On the second day, Mao Mao looked at Gu Jinxi and said, "Jiner sister, we can go back!"

Gu Jinxi looked back and looked at it, but he didn't see anyone. He couldn't help but feel empty.

"Jiner sister, what happened to you?"

"No, nothing! Let's go back!"

"Well, good. Jiner sister, are you ready?"


"Good!" Gu Jinyu nodded and said.

"Then Jiner sister, you close your eyes, there may be some dizziness, but Jiner sister, you can rest assured that as long as a blink of an eye is enough."

"Okay, I know." Gu Jinxi couldn't help but feel nervous.

When Gu Jinyi opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the real world.

When the doctor saw the patient who had recovered, he quickly said, "Hurry up and hurry."

After more than an hour, the doctor walked out of the operating room with relief and looked at the outside of the family. A lot of people said, "You can rest assured! The patient is gone, go to the vip ward, you can go see her, but you guys Try to be quiet. The patient needs to be rested now."

"It's okay, nothing is fine." Grandpa Gu was so excited when he heard this!

Gu Muyu cried in Gu’s arms, “Jiner, Jin’er is fine, nothing is too good, great.”

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry. Now Jiner is fine, we should be happy, happy!"

"Well, well, well, let's go and see."

When I came to the ward, Gu Gu looked at the pale-looking Gu Jinxi, and suddenly couldn’t help but cry. "My hard-working daughter! I was sick since I was a child. This time I am sick and half-life is gone!"

"Wife, don't be sad, I have been looking for various medical doctors all over the country. I believe that one day we will find it. Jiner will be fine."

"But we have been looking for so many years, still can't find it, now Jin's body is already..."

Gu Jinxi opened his eyes in confusion and saw the familiar relatives at the bedside and said, "Grandpa, parents, brother, I am sorry to worry you."

"Granddaughter (daughter), you are finally awake! Nothing!"

"I am fine."

"Really all right?!"

"Well, Grandpa, Mom and Dad, you can rest assured! I am really fine." Sure enough, Mao didn't lie to himself!

After living in the hospital for almost a month, Gu Gu’s mother finally promised to let Jin Er go home.

Going back to the room I was familiar with, Gu Jinyu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but where is the hairy now? Isn't it supposed to come back with yourself?

After a few days at home, Gu Jinxi can't help it anymore! "Brother, I want to go out."

"No, now my parents are on a business trip. Grandparents are going to the country to cultivate. I am only an adult at home. Of course, I have to take good care of you! Your body is not recovering now, or you should rest at home!"

"No, my brother, I really have nothing to do now. You believe me!" Gu Jinyi kept beating in front of his brother.

"Oh, no." When I think of my own younger brother, I am not sick. If I go out and encounter something, I will never do it.

"Brother, brother, you are the best." Gu Jinxi holding his brother's arm keeps spoiling. "Brother, at home, I am really bored! Brother, let me go out! I promise absolutely not. What will happen."

Gu Yifeng looked helplessly at her sister, and she was reluctant to refuse! However, considering the situation of my sister, I said, "Jin Erzhen, I will take you out this weekend."

Gu Jinxi’s dissatisfaction was abrupt, but I thought it might be the last bottom line of my brother. I sighed and said, “Okay! Ok! But your brother, you can’t say anything! Otherwise, I will ignore you. It is."

"Oh, you!" Since her sister appeared to be discharged from the hospital, her personality has changed a lot! It’s much more cheerful than before, but it’s just like this.

At the end of the weekend, Gu Yifeng saw sitting on the sofa early in the morning and waiting for his sister. He was a little guilty. Today he had to go to the company to open an important meeting! but……

"Brother, I am ready, let's go!"

"Jin, I am sorry! I am today..."

"Brother, you shouldn't want to eat words!" Gu Jinyi looked at his brother with dissatisfaction.

Gu Yifeng was very uncomfortable to look at Gu Jinxi’s eyes. Don’t overdo it, “Cough, that, my brother can’t accompany you, but my brother invited my good friend to accompany you.”

"Oh! This is almost the same."

"Well, my brother has to go out now, I think he should be there soon. You are waiting for him at home for a while! Come back soon!"

"Oh, this is almost the same, then brother, go out quickly!"

"You are the little guy who crosses the river and dismantle the bridge. Right, that person may be a bit cold and unpopular, but people are still very reliable. If you have anything, just tell him."

"Know it, I know, my brother, you are really embarrassed. I am not a child. You go out quickly! Otherwise, you will be late."

After Gu Yifeng went out, Gu Jinxi waited for more than half an hour at home, and he heard the doorbell ringing. He immediately ran over. When he saw the man standing outside, Gu Jinxi couldn’t help but leave tears. He is him, really is him, but how should he face him now? Does he still know himself? Who is he?

"Someone? Hey! Not right! Isn’t the kid not asking himself to come home?"

Gu Jinyi quickly opened the door, and some apologetic smiled and said, "That, sorry, sorry! I didn't mean it, I just didn't hear it."

"Oh! Is it? Nothing, my name is Xie Lingyun, it is your brother's friend, and your brother told me to take you out. Are you ready?"

Gu Jinxi looked at the man who was strange to himself. I really don't know if I should be lucky or sad! "I am ready, let's go!"

Gu Jinxi looked at Xie Lingyun with his own aura and sighed. This is the first few women who have come forward to pick up, let alone those women who have cast their eyes.

"What's wrong? Where do you want to go? Do you have a plan?"

"Ah! This! I haven't thought about it yet, I just want to just stroll around."

"This way!" Xie Lingyun looked impatiently at the women on the side of the road and said, "If this is the case, then let's go eat something! It's not too late."

"Well, good." Gu Jinyu naturally noticed Xie Lingyun's uncomfortableness and nodded.

In the box, Xie Lingyun ordered some dishes, and these dishes are what Gu Jinxi likes to eat.

Gu Jinxi looked at Xie Lingyun with some surprise. He really isn't... "Is these dishes?"

"I am a frequent visitor here, and these dishes are just what I often eat."

"Oh! It's like this!" Gu Jinxi said some lost. What are you thinking about yourself? Here is reality, reality, good!

"Do you have anything you want to eat?"

"Well, no, you have already ordered six or seven dishes. We only have two people." Gu Jinyi quickly waved his hand and said.

After dinner, Xie Lingyun looked at Gu Jinxi and said, "Do you have anywhere else you want to go?"

"Well, there is no place to go, but I don't want to go home." I have stayed at home for so long, and I will be sick if I am going to stay.

"This way!" Xie Lingyun looked at his watch and said, "There is still something in my company, so I may not be able to accompany you in the afternoon, or you will go to the company with me!"

"Don't! I can do it myself."

"No, I have promised that your brother should take care of you."

"I don't want my brother anyway. When I go home, can I not do it?"

"No" Xie Lingyun said straightforwardly.

"Why! You can't be so overbearing!"

"Because I promised you brother."

"Do you know that people should learn to be flexible!" Gu Jinyi said with some speechlessness, "It can't be so rigid."

"Well!" Xie Lingyun looked at Gu Jinxi without looking at it.

Gu Jinxi was uncomfortable by Xie Lingyun, and nodded and said, "Okay, well, I know, I know, I can't go to the company with you!" I knew I would follow my old brother. I don't have to follow this man now.

When Gu Jinxi followed Xie Lingyun into the company, when the people in the company saw this scene, they were shocked and stunned! How does the president bring a woman into the company!

After coming to the office, Xie Lingyun looked at Gu Jinxi behind him and said, "You should sit here for a while! After I handle the matter, I will take you out."

"Oh!" Gu Jinxi was sitting on the sofa with some boring, looking at the things around, black and white, and it was the style of Xie Lingyun's temper! Monotonous and boring.

"Hey, give it to you," Xie Lingyun took out the tablet and threw it to Gu Jinxi.

Gu Jinyu took the tablet, some boring toot, and looked at Xie Lingyun who seriously handled the official duties. Who is this man? Is he really... what is he thinking about himself? No, no, no. Gu Jin knocked on his head with annoyance and quickly lost all these messy ideas.

Xie Lingyun looked at Gu Jinxi’s action and said, "What happened?"

"No, nothing." Gu Jinxi shook his head and said.

Gu Jinxi waited for more than two hours in the office, and Xie Lingyun just finished the work. Say, "Okay, let's go!"

"Oh! You are finished. You are not finished, I have to fall asleep."

"Sorry, I forgot my time when I was busy."

"Nothing." Gu Jinxi shrugged and said.

"Go! I will take you to a good place."

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