Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 907: Jianghu ruffian woman (55)

Chapter 915 The ruffian woman in the rivers and lakes (55)

Compared to Bai Zhen's side, Seventeen's situation was not so optimistic.

His moon-white shirt was almost completely dyed with blood.

There was a very long wound on the back, almost extending from the shoulder to the waist, and the bone was deep.

He propped the bamboo sticks on the ground and walked forward with difficulty, blood dripping all the way as he walked.

A sharp and unpleasant laughter came from behind him, and the young man's face was pale, perhaps because of too much blood loss, he finally lost his strength, staggered, and fell to the ground.

As if completely desperate, he lay motionless on the ground with his eyes closed, as if waiting for death to come.

Guan Guan screamed twice, flapping his wings, and swooping towards him at a very fast speed.

That kind of action brought a gust of wind, and a few strands of blue silk fluttered quietly in the youth.

And just when the sharp bird's beak was about to pierce the boy's heart——

Seventeen on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, waved the bamboo stick in his hand, and stabbed into Guan Guan's left eye neatly and ruthlessly.

Accompanied by a deafening hissing sound, Seventeen pulled out the bamboo stick and brought out a dazzling stream of bright red blood.

The pain made Guan Guan flap his wings like crazy, Shi Shi flexibly dodged, and continued to run.

Guan Guan, who was blinded in one eye, quickly caught up.

If it was originally planned to drag him on purpose, wanting to see him fleeing in embarrassment, now it is deadly, and it can't wait to cut him into a thousand pieces of resentment.

The young man really couldn't run.

His legs were numb and painful, as if they were no longer his own, so he could only move forward little by little with consciousness.

In fact, until now, with such a big gap in strength, it is already very good that he can abolish one of the eyes.

But he wanted to live.

He hasn't found Bai Zhen yet, hasn't confirmed her situation.

He still wants to stay in Qingqiu, accompany her to plant peach trees, make wine, listen to her talk about the great dream of a vixen, secretly take away the banana leaves and kiss her while she is sleeping, and he also wants to find a way to live long, try his best to Extend his short life and spend more time with her...

Her life is very long.

For the past three thousand years, she has been alone in this huge and empty peach forest day and night.

He didn't want her to be alone anymore.

The boy stopped.

Spit out a mouthful of blood.

The Guan Guan in the back was still screaming unpleasantly, and not far in front of him, two Guan Guan suddenly appeared.

He couldn't escape.

Seventeen laughed.

His white teeth were stained red with blood, and the bottom of his black and white eyes was slightly red.

Looking at the fast approaching Guan Guan, the young man silently clenched the bamboo stick in his hand.

If he died, he would have to be buried with him.

Seeing that the water was pouring in front of him, he lifted the bamboo stick and stabbed it toward it——

Bai Zhen is not stupid, she runs away if she can't beat her.

But running and running, there are two more birds in the front.

The singing in Taolin continued.

She cursed inwardly: I knew that these dead birds would not act alone! She just said where the other birds went. It turned out that they were just sitting there waiting for a fatal blow!

She had to fight quickly and find Seventeen as soon as possible.

Thinking this way, looking at the Guan Guan on the opposite side that stretched out its sharp claws towards her, Bai Zhen stretched out her hand without hesitation and cut her long and sharp fingernails into its heart.


The third update~

Is my card good or not, haha, ask for a ticket~

And more~

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