Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 818 Portable Gourmet Planet (18)

Emperor Star Comprehensive Technology Medical Research Center.

A group of top experts in Emperor Star's medical field gathered around looking at the inspection report in their hands, helpless.

"It turns out that there is really a curse in this world. This thing is neither a virus nor a physiological disease. It is somewhat similar to energy ore radiation damage, but we can't even treat energy ore radiation damage now.

Not to mention this so-called curse! "

"Then what should we do, should we just give up the treatment, or continue to insist on injecting them with life-prolonging medicine?

If you continue to persist, the cost will be terrible! "

"Have you ever tried to temporarily freeze and hibernate?"

"I tried it, but it didn't work. Even in the state of frozen dormancy, their lifespan and source of life are still being eroded and disappeared by an unknown energy. The one used for experimental freezing has just died of old age."

"Then there is no other way, give up, we will definitely not be able to research a solution to this so-called curse in a short period of time, now they have to consume hundreds of tubes of life-prolonging potions a day, if it lasts for three or two days, sell them I can’t even pay the bill!”

"That's right, let's give it up. The raw materials for making life-prolonging potions are precious. I don't know how many people ask for them every year. They can't be wasted here!"

"It's just a pity that there is no research sample, and the cursed energy can only be detected and observed on a living body.

Once the host dies.

The energy of the curse also dissipates quickly. "

"There's no way around this. Our annual research funds are only about 10 billion yuan. We can't spend the research funds in the next few years or even decades on this. Now stop injecting them with life-prolonging medicines and use The instrument recorded their whole process from now to death in detail.

These records are the final research samples! "


According to the current situation, after negotiating for a while, the matter of giving up the treatment is considered to be settled, no matter how the chairman of the Orc Union Council and other members of the council hear the news, they ask for it, how to guarantee that they are willing to pay, and so on.

Nothing changed their decision.

In the next tens, or even hundreds of minutes, they could only accept the treatment voluntarily, inject the corresponding medicine, and be manipulated and stuffed into various testing instruments by the relevant researchers without any resistance, so as to accurately record their The body changes from moment to moment.

It records the fluctuations of the curse, the entire process of the disappearance of vitality in their bodies, and the changes in all aspects of the whole body down to the level of genes or blood vessels.

But only a few hours.

Those cursed orcs who received the treatment all died of exhaustion of lifespan, almost no different from mummies.

If Ding Yun hadn't revealed his strength before, there is a high probability that the Human Alliance Council would use this as an excuse to criticize Ding Yun, and even deal with Ding Yun himself, and bring her back alive for research.

But the strength Ding Yun showed before is really terrifying. Not only is it not inferior to the Star Destroyer, but it may even be a level higher than the Star Destroyer in terms of flexibility and threat. The Human Alliance Council is really uncertain. There can only temporarily pretend not to know.

Ignore the situation on the orc planet.

Let Ding Yun play freely.

Wait until they find out some useful information or data someday, or have a way to deal with Ding Yun.

It's not too late to turn over the account.

Because of this, until more than ten days after the chairman of the Orc Alliance Council and many councilors who shared his nostrils died due to curses, there was no movement from the Human Alliance Council, and even wanted to ask the Human Alliance Council to help make decisions The councilor even got a reply that the Human Alliance Council would not interfere in the internal affairs of his world.

Seeing this, the remaining opponents can be described as completely desperate.

Ding Yun took the opportunity to announce the death of all the staff, and said that he had no intention of taking their lives. As long as they came to the door in person and kowtowed to apologize, he might help them break the curse.

But who knew that I had asked for leave and didn't go to work in the past few days, and stayed at home all the time. After waiting for such a long time, no one came to apologize. It can be seen that they would rather die than admit their mistakes, and they are stubborn.

Unrepentant criminals.

Afterwards, Ding Yun activated the emergency plan for Orc Planet according to standard procedures. The so-called emergency plan means that if the chairman of the council dies unexpectedly, even if the election day has not yet come, a new round of election for the chairman of the council needs to be started immediately. That is, if the death of seventy-two governors and congressmen exceeds double digits.

Emergency elections for governors are also required.

Minimize the window period as much as possible.

The general meaning is actually that the so-called country cannot be without a king for a day, and the gap in government officials should not be too large.

With the launch of the emergency plan, because of the large shortage of councilors, the election of the governor and councilors will start first. Regarding this point, the company groups belonging to genetic humans and supernatural beings in various regions are all making efforts.

It is hoped that those who listen to them will be pushed to the top.

Then, during the election of the new chairman of the council, vote for someone else, not giving Ding Yun a chance to take over.

In this way, the difficulty for Ding Yun to become the chairman of the parliament in a fair, reasonable and legal way has undoubtedly increased several times at once. He must either compromise, or he can only take the path of a coup and try to become the chairman of the parliament directly.

And just when they are triumphant.

When I thought I was back in the game.

Ding Yun took his time and sent out his disciples who had already become venerables, and asked them to cancel the governor elections in various places according to the notes in the emergency plan, and let them directly succeed to become the new governors.

That's right, the emergency plan has a note, that is out of consideration that if a large number of governors die, the orc planet is likely to be in danger of extinction, so the emergency plan has a special note. In this case, if a venerable is willing to take over a certain place Governorship, then you can skip the election process and directly become the new governor.

The reason is that the situation is too chaotic.

Elections are a waste of time.

It is even possible that some areas have already been occupied, and there is no way to hold elections, so this note was specially added when setting up the emergency plan.

And this point was just taken advantage of by Ding Yun.

The governor election was directly canceled, and forty-eight Venerable disciples were selected from among her disciples to succeed the governors of the forty-eight states that had died and lacked governors.

The orc planet has a total of seventy-two states.

Forty-eight states already account for the vast majority.

In a disguised form, Ding Yun's position as the chairman of the council is stable. Although he has revealed many of his cards so early and has become the chairman of the council many years in advance, there is a big difference from Ding Yun's original plan, but the plan of Naihe has not changed. Soon, she can only change with the trend.

And while sending forty-eight disciples to take over the position of governor, they also scattered the remaining disciples to other planets, and advanced all plans.

And the next step is to see the trick.

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