Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 83 Borrow a space to farm (16)

To make the original version of beggar's chicken, you only need firewood and soil.

The firewood was already there, and she had cut some dead branches on the road and brought them over.

Soil is easier to deal with and is everywhere on the mountain. The soil in the Weijiagou area is loess with few impurities, making it the most suitable for beggar chickens.

She carried the pheasant to the stream, made a small opening at the tail of the chicken with a hatchet, took out the internal organs, and washed away the blood in the stream.

Only the chicken liver was left of the internal organs. It would be too troublesome to clean up the rest, so she didn't plan to have any.

When she came out of the house, she took some salt and pepper.

There are wild Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees on the mountain, so every family has Zanthoxylum bungeanum for seasoning, and there are no other seasonings that need to be bought.

There were a lot of Sichuan peppercorns at home, so she took some out inconspicuously.

Not only did she bring salt and pepper, she also had matches, a large enamel jar, chopsticks and a spoon in her backpack. She didn't come to the wilderness to survive, she just wanted to get some food for herself, and she would naturally bring whatever she might need.

She stuffed a pinch of salt and a handful of peppercorns into the chicken's belly.

A simple stove was built with a few large stones and the firewood was lit.

After reconciling the mud, paste the whole chicken thickly into a big mud ball, put it in the stove, and take some firewood and put it on the mud ball.

Not long after it was finished, Yuhua heard movement in the woods on the left, and she immediately turned her head to go.

There was a figure moving in the woods.

Although the man deliberately hid behind a bush, Yu Hua could see clearly.

The figure was a young woman, looking from behind a bush through a gap in the trees.

It seems that they are also coming to this water beach, probably smelling the smell of burning firewood, and knowing that there are people by the water beach, they hide first.

The place where Zihua set up the stove was not covered. When she saw the woman clearly, the woman also saw her clearly. Perhaps she saw that Zihua was also a young woman. After hesitating for a while, she walked out of the forest.

The woman has a beautiful appearance, with two short ponytails tied just past her shoulders, wearing a dark red top, military casual trousers, and military green rubber-soled shoes.

Every village has its own mountains, and when you go to the mountains to find mountain products and game, you always go to the mountains of your own village.

People who come to the mountains in this area are usually people from Weijiagou, but Zihua doesn't know this young woman, and her dress is very different from that of the people in the village. In all likelihood, she is an educated youth who has settled in Weijiagou.

Seeing the simple stove and burning firewood in front of Yuhua, the young woman immediately understood what she was doing here.

It's very common to secretly eat game or something, but it's not something that can be made public. If you encounter something serious, it will be troublesome to report to the brigade.

Although there are very few such people in Weijiagou, it is not unheard of.

It doesn't matter if you break the other party's secret, she also has secrets to reveal to the other party.

She smiled at Yuhua, and explained her reason for coming, "I'll catch some fish." It meant that everyone came for extra meals, and no one had to be wary of anyone else.

There are fish in Xingxi, because the water in the stream is shallow, the fish in it are small, the largest one is only one stick long and two fingers wide.

People from Weijiagou rarely catch fish here.

There are many fish bones in the streams on the mountain and little meat, and it takes a long time to get a bowl, and the mouth is full of bones after biting, which is not enough to delay things.

The Xingxi River flows down the mountain and becomes the Xingxi River. The river is large, the water is deep, and the fish grow big. People in the village always go to the Xingxi River or the reservoir to catch fish if they want to eat.

Zihua just saw fish in the stream. There were not only fish, but also shrimps and crabs, but they were all small, so she didn't think about catching them because they were too small.

Seeing that the other party, like her, came to order for herself, Yu Hua nodded to her.

The young woman found a flat sandy area without gravel, put down the basket she was carrying, took off her shoes, rolled up her trouser legs above her knees, and took out a net bag made of an old mosquito net and a piece of wire from the basket. , walked towards the stream.

What Zihua noticed was a long scar on the woman's calf, which extended to her knees and was blocked by her trouser legs.

The widest part of the scar can be as large as a finger, and it is uneven, making it look even more ferocious on the woman's fair legs.

Seeing this scar, Zihua knew who the woman was.

In the memory of the original owner, the woman was Zheng Jinghong, an educated youth.

Zheng Jinghong came to Weijiagou more than two years ago.

The educated youth spot is on the east side of Dapingpo in the village. The original owner lives in the west end. Because he is often sick and does not often move around the village, he has never met Zheng Jinghong. Not only Zheng Jinghong, but also the original owner of the educated youth in Weijiagou has basically not met in the past two years. know.

The original owner could know that Zheng Jinghong heard what Miao Dalan said. Miao Dalan couldn't keep things in her mind. Whatever she saw, heard, or did outside, she would talk about it at home.

Not long after Zheng Jinghong arrived, while digging wild vegetables in the mountains, she was startled by a snake that suddenly jumped out. She accidentally fell into the ravine and broke her leg.

Another surprise...

Zihua couldn't help but think too much.

The place where Zheng Jinghong dug wild vegetables was not remote. Someone heard her cry for help and went down the mountain to ask someone to rescue her.

Fortunately, Du Laoqi's specialty was bruises. Zheng Jinghong was discovered in time. Although her leg bone was broken, Du Laoqi's good medical skills cured her leg without leaving any traces. Disability.

But the injury was so deep that scars were unavoidable and remained.

Zheng Jinghong's leg injury was serious and it took more than half a year to recover.

Her family is not here, and she has no one to take care of her. She relies on the help of a few educated youths from the educated youth point.

Several educated youths did a good job. They gave her medicine on time and cooked her meals, so Zheng Jing's legs were not disabled.

Educated youths also have to work every day to earn work points to support themselves, no matter how many there are, they are powerless.

After Zheng Jinghong's legs healed, her body collapsed and she lost her shape.

Because of this, Miao Dalan was reminded of the original owner, and she often sighed for Zheng Jinghong. When she was relaxing at home, she gave Zheng Jinghong food several times.

However, Zheng Jinghong is much better than the original owner. The original owner has a root cause of disease inside and is not easy to take care of. Zheng Jinghong's nutrition cannot keep up, and her body is purely thin, which is relatively easy to make up.

Now it seems that Zheng Jinghong's body is well maintained, she is thin, but she is already thin within the normal range, and her complexion is better than that of Yuhua.

The stream was not deep, and Zheng Jinghong was standing just below her knees. She bent over and fished into the water with a net bag from time to time.

Xi Hua watched for ten minutes, but Zheng Jinghong didn't catch a single fish, but caught a few small shrimps.

The fish that can survive in the flowing stream are very sensitive and not easy to catch.

She knew why Zheng Jinghong caught fish here instead of in the Xingxi River. Although there were many fish in the river, the water was more and deeper at the same time. As far as Zheng Jinghong's fishing tools and her fishing skills were concerned, it was impossible to catch one. Disaster.

Anyway, the water here is shallow, and the fish are swimming right in front of us. Sooner or later, we will be able to catch a few.

"Do you need my help?" Yu Hua asked.

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