How the hell are you going to die if you call it a Chinese name? You also said that this is in line with international standards. Anyway, Gao Qiqiang felt that this was like picking up a group of foreign ghosts.

At that time, China was already the largest emerging market in the world. If we can achieve a huge share of the domestic market, we can actually be the only one in the world.

It's nothing to do with international standards, anyway, Gao Qiqiang thinks it's very stupid to criticize.

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At that time, he had actually met Brother Xiao Ma, but at that time, Brother Xiao Ma was very high-spirited and wanted to acquire a company under him.

That meeting was quite special, Xiao Ma is generally a shy person.

If you want him to talk more, you'll either have to get angry, or you'll have to drink a few more drinks.

After drinking a few more glasses at that time, he also complained about it to Xiao Ma.

Brother Xiao Ma was very embarrassed about this matter, because at the beginning, Penguin's main capital came from Hong Kong Island, and part of the management team also came from Hong Kong Island.

This corporate culture was brought in by them. Although these people left one after another, this corporate culture remained.

As a result, Brother Xiao Ma couldn't say anything. After all, it didn't affect the operation of the company, and formed a centripetal force that was different from other companies.

It seems that Brother Xiao Ma was also very annoyed by this at the time, especially when the group of executives came in, they brought in the culture of golf.

When Penguin was making a profit, it was hard for Xiao Ma to say anything, but then Penguin’s profit began to decline, and some of the project team leaders who were losing money went to play golf, and Xiao Ma exploded.

Even that time, Brother Xiao Ma was very merciless, directly reprimanded and cursed in the internal video conference, and directly cut down several departments for this reason.

"I have a call coming in, you go back to the headquarters of the imperial capital first! I have invested in a few projects, you go here to clean up the first and last, and sign it."

After Zhang Lei heard this, he immediately responded solemnly, and Gao Qiqiang only then answered the call.

"Uncle Meng, you haven't rested so late?!"

Meng Dehai's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone: "Hahaha...Xiao Gao! You play hard enough! Be careful that Jiang Tiangou jumps over the wall in a hurry!"

"Don't worry! The dog is on the leash in his master's hand, and he has to look at his master's face before he jumps."

Gao Qiqiang said with a smile: "Uncle Meng, I'm afraid someone will sue you tomorrow!..."

"Heh heh's already ready! If he doesn't come to file a complaint, I still want to file a complaint!"

Meng Dehai sneered and said, "The lawsuit has reached the leader, I want to see what excuses he has to block it!"

"As long as you stand up to it, this thing can be done!"

Gao Qiqiang smiled slightly and said, "Once this matter is settled, his systems will collapse."

"With such a huge loss, if a reasonable compensation is not given, Jiang Tian will definitely explode!"

As long as Jiang Tian blows up, everything will be fine.

Early the next morning, the guidance team started the inspection and guidance trip to Jinghai.

But Zhao Lidong didn't travel with the guidance group this day, but came to the compound.

Almost all the staff who saw Zhao Lidong's face were afraid to talk to him.

Zhao Lidong's expression now looks like he wants to eat people.

Soon Zhao Lidong arrived at Brother Yi's office, and about half an hour after he entered, Meng Dehai also appeared outside the office.

Unlike Zhao Lidong, Meng Dehai had a smiling face when he came over.

Even every staff member they met greeted, and it was obvious...these two were fighting again.

There are different opinions about whether the two of them really fought.

A more reliable theory is about Meng Ju's nephew - An Xin.

When he was investigating Huang Cuicui's case, he once found Buckingham Xu Jiang's head.

Behind Buckingham Xu Jiang, everyone rumored that Zhao Lidong was standing.

Later, something happened to Bai Jiangbo and Xu Jiang fled. There is also evidence that Xu Jiang led Huang Cuicui's murder.

An Xin who solved the case was commended at the time, but when the commendation meeting was over, An Xin suddenly shouted to Zhao Lidong that he would catch Xu Jiang and destroy the gang behind him.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

This is equivalent to directly declaring war on Zhao Lidong!

An Xin dared to say this, and everyone thought Meng Dehai was behind it.

If Gao Qiqiang knew about it, he would probably tell them: This is An Xin's own trouble.

Young and stunned, Meng Dehai complained to Gao Qiqiang about this matter.

Originally, although he planned to investigate further, he didn't intend to tear himself apart with Zhao Lidong so quickly. After all, Zhao Lidong's influence in Jinghai was also deeply rooted.

And at that time, he was about to be promoted to the head of the police, and the appointment was about to come down.

In the end, because of An Xin's disturbance, he was put here in Qinghua District as the director.

Fortunately, after all, he has been in the police system for many years, and the old Guo who is now taking over is also his former subordinate.


So in the police system, he still maintains influence.

At that time, when things had developed to this point, it was impossible for Meng Dehai not to turn against Zhao Lidong.

That's why at the official commendation meeting, An Xin directly asked Zhao Lidong to call the police.

Meng Dehai, on the other hand, rushed to answer, and asked the police to directly dispatch the police to arrest people.

However, they did not catch any evidence that time. Xu Jiang who fled died, and Cao Chuang who went to arrest him died.

It was Cao Chuang who tracked Li Xiang to death at the scene, and Cao Chuang sacrificed himself.

With no evidence, Meng Dehai and An Xin could only hastily close the case under pressure.


After Meng Dehai entered, he greeted Brother Yi.

Then he sat on the sofa without looking sideways, Zhao Lidong's face was gloomy.

Shen Sheng said: "Boss! Some of our comrades are really outrageous! Yun uses this method to attack investors! This has greatly damaged our investment image and investment environment in Jinghai!  … "

Meng Dehai was expressionless, quietly listening to Zhao Lidong's high-spirited talk, as if he would plunge the entire Jinghai into a place of eternal doom if he did so!

In some respects, it is indeed possible.

After all, at this time, attracting investment is the top priority of all places!

This is related to the achievements of everyone in Jinghai, big and small, and this achievement is related to everyone's promotion.

Who can care less? !earth.

Chapter 160 Eighth

"...This matter is a banner that I personally set up! It is a banner that is dominated by economic development and centered on the masses! I suggest that we must strictly investigate who is doing the sabotage! ! No matter who is involved, we will never tolerate it!!"

Throughout the whole process, Meng Dehai remained silent, not saying a word.

It wasn't until Zhao Lidong finished speaking that the first brother picked up the teacup and said softly to Meng Dehai: "Comrade Dehai, what do you think about this matter?!"

Meng Dehai put his hands together and looked at Brother Yi at the same level.

The voice was sonorous and powerful: "First of all, it is the trial of this project of Mang Village Resort. He did not pass through our Qinghua District, and directly leapfrogged - approved in the compound!"

"Our district has never received any application for this project, and no "[-]" has heard of any application for this project!"

Meng Dehai looked at Brother Yi, straightening his body: "Is it legal to do this?!"

Brother Yi didn't speak, but just glanced at Zhao Lidong with a slight frown.

Zhao Lidong's expression turned ugly, but before he could express anything, Meng Dehai continued.

"Secondly, the time for approving this project is just before the construction of our Qinghua District Expressway, but it was only announced recently due to formalities."

"And the approval time of this project was just before our announcement!"

Meng Dehai looked at Brother Yi and said, "Is there something wrong with it?!"

However, Meng Dehai's voice was sonorous and powerful, and every word and sentence was like a heavy drum.

"Is there someone who is using power for personal gain?! Exchange information for benefits?!"

As soon as he said these words, Zhao Lidong twisted his body uncomfortably.

But Meng Dehai didn't even look at him, and just continued to the first brother: "Third, when this project is in progress, it not only rushes to rush the construction period overnight, but also continuously expands the occupied area, and even encloses the public land we planned. Nearly a third!"

"At the beginning of the construction, we negotiated with the locals and investors many times! They could have stopped at that time, but they chose to obey! There was no sign of repentance at all, and there was even an incident of beating our working team!"

"At that time, the police department couldn't pursue it because some of our comrades issued instructions, requiring us to do a good job in mass work!"

Meng Dehai let out a deep breath, and stared at Brother Yi angrily.

"Brother One! Tell me, a small mang village and a Hong Kong businessman, where did they get so bold to go against our district?!"

Looking at the first brother, Meng Dehai said word by word: "Can I reasonably suspect that some people in charge are backing them?!"

Zhao Lidong's hand touched his wrist unconsciously, and there was a watch on his wrist, which was sent by Jiang Tian.

A Patek Philippe steel watch looks inconspicuous but is worth more than one million!

"Let's talk about the investment environment, Brother One! Isn't the impact of Mang Village big enough?! A village director, who has been corrupted for nearly a million dollars! His son is colluding with the clan to sell contraband! How can this propaganda be done?! "

"Do we have to say that we in Jinghai condone these outlaws, or do we say that our Jinghai has a bad law and order environment?! Or, we must attract investors to cooperate with these local evil forces in order to make a project ?!"

Meng Dehai exhaled, and said: "As for how to say it, it will cause the least harm to our investment attraction. I think Brother Yi must have his own considerations."

"Also, there is the issue of our crematorium and cemetery this time."

Meng Dehai paused and continued: "This is entirely a public welfare project in our district. This is also a request made by the boss himself during the meeting of the provincial capital a few days ago."

"Shenghe Group is still very supportive of us in this aspect, and they are even willing to invest in this aspect, even if they generate profits, they will use them for public welfare, and they will never touch their hands!"

At this point, Meng Dehai paused and said, "Investors like Shenghe are what our district needs and supports the most!"

"This project, our district didn't do it for us! Brother Yi, you know that the project has been submitted for approval, and it's a formal process..."

The first brother looked at Meng Dehai and let out a breath.

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