【The escaped children were quickly found by a patrol car and rescued.】

【"Xiao Lin?"】

【Kotone came to her senses and tried to find Toosaka Rin, but she had already left.】

【"Great, let's go back."】

【Seeing that her friend was safe, Toosaka Rin also felt a surge of fatigue. She forced herself to walk towards the station, intending to rush back immediately so as not to worry her mother.】

【"I did it, Dad."】

【Toosaka Rin raised the magic needle, but she didn't expect the needle to give a warning again.】

【"What's wrong?"】

【Toosaka Rin turned back subconsciously, and a sea demon fell from the sky and grabbed her with its fangs and claws.】

【Toosaka Rin was frightened again, and stood there motionless.】


Toosaka Rin was shocked. She didn't expect such a change to happen.

Could it be that she couldn't escape Bluebeard's clutches in the end?


Tōsaka Tokiomi's heart tightened

【Suddenly, the mutation regenerates】

【Toosaka Rin suddenly heard a rustling sound and subconsciously replied���In front of her, she saw a large number of insects flying past her.】

【The magic power consumption, physical strength consumption, coupled with the continuous mental shock, finally made Toosaka Rin faint.】

"Insect magic, is that the guy?"

Tōsaka Tokiomi looked at Matou Kariya across from him.


Matou Kariya snorted coldly and turned his head to look at Toosaka Rin.

Toosaka Tokiomi is indeed not trustworthy. He is the one I have to rely on at the critical moment.

【On the other side, Toosaka Aoi, who found that Toosaka Rin was missing, also drove back to Fuyuki】


【After searching for a while, Aoi Tousaka finally found the sleeping Tousaka Rin on a bench in the park.】

【"Xiaolin is fine, she just fell asleep"】

【At this time, a voice sounded under the street lamp not far away. It was Matou Kariya.】

【"What's going on? Kariya, your face!"】

【Toosaka Aoi was shocked when she saw the half of Matou Kariya's face covered with blue veins.】

【"This is the magic of the Matou family, sacrificing the body and eroding life"】

【Matou Kariya said in a deep voice:"But don't worry, I will rescue Sakura before that."】

【"Zouken only wants the Holy Grail, if you give it to him, Sakura will be saved"】

【"Don't worry, my Servant is the strongest"】

"Ha, the strongest."

Jin Shanshan said disdainfully:"Are you kidding me, that mad dog."

Artoria said in a deep voice:"Jin Shanshan, take back your rude words."

Lancelot said indifferently:"King, there is no need to be angry about this matter"

【"Pray for me, Aoi. I will make sure that Sakura and Rin become sisters again and play happily in this park."】

【After making sure that Rin was safe, Matou Kariya turned around and left. 】

Seeing this, Tohsaka Tokiomi felt unhappy.

That's my wife, why should I pray for you?

At the same time, he hated his own ignorance.

He didn't see Matou Zouken's true face and pushed his daughter into the fire pit.

【"Master, please don't worry about Tohsaka Tokiomi's wife and daughter?"】

【And in a tree in the park, a Hassan was hiding in the tree, transmitting a message to Kotomine Kirei.】

【"No, continue monitoring Berserker"】

【On the other side, Kotomine Kirei said coldly】

【The video ends here】


Tōsaka Tokiomi looked at Kotomine Kirei suspiciously.

Looking at the video, Kotomine Kirei didn't seem to be planning to tell him about his wife and daughter returning to Fuyuki.

"The master's wife is a reasonable person, she will definitely leave Fuyuki immediately.

Kotomine Kirei explained to Tōsaka Tokiomi without changing his expression.

"Don't let this happen again."

Although he was still a little dissatisfied, Tōsaka Tokiomi didn't plan to pursue the matter further.

After all, the things in the video didn't happen in reality, and he couldn't blame Kotomine Kirei for this.

[The correct answer is C]

[Congratulations to Feng Xi, Altria, Yangtze River Knight, Matou Kariya, Tosaka Rin, Tosaka Sakura, Madam, Zhang Jiao, Red Hare, and Venus Goddess for obtaining 5 Saint Crystals]

[Bluebeard gives up this question]

[If the remaining group members answer incorrectly, 1 Saint Quartz will be deducted]


Sora looked at Kenneth, clearly wanting him to give an explanation.

Kenneth was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that this question would not go according to the routine.

Waver and the others beside him were also speechless. They made the same mistake.

Emiya Kiritsugu was much more stable. He directly asked the four of his family to put B、C、D each choose one.

Luckily, two people got it right.

[The second question is over. Now let’s start the last question of today.]

[This is a multiple choice question. Please look at the following pictures and choose the person who has the closest relationship with the King of Conquerors.]

Iskandar:"Haha, today's final question is about this king?"

"We won’t have to guess again." Kenneth suddenly had a headache.

He was really scared by these questions that required guessing.

Toosaka Rin:"Hey, this question is too favorable for the Rider team."

Feng Xi:"Forget it, the King of Conquerors will definitely win today anyway."

Iskandar:"Hahaha, thank you for your good words."

[A: A thin boy with red hair appeared in the picture, and he looked very handsome. ]

Seeing the person in the picture, Feng Xi was speechless.

It seemed that he really had to give up the first place today.

And Iskandar had obviously learned his lesson, and did not speak loudly, but only whispered a few words in Weber's ear.

Weber was very surprised after hearing it, with an expression of disbelief.

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