XunMi gave in. She knew that BaoBao's reliability had its limits. BaoBao nodded his whole body up and down, trying to send a message to his host that he was a obedient boy so please have mercy. Crycrycry~~~Host has become so scary.

Before she was so gently. As expected, now that she has a man, she's forgotten about him.

XunMi silently stood for two minutes. After smoothing out her clothes, she took out a white muslin from her inventory. She wasn't someone that would put herself in an uncomfortable position. Those skin masks were really fake claims made by tv dramas. Wearing them felt airtight and suffocating. Moreover, they had a strange odor that she couldn't handle.

XunMi wore a white outfit, accentuating her slim and beautiful figure. As she gracefully walked on the streets, she immediately gained the attention of the crowd. She quietly gave herself a thumbs up. She had successfully faked her confident coolness. [T/N: original word choice is zhuangbi, which is online slang that basically means when someone performs in a certain manner hoping others would find them cool/attractive]

She still remembered today's plot. When the original Wenren XunMi was taken away by the crown prince, the female lead went for a walk in an attempt to drive away her bad mood. Then, in a remote alleyway, she saved the life of an assassin.

Since XunMi couldn't find Building 1, then she'll just have to go find that assassin instead. They were both in the same line of work anyways.

How many men did Wenren YunFei fool around with anyways? The crown prince, then the city's richest merchant Nangong Muchen. Afterwards, it was the gifted scholar Guan Shengqing and secret spy Bai Ling. WoOow. She must have longlasting strength in combat. [T/N: pretty sure XunMi's insinuating female lead must really get it on in bed]

XunMi rubbed her chin, if she stole one man away, it'll be called stealing. So why not just steal the whole group of men? En, not a bad idea. If she didn't have all those pretty boys helping her, XunMi wondered if Wenren Yunfei could still overturn the skies.

Turning left then turning right then turning left again, XunMi successfully got herself lost.

Distressed, she leaned on the trunk of a large tree looking up at the heavens, her entire body emitting an unceasingly gloomy air. But in the eyes of others, she was a noble woman adorning a white muslin that hid off her face. She stood silently under a peach blossom tree, with flower petals floating down around her. Her fair and thin hands were cupped to capture pink peach blossoms, the whole world slowing down around her.

"Investigate." In a restaurant not far away, a stern man in a splendid purple gown lightly dictated. His eyes were fixated on the white figure underneath the tree. He had only planned on a casual stroll today, yet he had the good fortune of running into such a beauty. Although he couldn't see much of her face, he was certain that she was unmatched beauty just from her posture alone. He suddenly felt the crown prince's marriage wasn't half as annoying anymore; at least it allowed him to meet her.

He licked his lips, his face splitting into a demonlike smile. Beauty, welcome into my life. Putting down his tea cup, he promptly turned and headed downstairs.

XunMi was currently bantering with BaoBao. Even though she was about to fall apart in despair on the inside, her outer appearance maintained its aristocratic grace without the slightest betrayal of her inner turmoil.

[Madam Host, I cross my heart. That alleyway just now really is where that assassin Xiao Jing was hurt.] He had doublechecked a hundred times, with 0% chance of error.

"Hehe…" XunMi coldly rolled her eyes. "And where is he? Could it be that he was eaten?

BaoBao feels wronged, but BaoBao won't say anything. BaoBao will just stare at you.

XunMi really wanted to spit on BaoBao. She inhaled deeply, striving to keep from exploding. This is a civilized society, violence won't do.

[Host! He's coming, he's coming, he's coming!] BaoBao suddenly shouted out, scaring XunMi. She looked around her surroundings. After seeing absolutely nothing around, her face darkened. "BaoBao, you keep acting so flustered and I'll chop you to pieces."

[No, Madam Host: that Xiao Jing has collapsed in the alleyway. Host, hurry and drag him away!] Why was madam host hesitating at this great opportunity?

XunMi really wanted to smack him. She was currently a weak woman, how was she supposed to just drag away a huge man, much less an unconscious one? Do you really think this is as easy as it sounds in those online novels?

She didn't know how reliable those damsel saving the hero in distress situations were. Whatever, if she can't take him away, she'll at least smack him awake. She finally understood why BaoBao had said the nutrient water would be useful in this dimension. Casually making her way towards the alleyway, she discovered that this place really was desolate.

After turning the corner, she indeed saw a man in all black laying on the floor. Estimating in her head, she came to the conclusion that her skinny arms and skinny legs didn't stand a chance. Squatting next to the man, she tore off the mask and assessed him. Then, XunMi pulled out a mini-bottle, pinched the man's lower jaw and poured the bottle's red liquid down his throat. He had a sharp jawline, the definition of a handsome man of steel. Yet he wasn't her taste. Moreover, she had her dear husband. Even though her husband might not have his memories, ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

"One out of five stars, he's five layers deep into unconsciousness. How does this match up to his awesome reputation?" She knew people that even if they were unconscious, they could hold onto a strand of alertness. If a person approached them, they could still strike back immediately. But this man? She had even poured drugs down his throat and he hasn't even reacted in the least. As expected, the books were all lies.

BaoBao wanted to do what his host did and roll his eyes but his fluffy fur blocked his eyes from view.

XunMi was about to take back her hand when it was tightly grabbed. At the same time, the muslin veil on her head was also lifted off. The surprised XunMi widened her eyes, making the birthmark at the corner of her eye twitch alluringly. Her shining pupils in her peach blossom eyes added to her charm. Her red lips were slightly spread, faintly revealing her tiny tongue, as if seductively inviting a taste. Words couldn't sufficiently describe her devastatingly beautiful face. Her beauty wasn't something that could be imitated or overlooked by others, stunning the man in front of her as well as the man hidden in secret.

Xiao Jing thought he was in the presence of a fairy. This really was a fairy. His heart thumped up and down without control. He didn't even bare blink his eyes, for fear that the woman in front of him was just an illusion.

XunMi's heart that had shot up from the fright finally returned to its seat. She blinked her eyes to hide her bad mood.

"Um, sir. Can you first please let go of my hand?" Her voice was clear and delicate, smoother than a jadeite.

Xiao Jing blankly stared at his maroon hand wrapped around her white arm that seemed to be beginning to redden. He frantically released her, apologizing: "I'm sorry. Young Miss, I did not mean to harm you."

"No problem, I understand. Your injury is no longer serious. Since you have awoken, then I will first take my leave."

XunMi let out a light smile, and grabbed her muslin veil out of his other hand to put back on. She stood, and left without the slightest hesitation or worry. Without a doubt, products made from the system were premium goods. She wasn't worried at all that this dude would faint again in some desolate corner.

No one noticed the hidden man in purple, his face filled with killing intent.

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