I saw him staring at Dai Jin and said word by word; "Let them go."

With a golden spirit, he turned and left directly.

The inspector quickly looked at Ye Chen, changed his majesty when facing Dai Jin, and flattered him.

"Master Ye, I'm really sorry. Our police inspector caught the wrong person. I apologize to you."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's fine."

At this moment, a man in red clothes came in and said respectfully to Ye Chen.

"You are Master Ye, our boss wants to invite you to his house for a meal."

Uncle Jiu looked confused, and he couldn't help saying sourly to Afan.

"Obviously I am the master, why doesn't Boss Yu come to invite me?"

Afan didn't hear the sourness in Uncle Jiu's words, but said seriously.

"Brother is so powerful, it's normal to be like this."

Hearing that Uncle Jiu almost vomited blood, he decided not to talk to his stupid apprentice, so as not to piss him off.

He rolled his eyes, walked in front of Ye Chen, and looked at the man in red.

0···Ask for flowers·······

"Did Boss Yu not invite me? I am Ye Chen's master, and my Taoism is more profound than his."

Uncle Jiu thought that if he said that, this guy would definitely change his attitude towards him.

Who knew that the man in red looked Uncle Jiu up and down for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know him."

Then he looked at Ye Chen again, and said respectfully, "Master Ye, please."


Ye Chen glanced at Uncle Jiu with a smile, and said in a tone of embarrassment.

"Master, it seems that your reputation is no longer evident."

The angry Uncle Jiu blew his beard and stared, and said loudly, "What's wrong, you boy, wait for me."

Although there were cruel words in his mouth, his body was still very honest, and he followed Ye Chen obediently.

He was also very curious about what Boss Yu asked Ye Chen to do in the past.

Ye Chen and the others followed the man in red to a luxuriously decorated villa.

Ye Chen walked in, and saw a man and a dozen women standing in the luxurious hall in front of him.

The man looked five or sixty years old, wearing a gray coat and a big gold chain around his neck.

Chapter 610 The so-called propaganda, show off your skills!

At first glance, he was a rich man. The man's name was Yu Dahai, and it was he who was looking for Ye Chen.

The man in red who was leading the way in front of Ye Chen saw Yu Dahai, hurried over and said respectfully.

"Boss Yu, Master Ye is here."

Only then did Yu Dahai look at Ye Chen.

The moment he saw Ye Chen again, Yu Dahai was very surprised and couldn't help but said.

"I didn't expect Master Ye to be so young and handsome."

 "September [-]" If he hadn't read the whole process in the newspaper, he would have known that Ye Chen was a very powerful Taoist priest.

He probably thought he had made a mistake.

"What do you want us to do?" Different from Yu Dahai's enthusiasm, Ye Chen seemed very indifferent.

He didn't feel flattered at all because he saw that it was Yu Dahai.

This gave Yu Dahai a very different feeling, and he looked up to Ye Chen even more.

Yu Dahai is powerful and powerful, whoever sees him doesn't just nod and bow.

It was the first time he had seen such a young man with backbone.

Yu Dahai laughed loudly and said, "I'll talk about this later, let's go sit and chat."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pat Ye Chen's shoulder, but Ye Chen turned around slightly and dodged it.

Yu Dahai could only withdraw his hand in embarrassment.

He brought Ye Chen to a long table with many delicacies placed on it.

At this moment, a reporter stood up and asked, "Boss Yu, can the ceremony begin?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen frowned slightly, stopped, looked at Boss Yu and asked.


Boss Yu has a treacherous look on his face, he suspects that this guy has no good intentions at all.

Boss Yu adjusted his glasses and said with a smile.

"Oh, it's like this. I've heard about your great skills in the haunted house last night. Thank you very much for your contribution to Hong Kong City, so I plan to take out 5000 yuan for you to catch ghosts in the future." cost."

Ye Chen was speechless when he heard it.

Thank yourself, just give him 5000 yuan?Who is this looking down upon?

Ye Chen was about to refuse, but A Fan behind him laughed and said to Uncle Jiu and Ye Chen.

"Master, brother, this Boss Yu is really generous."

Uncle Jiu also nodded, thinking that Afan was right, "It seems that he is quite good."

Ye Chen looked at the two in surprise and asked, "You two think he's nice?"

"Of course, it's not good enough to give 5000 yuan to support us in hunting ghosts?"

Uncle Nine asked suspiciously 0...

Looking at his face, Ye Chen suddenly understood why Uncle Jiu had such thoughts.

After all, he has five disadvantages and three deficiencies, and what he lacks is money.

I must have never seen so much money, and it is normal to have such thoughts.

Ye Chen shook his head at the two of them and said, "I think he must have other plans."

"How is this possible, Ye Chen, don't wrong a good man." Uncle Jiu looked at him disapprovingly.

Hearing this, Ye Chen didn't explain anymore, but just said lightly; "Later, you will know his true face."

Seeing the three of them whispering all the time, Boss Yu's expression turned bad.

He said with a more serious tone; "Master Ye, take this check and take a photo with us."

As soon as Ye Chen heard it, he knew that his plan was coming.

He pretended to be puzzled and asked; "Taking pictures? Why take pictures?"

"Master Ye may not understand, this is a kind of publicity, let more people know your deeds and worship you.".

Chapter 610: Boss Yu Yu, Be Afraid!

Ye Chen sneered and said, "Are you sure you're not promoting yourself?"

When Boss Yu heard this, the smile on his face was completely gone.

He originally thought that these three people were just Taoist priests, and they must be easy to fool, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to be like a fox.

Boss Yu wanted to turn his back on them and take them back to prison.

But after thinking about it, he suppressed his own thoughts.

He tried his best to force a smile and said, "Master Ye, you can't think that way. Apart from doing publicity, I just want to take a photo with you."

Although the words were nice, they still couldn't hide the greed in his eyes.

Ye Chen put his hands in his pockets, said oh, and stretched out his hand 03 to take the check from Boss Yu's hand.

Boss Yu pinched it very tightly, but Ye Chen's Li Qi was even bigger.

With a little force, he snatched the check into his hands, and Boss Yu almost fell over because of it.

Ye Chen casually put it into his arms, looked at Boss Yu with a smile and said, "Then this is the fee for taking a group photo."

Although he spoke generously, he held the check tightly in his hands, and he didn't intend to give them the check at all.

Ye Chen directly changed his mind. For this kind of person who wants to take advantage of others, he must use the right method to make his heart hurt.

Sure enough, the smile on Boss Yu's face had completely faded.

Although 5000 yuan is only a small amount to him, he is a very stingy person.

The lack of 5000 yuan for no reason is enough to make him feel heartbroken for a while.

Boss Yu kept his eyes on Ye Chen's arms, as if he could see the check through his clothes.

He wanted to ask someone to attack Ye Chen, but he thought of their abilities.

Boss Yu was very afraid again, and finally couldn't help raising his voice, and said with a smile on his face.

"Master Ye, it costs 5000 yuan just to take a photo, isn't it too..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chen said with a smile.

"5000 yuan is too little, isn't it, then add a little more, [-] yuan, it just so happens that this number is also auspicious."

The corner of Yu Dahai's mouth twitched, and he stopped talking. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth again, it would add up to [-].

For his own publicity, he had no choice but to take out another check, wrote two thousand on it, and handed it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen accepted it unceremoniously, and said cheerfully; "Let's take a photo together now."

Looking at this scene, Uncle Jiu frowned tightly.

"Ye Chen, subduing demons and eliminating demons are what we should do, and it's not good to collect money, you return the money to Boss Yu."

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