"Looking forward to meeting you at the competition."

Mu Li just said casually, after all, how can a mere third-rank fight against sixth-rank?

However, Liu Ling's fighting spirit was ignited in her heart, and there was a light brown flame in her eyes looking at Mu Li.

"Yes, cute..."

Him, how dare he?Such a casual evaluation of the princess of the Jia Ma Empire!

Yaoyue's cheeks were as red as a ripe apple, she just wanted to reprimand the other party for not being polite, but in the blink of an eye, she disappeared.

"It's gone far."

Liu Ling fanned her fan and said.

"I want you to remind me! Hmph!"

Yaoyue shook her head in a bun and walked towards Mu Li indignantly.


The inner courtyard is a quieter courtyard. Compared with the bustle of the welcoming courtyard outside, there are not many people here.

"How did you get here?"

Yafei followed Mu Li to the place, followed Mu Li's gaze to look at the eaves, where a moon was hanging above.

Mu Li didn't answer, but just looked at the moon quietly.

Yafei pursed her lips and didn't say any more, she quietly stood beside Mu Li and accompanied her.

Calculate the time, it will soon be born.

I don't know if it will be premature, if it will already come, or if it will be too late.

Mu Li looked at the bright moon with an unspeakable emotion in his heart.

Lively scenes are always reminiscent of something lonely.

Although he didn't pay much attention to Yun Yun, and even the total time the two spent together was only a few days, and they just saw each other in a hurry and left.

But now he still has an urge to meet her, especially when she is in labor.

It's a pity that the old dog Yunshan didn't tell himself.

Thinking of Yunshan's Douzong cultivation, if he didn't use his trump card, he couldn't compete with it.

The pros and cons weighing instrument in Mu Li's heart has been turned on, but the answer has not been reached yet.


At this time, a loli's shout interrupted Mu Li's thoughts.

Yaoyue hurriedly walked in front of Mu Li with small steps, her forehead only reached half of Mu Li's waist.

She had her hands on her hips, and she looked a little savage.

"what's up?"

猫:九.老?:字!号!,小?说:;群!9'4.;0!7::5!;7"3!?0;3  “我最讨厌别人叫我小孩子!”

Yaoyue said with a straight face.

She is 16 years old this year, but her body and appearance look like that of an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, as if her development has slowed down.

"So... sorry?"

It was because Mu Li saw Yaoyue's baby face that he felt a little uneasy, and now he didn't want to get entangled with her.

"Hmph, no sincerity at all!"

"How old are you now?"

Mu Li shook his head and didn't think about the previous things any more.

"I'm an adult!"


While speaking, Mu Li had already walked outside.

Yafei watched the two people, one big and one small, bickering with each other, and smiled softly.

She had never seen a little princess so deflated before, and only a talent like Mu Li had the confidence to ignore the majesty of the Jia Ma Empire.

Chapter 142

In the room, Nalan Yanran changed out of her red dress and put on the costume of the young master of Misty Cloud Sect again.

Opening the door, facing the cool night breeze, Nalan Yanran finally calmed down and walked towards the outer courtyard with steady steps.

"Yan Ran!"

Liu Ling, who had been waiting here for a long time, appeared at the right time, opened her fan with a swish, and walked slowly towards Nalan Yanran.

"Liu Ling, why are you here?"

Nalan Yanran's footsteps stopped, and the sharp sword on her waist was not concealed at all. The whole person was quite different from the graceful temperament just now, quite sharp.

"Why did you change your clothes? The one just now didn't look pretty."

"I didn't like the clothes like that, so I changed them back."

Nalan Yanran casually explained that her attitude towards Liu Ling was quite casual because she saw her a lot on weekdays.

The other party's thoughts are well known to him, but he just doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

"Senior Nalan has recovered, Yan Ran, you have lost a burden in your heart."

Liu Ling and Nalan Yanran walked side by side, and began to actively talk about the topic.

However, Nalan Yanran only responded softly, and did not intend to communicate with her heart.

"By the way, Yan Ran, what is the background of that Mu Li?"

Nalan Yanran glanced at Liu Ling, and said calmly, "You'd better not mess around, he is a distinguished guest of our Nalan family."

"Why am I messing around, I'm just asking."

Liu Ling said tactfully, she was not too embarrassed that Nalan Yanran punctured her small thoughts.

"I don't know his origin, but if you want to fight him, I'm afraid you're not close."

Hearing Nalan Yanran's undisguised approval, the hand behind Liu Ling's back subconsciously clenched, feeling sour in his heart.

"Yan Ran, after so many years, you should know that I love you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the other party.

"Then you should also know that I don't want to talk about this now, Liu Ling, I know you are excellent, but I don't have that kind of thought for you."

Nalan Yanran, who had just cut herself off, was quite calm at this moment, and said these words softly, but she didn't know how much of a blow it caused to Liu Ling.

Nalan Yanran didn't stop, she held the sword in one hand and walked towards the distance with steady steps.

Looking at the slender back of her sweetheart, Liu Ling quickly came out of her sadness, with a look of determination in her eyes.

"Yan Ran, I will win the championship of the Alchemist Conference and prove to you that I am the one who is qualified to stand by your side!"


Outside Nalan Mansion, there was a rare sound of hoofbeats suddenly, and accompanied by a slight vibration, a blood-red horse rushed to Nalan Mansion as if galloping.

Mu Zhan's face was full of rebellion, and the blood on the battlefield seemed to have not dried up.

After three years of tempering, his cultivation has reached the peak of a fighter, and this is a peak fighter who has been fought on the battlefield. In terms of combat power, he is probably higher than most monks of the same level.

Mu Zhan is already 25 years old this year. At this age, he can be considered as a nine-star fighter, and he is considered to be very talented. He can be ranked in the top [-] in the outer courtyard of Canaan Academy.

According to his vigorous Wood Attribute Dou Qi, within half a year, he is expected to be promoted to Great Fighter.

Mu Zhan jumped off his horse, threw a token into the guard's hand, and rushed into the door on his own.


In the reception living room of Nalan Mansion, Yaoyue Liuling, who was both frustrated, sat together again, sullen and silent.

One is that she was dissatisfied with being provoked by her height and appearance, and she was ignored by others who put on a princess air, which made her feel very unbalanced.

The other is clearly rejected by the sweetheart, immersed in a touch of sadness.

The guests around were extremely lively, but Liu Ling only felt that it was noisy.

"Hmph, you hateful guy, just wait, you'll have to suffer tonight!"

Yaoyue clenched her small fists and said bitterly.

Liu Ling tilted her head slightly, expressing her confusion.

Today Mu Li is in the limelight, who else would dare to mess with him at Nalan's house?

Yaoyue didn't answer immediately, but poured herself a glass of red wine and savored it slowly.


Liu Ling shook her head and continued to look at the floor with sad eyes.

Regardless of whether he can win the championship of the Alchemist Conference, even if he wins, will Yan Ran really agree to him?

Could it be just my own wishful thinking?

Liu Ling didn't even wave the fan in her hand, and just sat there sullenly.


The sound of strong and hasty footsteps came, and before the people at the door of the hall had time to react, they saw a young man in Tsing Yi pass by.

The young man seemed to be still complaining about being too noisy, and his eyes quickly searched the hall.

After a while, he saw a man and a woman cuddling intimately together. The man was sitting upright and toasting, while the woman was holding each other's arms, with affection in her eyes.

Mu Zhan froze for an instant, his mind went blank, and he didn't even have time to express the subconscious anger, as if he was stupid.

After a few seconds, Mu Zhan came back to his senses, his eyes were filled with killing intent at some point, and the dark green fighting spirit came out unconsciously.


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