Chapter 173 Qing Emperor Punishes Soul

Mu Li's perception was surrounded by black mist, unable to penetrate effectively, coupled with the fierce black claw attacks around him, he was also tired of coping at the moment.

The moment the black palm was about to fall, a huge devouring suction was emitted from above, and the covering black mist could dissipate, and Mu Li was also in the center of the suction.

The eagle's cold laughter swept across the world.

"Jie Jie Jie, Feng Shui turns around, this move, I'll see how you block it!"

At this moment, Mu Li felt endless pressure on his body, unable to move his body.

The black mist dissipated, and of course Mu Li felt the surging energy above his head at this moment.

As expected, Duck Protector should not be underestimated. In the original book, he was able to capture Yao Chen, but after all, he still has the ability to plan and plan.

If he had no other means, he would probably fall for this trick.


A blue color surged in Mu Li's body, and a dazzling green glow was released between his brows.


A sound like Hong Zhong's sound flew out of Mu Li's mouth, a wisp of dragon energy surged, and Mu Li felt that his body had regained control temporarily.

When Yunshan and Medusa heard this word, they also subconsciously restrained the means they were planning to use.

Since Mu Li has a way to deal with it, let's follow the original plan.

In the mighty world, the dark palm prints covered the sky and the sun, swallowing all the brilliance.

However, an independent blue light erupted suddenly, followed by a sharp sword intent, directly tearing the sky apart.


Behind Mu Li stands a huge Qingfeng sword, the sword is majestic and majestic, and the soul power in the world trembles.

"Soul Execution!"

There was a burst of blue light around Mu Li's body, and the Qingdi sword rose from the ground, cutting straight into the black palm print.

Then... the sword turned, and countless streams of lotus sword energy bloomed, forming a bright blue lotus phantom in the air.

The Tianyuan Soul Devouring Palm collapsed suddenly, and the condensed soul power was completely killed by the Qingdi Sword.

The eagle's figure suddenly became much more transparent, and with the injury from the palm of the Phantom Spirit God before, its figure almost collapsed.

This palm print was originally dominated by his soul power, absorbing the overflowing soul energy between heaven and earth. It was originally a heavenly restraint for the soul body, and logically it could directly break through Mu Li's colorless divine power and attack his soul.

Only in this way can we determine the universe with one hand.

But the eagle miscalculated again, he didn't expect that Mu Li actually had hidden a soul killer that could be called a trump card!

Seeing the huge sword shadow in front of him, Wu Ying felt a tremor in his soul, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

"Escape, must escape!"

At this time, the eagle had no fighting spirit at all, and flew away into the distance as if going crazy.

However, how could Muli let him do what he wanted.

"Colorless Realm!"

The divine power of the Colorless Realm gushed out again, slowing down the eagle's speed again.

Holding the Qingdi sword in his hand, Mu Li flapped his wings behind his back, and quickly flew towards the eagle.

In fact, as long as a person is targeted by Mu Li, the chance of him escaping is equivalent to zero.

Although the divine power of the Colorless Realm has a range, Muli can also move, so if the enemy only cares about running away instead of fighting back, they will definitely not be able to escape from Muli's control.

The desire for survival in the eagle's heart was overwhelming, and he had no intention of fighting back at all.

There is one thing that Mu Li guessed wrong. Old silver coins like eagles would choose to perish together only when there is no life left.

The current situation is not that bad, so Eagle Eagle naturally only wanted to run away.

"Soul Flash!"

The eagle used the secret technique again, and its body was a little more transparent, but its speed increased instantly, and it even faintly counterpressed the limit of the colorless realm.

"not good."

With such a speed, no one under Dou Zong could catch up.

The special bonus of Liu Ren's body technique requires the right time, place and people.

Today, the energies of the heavens and the earth are raging and rioting, which is in line with the conditions of the weather, and my own state is also acceptable, and people are peaceful and worry-free, but in the sky, I have completely lost the geographical advantage.

Mu Li frowned slightly, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, so he took a deep breath, concentrated his mind and began to mobilize the back soil in his body.

This kind of fetish itself contains a lot of earth energy. If the fetish is used to simulate a favorable location, it may be able to activate the special bonus of Liu Ren's body skills, increasing the speed by five times in a short period of time!


The color of Mu Li's hair began to turn yellow, and the wings of his fighting spirit also turned dark yellow. The sky in a radius of several miles suddenly became thicker.

Inspired by fetishes, change the world.

All the floating small islands of the Misty Cloud Sect were condensing towards Mu Li at this moment, forming a wide land under him.

Mu Lifu felt his heart, and suddenly felt an inexplicable force added to his body, and the speed under his feet suddenly increased.

The eagle has just come to the edge of the colorless world and is about to escape the quagmire, but soon finds itself getting farther and farther away from the edge.


The eagle's eyes cracked sharply, and he exerted his fighting spirit with all his strength, trying to rush out of the colorless realm, but unfortunately, with a cyan sword light falling, everything became false.

The eagle who was stabbed in the back only felt a tremor in his soul, and the edge of death was suddenly approaching.

"Yunshan, don't roll over yet!"

Frightened, the eagle took out the mark and shouted to the sky with all his might.

All the voices in the colorless world can be cut off by Mu Li, but the eagle didn't know it at this time, and shouted into the air foolishly.

But Mu Li didn't stop this sound transmission of battle energy, and let it fly out of the colorless realm and explode in the air.

"Yunshan, don't roll over yet!"

"Yunshan, don't roll over yet!"

Waves of echoes reverberated in the sky, and at this moment, the entire sect knew the relationship between Yunshan and this soul body.

The old Yun Shan who was acting turned black, and scolded the dog coin in his heart, but the timing was just right, so he pretended to be very loyal and flew towards the eagle.

Medusa cooperated with Yunshan's push and slammed towards Mu Li with her strength.

Mu Li showed "shock", reached out to catch Medusa, and landed firmly on the island.

Yun Shan also took the opportunity to come to Wu Ying's side, accepting the order of Wu Ying with a face of reluctance.

"Stop this person for me and give her to me."

Duck Eagle pointed to Mu Li and said to Yun Shan.

The battle assignment just now was obviously wrong, this Mu Li should be handed over to Yunshan to deal with, although the means of restraining the soul is a great threat to him, but it is not a big trouble for Dou Zong who has a body.

On the contrary, although this female fighting sect is definitely stronger than Mu Li, but the other party does not have Mu Li's disgusting soul-slaying method, so it is easier to deal with it.

Yun Shan suppressed the excitement and joy in his heart, agreed with a gloomy face, and then rushed towards Mu Li.

At this time, Mu Li was holding Medusa in his arms, his mouth was next to her ear, explaining the next tactics, and at the same time, his other hand was quietly carving a soul-sealing talisman on Medusa's thigh.

Medusa felt something strange in her thigh, her ears were slightly hot, she hummed softly, and jumped out of Mu Li's arms.

Mu Li stepped forward, but was stopped by Yun Shan, and the two started acting again.

And Medusa, holding the colorful snake-scale sword at this time, pressed towards the eagle step by step.

Don't worry about the means of restraining the soul, the eagle's mind is much more relaxed now, and the palpitations of death before have gradually dissipated.

Fortunately, there is Yunshan as a backer, otherwise I am afraid that I will be planted today.

Medusa swung her sword, and the sword energy surged, cutting a deep ravine in the ground under her feet.

The eagle did not dodge or dodge, raised its hand to spread the black mist, devouring and corroding the sword energy.

"Are you Queen Medusa of the snake people?"

After a few tricks, Wu Ying keenly guessed the other party's identity.

"You broke through Dou Zong so quickly, congratulations."

Without saying a word, Medusa slashed out with a sword, very fierce.

The eagle was not annoyed, and continued: "Since you are the queen of the snake-human race, why do you want to help a human being? Do you know the fate of offending the Hall of Souls?"

Medusa frowned slightly, and the sword energy in her hand couldn't help but lighten a little.

The duck eagle looked happy, and his words eased a lot.

"He is just a fighting king. I can promise you any conditions, and I will double it to you."

"It's no good to offend me. Even if it's not for yourself, you have to think about your clan. In front of the Soul Palace, the snake-human clan is vulnerable."

Medusa turned cold, "Kill you here, and no one will know."

Duck Eagle's eyes sank, "How long do you think your companion can last under Yun Shan's hands?"

"You might as well look back, he has already fallen into a disadvantage."

At this time, Medusa suddenly laughed, "You don't think I have a good relationship with him, do you? I don't care about his life or death at all!"

As the words fell, a huge sword qi slashed out, which seemed to be mixed with the strong anger in Medusa's heart.

"If he died at Yunshan's hands, it would have done me a great favor."

Hearing this, Eagle's face changed, and he watched Medusa's micro-expressions very carefully, trying to find some unnatural camouflage expressions.

But it's a pity that when Medusa said this, she couldn't help showing a comfortable smile on her face.

It seems that he really doesn't care about Muli's life or death.


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