He opened his eyes, the eyes were all condensed, and turned into an ordinary look.


Ye Chen asked lightly.

"Brother, it's me. Someone came to the Taoist hall to ask for help. The matter sounds a little urgent. The master just passed by."

Afan said quickly.

Although he was standing outside the room, he felt palpitations as soon as he approached here.

Knowing that the senior brother is practicing, Afan is very envious in his heart.

It will be great when I can be as powerful as my senior brother.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Ye Chen frowned slightly.

Although he didn't know what happened, Ye Chen immediately thought of that vampire.

Yang Feiyun has controlled the vampire, it is impossible to do nothing, and it is very likely that he is using his life to restore the vampire.

Ye Chen got off the bed, opened the door, and led Afan towards the hall.

When Ye Chen arrived, Uncle Jiu had been listening to that man for a long time.

0···Ask for flowers········

He patted the man's shoulder and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, as long as you are with us, you will not be in danger."

Uncle Jiu's words had an effect, and the man was finally not so afraid.

He was about to speak when he saw Ye Chen's figure out of the corner of his eye.

The man immediately ran in front of Ye Chen, knelt down, and begged for help.

0 ......  

"Master Ye, I heard that you are the most powerful Taoist in Hong Kong, you must help me, I don't want to be eaten by monsters."

The man kowtowed as he spoke.

Seeing Uncle Jiu behind him, his face darkened.

Why didn't this guy do this when facing himself just now.

It makes me seem like I'm not good at learning art, God knows I'm Ye Chen's master.

Uncle Jiu felt as if he had overturned the jar of vinegar, and his heart was sour.

When can I enjoy myself, this feeling of being admired by others?

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to Uncle Jiu's expression, and quickly reached out to help the kowtowing man on the ground.

"Don't worry, old man, with me and master, we will be able to solve that monster."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ye Chen's words seemed to have magical powers, making the man who was still worried immediately relax.

Seeing Uncle Jiu felt even more uncomfortable.

The feelings I spent so much saliva just now are all in vain.

He said a hundred sentences, but it was not worth Ye Chen's one sentence.

"Then thank you Master Ye." The man said gratefully.

Ye Chen took him to sit on a chair, and Ye Chen himself sat beside Jiu Shu. "zero five seven"

"Old man, where did you meet that monster?"

The man recalled for a moment, and a terrified look appeared on his face again.

"I was in the small woods outside the town. I was going to cut firewood, but I didn't expect to see a guy sucking blood. Fortunately, I ran in time and was not caught."

He said with a happy expression.

Hearing the word blood-sucking, Ye Chen was sure that it must be that western zombie, that is, a vampire.

Although the zombies in their country can also suck blood, they usually bite people.

Not like a vampire.

Ye Chen looked at Uncle Jiu, and said to him, "Master, let's go and have a look now."

"Okay." Uncle Jiu nodded, he thought so too.

If the monster is not dealt with, I am afraid that more people will be killed.

At this moment, Uncle Jiu hadn't thought of this monster in the direction of a vampire.

After all, he hadn't seen the vampire himself, he just knew it existed.

The old man didn't dare to go over and stayed in the Taoist hall.

Ye Chen took Uncle Jiu and Afan there.

On the road, Afan looked around from time to time, and his whole body was tightly next to Ye Chen.

He carefully said to Ye Chen: "Brother, what exactly is that monster? Why does it suck blood? Will it appear here?"

Although he is also Jiu Shu's apprentice, but he is very timid

Ye Chen hadn't spoken yet, but when Uncle Jiu heard it, he rolled his eyes.

He also couldn't stand this timid apprentice like himself, and said with disgust on his face.

"Afan, it's time for you to practice well. Don't always want your senior brother to protect you. Once you encounter that monster, you will deal with it first."

"Ah, no, master, why are you so cruel." Afan suddenly felt a huge pressure.

The feeling of panic in his heart became worse, he looked at Ye Chen pitifully...

Ye Chen knew that Uncle Jiu was doing it for Afan's benefit, so he didn't say anything.

After understanding Ye Chen's meaning, Afan's face collapsed.

He looked around more vigilantly, for fear that the monster would suddenly attack him.

It didn't take long to arrive at the place the old man said.

Ye Chen walked in the front, Jiu Shu and A Fan followed behind him.

"This is what the old man said. The monster seems to have disappeared. Let's look around for clues."

Ye Chen said directly to the two of them.

Both Uncle Jiu and Afan had no objection, and the three dispersed.

Afan walked not far away by himself, muttering incessantly: "Brother bless me, I'm sure I'll be fine, that monster is not on my side."

3.5 While talking, he trembled and searched around.

Uncle Jiu on the other side is also very vigilant, but not as scared as Afan.

Only Ye Chen walked with ease, it didn't look like he was here to deal with monsters.

On the contrary, it looks like a tourist, especially lazy.

Ye Chen looked around, and a big tree caught his attention.

On that tree, Ye Chen keenly felt a smell of rust.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This was exactly the smell of blood, Ye Chen walked over slowly.

Sure enough, the tree trunk and the ground were stained with a lot of blood.

After Ye Chen looked at it, he said to Uncle Jiu and A Fan, "Master, junior brother, you two come over here, and here are some discoveries."

Uncle Jiu and Afan hurried over.

Especially Uncle Jiu's attentive appearance, he doesn't look like Ye Chen's master, but more like his apprentice.

However, Uncle Ninth hadn't noticed anything yet.

After seeing the blood on the tree trunk and the ground, Uncle Jiu frowned, and his heart became heavier.

It seems that someone has been killed, which is not a good thing.

Afan also came over at this time, couldn't help looking at Ye Chen in surprise and said.

03 "Brother, you are the most careful and the first to discover the problem."

Afan felt that he was also very attentive, but he didn't find anything.

He couldn't help but said, "Why don't I know which side to choose?"

There's just some blood on it, nothing else.

Can't see anything, thinking of what the old man said, Afan guessed.

"Master, brother, I think this may be done by zombies, maybe Xuankui did it."

Uncle Jiu nodded when he heard the words, thinking that what Afan thought was very reasonable.

"That's right, apart from Xuankui, there are no other zombies around here."

Looking at the naive two people, Ye Chen shook his head and retorted: "I don't think it's Xuan Kui, Xuan Kui should have left here."

Afan and Uncle Jiu looked at him in surprise, wondering why he was so sure.

"Ye Chen, why do you say that?"

Uncle Jiu asked curiously.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Ah Fan couldn't help but said: "Master, since senior brother said that, there must be his reason, we just need to trust senior brother."

Afan has always blindly trusted Ye Chen.

Uncle Jiu was not convinced, rolled his eyes at him and said, "This is just Ye Chen's intuition, what if it's wrong."

Who knew that Ah Fan said without even thinking about it: "I believe in brother, he can't be wrong."

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