Jiang Yiran did not give any response, just quietly let her squat, and after she finished eating, she stood up and walked toward the kitchen. go with.

At noon, one cat and one cat are still eating at the same table. Shen Mubai is eating a little bit unknowingly. From time to time, he steals the male owner who has been eating. After no sight contact, he drops his cat's head in disappointment.

She did not notice that at the moment she looked down, Jiang suddenly raised her face, and the deep scorpions looked over, just for a moment, and then quickly lowered their eyes and caught the unclear look inside.

The time passed quickly, and when Jiang went to school, Shen Mubai hesitated, or ran down from the sofa, and then followed the past. The relatives licked each other's calves and made a loud snoring from the mouth.

Jiang Yiran’s pace paused, and then passed through the body, then leaned over and licked her furry head.

Shen Mubai’s eyes were slightly bright, and then he rubbed his white fingers and made a soft spout from his throat.

Jiang Yiran stared at her for a while, and then used the unique light voice to say, "Don't stay at home."

Shen Mubai's green scorpion stared at him for a moment, and after hearing the shackles, he quickly and comfortably responded, "Hey~".

After the other party went out, she squatted for a while, then licked her head and tried to shovel her eyes before the eunuch. I felt that something was wrong. Can not help but hit a chill, Shen Mubai comforted himself, the man is even suspected of something. As long as she no longer becomes a person, as time goes by, the other party should soon forget.

Well, even this way she can't lie to herself, so she squatted and climbed onto the sofa. Shen Mubaisheng had no choice but to make a roll. On the system, "Is there any kind of memory that can be eliminated?" Can you afford something?"

The system says, "Yes."

Shenmu white eyes lit up, "I want to buy I want to buy!"

System, "Are you sure?"

When Shen Mubai heard this, he began to have an ominous premonition, so she asked, "How many points does this have?"

The system said, "With thirty points, you have thirty points left."

Shen Mubai, "....."

In the end, Shen Mubai still didn't buy it. Yes, she is what it is. Anyway, as long as the man does not rush her out, the progress bar is still up.

As for the kind of face, it is a good man to change a body.

So I started to understand the sap of the sap, and I ate an apple and drank a bottle of yogurt.

But at the moment the male owner came back, she changed back to her appearance.

The dog's leg ran over, oh, the man's calf, the beginning of the white wood, and began to spoiled around, and kept turning around the man, except for the bathroom, she was glued to death.

Ask her why she is like this, probably because of the indescribable guilty conscience.

Jiang Yiran seems to have no reaction to the cat who is particularly enthusiastic today, maintaining the usual temperament.

Shen Mubai was very disappointed, and the tip of the tail was smashed. She couldn’t figure out what the man thought in the end, so she could only be more eager to please, but only on the ground to show the soft and tender belly to please each other.

At dinner time, Shen Mubai did not eat as much as usual, but watched the cautiously from time to time aiming at the man, and finally after getting a look, happy almost did not roll in place.


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