Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 906 Almighty Workshop (6)

"It's hard to say, but he's fine, so you shouldn't need to pay much. The point is that we haven't figured out his identity yet. We don't know whether to send him back to his country or to a rescue center."

"So, you'd better wait for the notice..."

Since no family member of the injured person came to sue and his identity was not very clear, Cheng Yuwei couldn't say how much Ding Yun should pay. In addition, there was compensation from the insurance company, so it might be possible not to pay.

But he couldn't stop talking.

So it is still an ambiguous response.

"Okay, then I'll go back first!

By the way, he probably hasn’t contacted his relatives or anything. It’s not easy for him to eat three meals a day. I haven’t heard that the hospital can still pay three meals a day on credit. In this way, I will make an appointment for you Keep 10,000 yuan.

Think of it as food and nutrition for him.

In case I want to lose more than 10,000 yuan later, contact me again. If it doesn’t exceed 10,000 yuan, forget it. I don’t want the money.

Do not refund and make up for less.

All right, that's it.

He has neither a mobile phone nor a bank card. Should I transfer the money directly to the hospital account or to you? "

Because Ding Yun was really interested in the source of this guy, so after thinking about it, she still didn't turn around and leave immediately, but took out her mobile phone specially, wanting to use this to increase contact, so that she can continue to contact her in the future.


It is naturally impossible for the Public Security Bureau to collect money.

On the contrary, the doctor at the back said that there was no problem, and also said that the money can be directly deposited into their hospital account, which is specially used for consumption of three meals a day in the hospital cafeteria. Ding Yun can even use the hospital catering software to give money to the injured in the ward. Make a meal list for three meals.

Seeing this, Ding Yun followed the doctor who was talking, and went to deposit food expenses for the injured in the ward.

And follow the doctor's instructions after paying the money.

Give him half a month of nutritious meals.

Then turn around and go home.

This time, Ding Yun didn't go shopping for vegetables anymore, because at this point, her mother should have arrived home and made dinner, so she arrived home empty-handed.

Just had dinner with her parents.

As for her younger brother, he still had to go to self-study at night and didn't come back, so he still ate in the school cafeteria.

During the meal, Jin Cuihua thought about it, but she still talked about her daughter knowingly and annoyingly: "What's the situation today? Did you go out and run all day for nothing?

How much money do you have, and you order those takeaways? If you go to work every day and have a job, I won’t talk about you, right? You are unemployed, unemployed, and spending money lavishly every day. How long will the savings in your hand last? Can't you save some money?

Also, don't be too ambitious.

I hate that this company has low wages, that one has to work overtime or something, your education is not that good, you can choose which round, there are some things, although some companies don’t ask for it publicly, but who doesn’t know that most companies don’t Too happy to recruit older girls who are unmarried and not pregnant!

Of course, those who are married but not pregnant are even less willing to recruit.

In my opinion, why don’t you stop looking for a job for the time being, just stay at home and wait for a blind date, get married and have a baby, and it’s not too late to go out and look for a job after the baby grows up, so you don’t have to go back and get married and get pregnant. The family is overwhelmed, both ends are frustrated, and both ends are delayed.

Maybe they will be treated differently by the boss or something.

It's better to simply give birth and then go to work.

If your mother-in-law is willing to help take care of the child, then you can take care of the child for a few years after giving birth and confinement, and then take a month off to find a job. My child, it is not too late to find a job after the child enters primary school.

Listen to me, I'm from here..."

Although Jin Cuihua wanted to say that she could help take care of the child, after all, she still has a son who is in the first year of high school. She is not going to work now.

So she must wait until her son graduates from college or has a partner and gets married before resigning.

Just freed up to help with the kids.

If by that time, her daughter had a second child, a third child or something, she would be willing to help with it.

"Come on, mom, just wait!"

Judging from the current situation, Ding Yun has deeply realized that unless he moves out immediately, he has to move farther away, and try to cut off contact with his parents as much as possible.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to escape parents' urging blind date and marriage, even if they are married, they cannot escape having children.

Even having two or three children.

In order to solve this problem as much as possible, Ding Yun took out his mobile phone after speaking, opened the bank software, and used the newly opened transfer limit permission to transfer 10 million to her mother's account, and then took the transfer page to Jin Cuihua shook her face, and continued:

"Mom, don't always say that you are from here. Just say that if you had so much money back then, would you have married early, and would you have had so many worries?"

"what are you saying……"

Before Jin Cuihua finished speaking, a text message popped up on her mobile phone, and at the same time, the voice function of her software rang, reminding her account that 10 million had been credited.

As soon as the voice sounded, of course she couldn't care less about talking to Ding Yun, but immediately took out her mobile phone and checked it carefully, muttering in her mouth that it's too strange to be a liar now. thing.

Could it be that my account was stolen or something.

Then she saw that her bank account was indeed 10 million more, and the transferer was her daughter's account, which was the account she used to transfer living expenses to her daughter in the past. So far, Jin Cuihua still didn't believe it was her daughter. I transferred 10 million to her.

Instead, Dang even yelled at Ding Yun dissatisfied:

"What the hell are you doing? What's going on in my phone? Did you use some prank software, or did something hack into my phone?"

"Get it back for me quickly, it's scary!"

"Mom, I didn't joke with you, and I didn't say I was playing any pranks. The money is real, and I really transferred it to you. From now on, you and Dad don't care about me anymore, okay. In addition Don’t continue to work, this money is enough for your old age, if you are really in a hurry, go to square dance or travel or something.”

Although Ding Yun was a little helpless.

But still very serious in explaining.

"You're not crazy, are you? Where did you get so much money? You're dreaming. This is, are you crazy or am I crazy? What's going on? Tell me clearly.

Oh my god, I'm a little dizzy.

Just tell me you're talking nonsense, it's fake. "

Jin Cuihua was really a little irritated, because she wanted to believe it was true, but she couldn't believe it, because she thought that even if her daughter robbed a bank, it would be difficult to get so much back, let alone winning the lottery.

Her daughter never buys lottery tickets.

Whether it's legal or illegal channels, moral or immoral ways to make money, Jin Cuihua's mind has gone through it all, and she still doesn't feel that her daughter can do it, pure and outrageous!

"It's true. I have records of receipts and transactions. Let me tell you succinctly. I went to the antique market to pick up a leak a few days ago, and then sold the leak for a profit. so much money.

Why don't you take a break first, or go shopping first to see what you were reluctant to buy before and buy something, so that you can make sure that the money has really arrived.

I will tell you about the specific situation at that time. "

The money has been given away, so Ding Yun naturally has no need to lie, so he can only continue to comfort and explain at this time.

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