After seeing this scene, Gu Jinxi was still unable to believe that Leng Hanyi had actually made his parents so simple.

"What's wrong, stupid."

"Yeah! You are so powerful! You must know that my dad is never a person who is easy to convince! You can handle it as easily as you can!"

"Stupid girl, what I want to get the most is you!"

"Really, if you don't say love words one day, you will be sad!"

"Oh, I have already made an appointment with your parents to go to dinner next Wednesday."

"What, too fast! Besides, I haven't seen your parents until now, what if your parents don't like me?"

"Do not worry! No. My parents will never say anything as long as I see it. Our family has always been based on the child's own wishes."


"Oh! Don't think too much, you just have to dress up beautifully."

"So gift!"

"I will prepare the gift."

"Are you ready? But will this look like no sincerity!"

"My is yours, yours is mine. My sincerity is of course your sincerity! Don't worry! It's okay."

"Okay! But you have made a mistake! Yours is indeed mine, but mine is mine. It is not yours!"

"Oh, you are a small fan."

On Wednesday, Gu Jinyi looked at the clothes in the closet and shouted, "Hey, Han Yi, come help me! Which one should I wear?"

Oh! Yes, I forgot to say, some time ago someone was bright and equipped with a key to my room, and also entered the room like this.

Leng Hanyi looked at the cute rabbit's pajamas, and couldn't help but kissed Gu Jin's lips.

After waiting for the cold Han Yi to let go, Gu Jinyi’s grievance glanced at the cold and cold, and said to his mouth, “You hate it, my lips must be red now, what should I do when I see it! ”

"There is no way that you tempted me in the morning, knowing that men's self-control is the worst in the morning."

"I, where can I, don't make trouble!"

Leng Hanyi took out a white dress from the closet and handed it to Gu Jin, who said, "This one is more suitable."

When I came to the five-star hotel, Gu Jinxi couldn't help but feel nervous.

Leng Hanyi felt that Gu Jinxi’s hand was cold sweat and smiled. “Don’t be nervous, my parents are not tigers and will not eat you.”

"But. I, I, do they really like me?"

"Of course, let's say Xuan is also! I think Xuan must have told us about my affairs!"

Leng Hanyi took Gu Jinxi’s take-in and went in.

Gu Jinxi looked at the men and women sitting on the sofa, and suddenly said a little restrained, "Auntie and aunt, hello, I am Gu Jinxi. Care for the Gu, the Jin of the Jin, the search for embarrassment."

The cold mother quickly hugged up and said, Gu Jinxi said, "Oh! This is the little scorpion that Xuankou said! It’s so cute!"

Gu Jinxi was shocked by the sudden action of the cold mother. Is this too warm?

"Mom, you are not going to let go of Jin, you scared her."

"Oh oh! This hasn't broken into the door yet! I started to protect it. It really is that my wife has forgotten her mother, and she is really sad!"

"Mom, you are enough! A million daughter-in-law scares away, I see where you go to find a loser."

"Oh, you are Jiner! Come here, sit down, sit down. Yi that stinky boy! From a young age, I am not close to a female color, I am still worried that the stinky boy will bring back a male wife!" I thought that I might find such a beautiful wife, I can rest assured that this is a mother!"

"Auntie you."

"Oh! What aunt! Call it directly to the mother. Anyway, you have to call it. It’s better to adjust it in advance! Jiner! I told you that if you want to bully you or how, then come to Mom. Mom helps you teach him. And this stinky boy doesn't know how to hurt his wife! If you are wronged, you will say directly, you don't have to be polite with him, anyway, he is thick and thick."

"Mom." Leng Hanyi looked helplessly and looked at his son's mother. "Dad, you don't care about your mother."

Cold dad said, "Then you want your mother to listen to me! Besides, I don’t think your mother said anything wrong!"

The cold mother looks at Gu Jinxi is the more I like it! I took out a jade bracelet from my arms and said, "This is the grandmother's grandmother handed over to me before I got married. I will give her to you now."

"Ah! This, how amuse it is! This is too expensive, I really can't afford it!" Gu Jinyi looked to the side of the cold and cold.

Leng Hanyi said, "Mom tells you to hold it! Anyway, this bracelet will be given to you one day."

The cold mother took the bracelet to Gu Jinxi’s hand and said, “Since you have already accepted this bracelet, it means that you will be our cold family in the future. If you have any trouble, you will speak directly! This kid will handle it."

"Well, thank you mom!" Gu Jinyu touched the jade bracelet in this hand.

"Pro-family, my mother, why haven’t come yet!"

"Parents, they will arrive in a short time." Gu Jinyu said quickly.

After everyone was chatting for a while, Gu Dad and Gu Mo came.

"Parents, you are here!" Gu Jinyi hurriedly greeted him.

"Daddy, you are here! Come on! I will go and ask people to bring the food up." Leng Hanyi said.

Gu mother and cold mother can be said to be the same! When the two met at first sight, they talked very cheerfully! Gu Dad and Cold Dad are playing chess.

Leng Hanyi soon came back, sitting next to Gu Jinxi and saying, "How about, I said my parents like you very much!"

"Hey! That's how I grow up, okay!"

"Yes, yes, yes, you are growing well."

After the meal, everyone began to discuss the marriage between the two people.

Gu Dad first said, "I think this thing is still early. After all, Jiner is only 18 years old and still attending college. Although I can marry in college, I don't want Jiner to enter marriage too early. Furthermore, Jiner and Hanyi know each other for almost a year. I hope that they can have more time to consider between the two. After the university graduates, if Hanyi still loves Jiner, then I agree with them. Two together."

Gu mother nodded and said, "I mean this too. After all, Jiner is our jewel. We don't want to have a good time in Jinle. This time is just a test for two people! Cold father and cold mother. What do you mean!"

"It’s good to be like this. After all, now two people are young. If you regret it later, it will not cause irreparable consequences.” Cold Dad thought about it.

Leng Hanyi said, "Uncle and uncle are relieved, I am absolutely serious about Jiner. I am not the kind of person who plays with people's feelings. But if you are not worried about your uncle and aunt, I can wait until Jiner graduates. By then I I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Well, since you all said this, I can't say anything. Or let's get married to the children first! Anyway, getting engaged is not the same as getting married. How about. Jiner, Yi, what do you think." "Cold mother proposed.

"I, I listen to my father and mother." Gu Jinxi said a little shy.

"I don't have any opinions." Anyway, his ultimate goal was just to wake up the bad peaches of Gu Jinxi in the school. He originally planned to wait until Jiner graduated.

"Okay, that's it!" cold dad said.

Gu and Gu dad looked at each other and Gu Da suggested that “this engagement ceremony should not be so grand, as long as the two simply eat a meal.”

"Yes. It is better to follow the meaning of the family."

"The first ten months of the next month is a good day. We will be on that day! Let's talk about Geely." Cold mother said.

"That, is this a bit fast! It’s less than half a month from the beginning of the next month."

"I don't want to be fast. Don't hurry up and set your wife down! I'm afraid that the stinky kid can't make it, how do you run when you run!"

"Ah! This." Gu Jinyi looked at the cold side of the side, and the progress was really a little faster!

"Jiner, just listen to Mom! Don't be shy."

"I, I, who is shy! I don't have it? (? ???ω??? ?)?!"

"Yes, yes, yes, you don't."

The two parents looked at the interaction between the two people and they were very satisfied! It seems that this wife (Nüwa) can't run!

On the day of the engagement, Gu asked the cold parents to come home to eat. After all, it is an engagement, although it is a bit succinct, but it can not be wronged by her own daughter!

At the dinner table, the two families had a good meal. Gu Dad said, "Han Yi! I warn you, if you dare to bully my daughter in the future, I will fight this old bone, I will fight with you. Jiner! I did not expect time to pass. So fast, you have to get engaged in a blink of an eye, then you have to marry someone! Your father, I..."

"Dad, I." Gu Jinyan looked at Gu Dad with tears.

"Stupid girl, crying. Who is the parent who does not want his child to be happy! Dad really, really can't bear you!"

"Uncle, you can rest assured that I will take good care of Jin's in the future, and will not let Jiner suffer a little bit of grievances." Leng Hanyi was distressed and wiped his tears for Gu Jinxi.

"I believe in you, otherwise, I will not promise to hand over Jin to you, I hope I have not looked away!"

"Uncle, I believe that time will prove everything. I will never let my uncle be disappointed."

"it is good."

"Congratulations to the host, the task is completed."

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