junior brother's trip this time is more ominous than ominous...

He didn't dare to tell the latter what happened to Xiaochen, if he listened to them one by one, let alone escorting the zombies, Qianhe might have to strengthen his Dao heart on the spot!

With the urging of the braid party.

Qianhe didn't stop much, and set off with the team.

Before leaving, Ye Chen was worried about his safety, so he specially gave Qianhe a copy of the [Purple Thunder Talisman] he drew! ! !

After mastering the thunder in the palm, add the 'Dao Xin Tongming'.

He has already comprehended the Purple Thunder Talisman!


Qianhe didn't pay much attention to it, and just accepted it as a gift!

After all... the knowledge of drawing symbols is great!

A talisman drawn by a child is just an image!

Not to mention, the talisman that Xiaochen gave him was the [Purple Thunder Talisman] that needed Lei Lingli to draw!

Even for him, it is difficult to draw a [Purple Thunder Talisman] with abundant spiritual power! ! ! .

Chapter 51 Thunder and Lightning Fury, Bronze Armor Corpse Appears!

Chapter 51 Thunder and Lightning Fury, Bronze Armor Corpse Appears!

To the north of the dojo, black clouds cover the moon!

Boom~ The roaring thunder and the extreme lightning suddenly made the world pale!

slap... slap...

Immediately after that, the big raindrops fell in numbers!

Qianhe was startled suddenly, he didn't expect unpredictable situation, he was really hit by an eight-year-old child!

Too late to sigh!

Before long, there will definitely be a torrential rain, and the Golden Coffin and Ink Bureau must not be damaged!

Think about this.

He hurriedly urged: "Boss Wu, hurry up and arrange for someone to set up a tent...don't let the coffin get wet in the rain."

"Hmph, what's the dog slave's name, I need you to remind me of my work?"

Wu Guanshi waved his handkerchief and continued with a look of “you are so beautiful” and continued: “And you Han Chinese who are born slaves, what are you doing in a daze, why don’t you let us set up a tent?”

Qianhe and the southeast and northwest immediately changed their expressions when they heard this!

His eyes were full of anger!

I can't wait to connect Wu Guanshi's chicken and chop it off again!

They had heard too many words like this along the way. If it wasn't for the sake of the overall situation, how could they endure the anger brought by the dog of subjugation?

But the rainstorm was coming, so they had no choice but to hold back the anger in their hearts and start building tents!


With the hard work of five people, the tent was built!

At this time, the heavy rain is like splashing water.

Even though there was a tent on the golden coffin, it still couldn't withstand the torrential rain brought up by the strong wind!

The rain washed the ink on the coffin, and it kept falling!

Qianhe didn't dare to hesitate, and frowned tightly, leading southeast and northwest, ready to push Jin Guang into the tent, but saw a group of people complimenting the little prince and walking towards the tent!

"Wu Guanshi, the ink line on the coffin has melted a lot, let the golden coffin be accounted for as soon as possible!"

Daoist Qianhe's eyes were full of anxiety.

"Hmph Han, don't bark! The little prince is sitting on the sedan chair and has been bumped all day, so he needs to rest as soon as possible!"

"As for the coffin, let's talk about it after the little prince's things are settled!"

The eccentric Wu Guanshi cast an extremely disgusted look.

He didn't want to care about the coffin, after all, there were already dead people inside, so it didn't deserve his compliments!

Swish swish!

Qianhe has already used the sword in his heart, and he has cut down the number of men and women thousands of times!

But he could only watch as the group arranged the little prince's things, and then pushed the coffin into the account.

"Push the coffin into the tent!"

Qianhe quickly directed four people from the southeast to the northwest to push the coffin, but the heavy rain at this time had already made the bumpy ground smooth!

It was difficult for a few people to even stand up, let alone push the coffin!

"Han people are not only lowly, they can't even do this job well!"

"Go and set up a tent for us, we will push this coffin!"

A few soldiers said cursingly, before Qianhe could refute, they had already pushed the southeast and northwest aside, and several people gathered around the coffin and prepared to exert force!

But right now.

Thunder anger and electric anger, thunder and lightning surround!


A terrifying bolt of lightning landed on the coffin!

The tent on it disappeared in an instant, and the soldiers on the side had been burned black before they could shout, and their bodies were curled up together, shriveled and smoking!

The surrounding ground that was wet by the rain has become extremely dry!

"Han dog slave, what the hell are you doing!"

The little prince who was frightened in the tent cursed loudly!

The master was frightened, and Guan Wu ran out angrily, without looking at it, and blamed it directly: "Damn the low-class pariah, if you let the little prince be frightened again! You all wait to lose your head!"

Just finished.

Then he noticed that the golden coffin moved suddenly, a pair of withered and ashen hands with slender nails propped up the golden coffin lid!


Steward Wu yelled, before he even had time to twist his buttocks, he rolled and crawled into the tent!

And at this time Chizuru.

Already noticed this!

You know, the lid of this coffin is made of gold!It weighs thousands of catties!

Hands can lift!

Its terrifying strength is hard to imagine!

The faces of Qianhe and the southeast and northwest suddenly changed. They all frowned, and their eyes were full of anxiety!

Qianhe jumped up suddenly, and stepped firmly on the coffin with a heavy weight!

Boom!The golden coffin is settled!

"Get the rope quickly!"

Awakened by the start, the southeast and northwest quickly threw out the rope!

But with a roar in the coffin, the entire golden coffin shook violently!


The coffin lid weighing a thousand kilograms, together with Qianhe was directly lifted away!

The turbid black corpse gas, like a stream of water, escaped from the coffin, covering the entire golden coffin!

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