The palpitating sound of breaking resounded through the world.

It was the figures of the three stalwarts again, coming from the shattered void.

Waves of majestic imperial prestige soared into the sky, and even the stars above the nine heavens were shaken to flicker!

Tianshan Sect, three great emperors descended!

"Amitabha, the divine son of Guiyuan Holy Land, has created a lot of killing karma."

"It violates the order of heaven and earth, and I, Xiao Xitian, will do my part to kill the demons."


Another golden light rose from the sky, and there was a golden lotus in the multicolored glow.

This round of bright sun shone like a big sun, like the second sun in the world!

"The Buddha Lord of Xiaoxitian?"

Countless people's scalps tingled with shock.

This is one of the three giants of Buddhism in Xiji Daoyu, who governs countless believers, and is also the supreme Buddha Lord worshiped by hundreds of millions of believers!

"My Buddha is compassionate and caring for the common people, which is the purpose of my teaching. However, returning to the Holy Land of the Yuan Dynasty, the Son of God is rebellious."

"Killed thousands of Tianjiao's disciples, and let Dufozi and Zhanfozi of my teaching die tragically, this crime should be punished!"

"Where is the guardian of my teaching?"


A white thunder streaked across the sky.

It was as if the whole world had been awakened.

In everyone's horrified eyes.

The void slowly distorted, gradually forming two white whirlpools.

Two figures wrapped in rich golden light stepped out slowly.

The same is the emperor's power, which makes people's heart palpitating.

"It's two great emperors again! I really didn't expect Xiao Xitian to make a move?"

"It's nothing more than wanting to share the meat. You don't know that, in fact, the Hell God Palace and the Demon God Abyss also secretly sent the emperor."

"I'm afraid Guiyuan Holy Land will suffer disaster this time."

"No way? Guiyuan Holy Land's background is not weak, and they may still need to spend a lot of effort."

"It's useless. This war came too suddenly. These major forces have not moved these days, they are just mobilizing the army."

"Guiyuan Holy Land, I haven't even seen the figure of the Great Emperor until now. I'm afraid that when they rush back, Guiyuan Holy Land has already been razed to the ground."

These three major forces are even more encircling, and the endless emperor's might is coming out, and the sky is changing.

Just the coercion of sprinting in the void alone makes countless living beings breathless.

Great Emperor.

After the era of immortality, it has been countless epochs that no immortal has been seen.

The Great Emperor is the strongest existence in the entire Three Thousand Dao Domain.

The existence at the top of the pyramid in the cultivation world in the world's cognition.

The previous Immortal War was only the two great emperors of Guiyuan Holy Land and Guiyizong.

But now there are eight of them just by looking at them!

Who knows how much is hidden under the surface of the water?

It is not an exaggeration to say that this immortal battle will destroy the Dao Domain.

The main army led by Tianshan Sect, Dragon God Island, and Xiaoxitian moved into action together.

The army, armed with sharp weapons and wearing gold and silver armor, marched mightily in the direction of Guiyuan Holy Land.

Among these dao lords, there are many powerful figures, at least all of them are saints.

Needless to say, there are quite a few armies hidden in the Prison God Palace, Zhenhuang Cave, and Demon God Abyss.

The affiliated forces of these immortal forces alone are a vast expanse.

Where the army plundered, the sky and the earth trembled, and the sky roared.

And the great emperors and powerhouses of several major forces stood outside the universe, overlooking the direction of Guiyuan Holy Land.

Because as soon as they make a move, this battle will immediately usher in the biggest outbreak!

They are waiting, waiting for Guiyuan Holy Land to have any other tricks.

"Hehe, the eight great emperors actually want to challenge me to return to the Yuan Holy Land."

"Time goes by too fast, and the world will always forget the era that was once dominated by my Guiyuan Holy Land."

"Forget it, let's give the world an unforgettable memory today."


The sky slowly split open, and millions of Dao troops returning to the Yuan Holy Land stepped out.

Long Xiao destroys the Heavenly Army.

Devouring cavalry guards.

Skybreaker Armored Army.

The Thundering Ten Thousand Guns Army.

Shura fights Tianwei.


"Hmph, it's still the original army. It seems that Guiyuan Holy Land really has no resistance."

The Emperor of Zhenhuang Cave had a sarcastic expression on his face.

"Come on, launch an immortal war!"


The astonishing phoenix cry sounded from the small world where the Zhenhuang Cave was located.

Countless flame phoenixes soared into the sky, and bursts of scorching hot storms were set off among the flames.

Even the sky turned red, as if it was ignited by this powerful force!


Three soaring pillars of flame were connected to the sky, and the runes were broken.

Another figure of the Three Great Emperors descended suddenly!

The Emperor of the True Phoenix Cave Appears!

The Great Emperor of the Zhenhuang Cave, who was surrounded by divine fire all over his body, stepped out with a single step, his eyes filled with divine fire.

"The shame of many years ago should be returned today!"


"It seems that after leaving the battlefield outside the territory, you are a little drifting again."

Above the sky, a man's voice with a smile sounded.

But when this news reached the ears of the emperor in Zhenhuang Cave, it made their faces change.

They couldn't be more familiar with this voice!

"Emperor...Emperor War?!"

"How could you..."

"This emperor can suppress you with one hand, so what if I let you run first?"


At this moment, the sky that was originally shrouded in dark clouds was instantly submerged by endless thunder.

The god thunder roared, and the wind howled.

A huge vortex was formed in the sky above Dragon God Island, and the majestic Emperor Wei rippling out of it.

"Di Zhan, why do you have to say so much?"

"Destroy them."

In the direction of the Tianshan Sect, the thick dark clouds were also directly torn apart by a pair of big hands condensed with the emperor's will!

The figures of five stalwarts hang above the sky.

Especially the one in the middle of the five figures is even more majestic, as if the whole world is surrendering to him!

The Great Emperor of Tianshan Sect was also pale.

"Emperor Hundred... Battle!"

Chapter 190 Star Wars

Emperor Zhan and Emperor Baizhan are extremely famous.

Especially those great emperors who returned from the foreign battlefield.

Who doesn't know the names of these two people?

The Great Emperor of Hundred Wars went deep into the alien army, facing six strong alien emperors alone, and killed seven in and seven out.

Emperor Di Zhan, as the last legendary emperor to ascend to the Immortal Realm in the Three Thousand Dao Realm, is the younger brother of Emperor Di Tian.

His talent is self-evident.

His talent is the best in the past and present, and he is also known as one of the four emperors in the foreign battlefield.

In front of this great emperor, who dares to say that he is invincible and who dares to call himself invincible?

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