All the seniors in the school took graduation photos.

Yun Chuyue took many photos with Cheng Feng at the end.

Cheng Feng carefully put away the photos. She saw how he carefully put the photos away. She couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. He always cherished her. As long as there was something about her, he would always carefully keep it.

After Yun Chuyue took the photos, her college life was completely over.

In the future, it will be a new journey for her, but he will always be there in her journey.

She held one of his arms with both hands and leaned against him. She could feel how strong and powerful the arm in her arms was.

The two walked quietly on the forest road, walking in the shade of the trees. They could only feel the summer breeze, but the heat was blocked.

There were green grass and flying warblers around, willow trees on both sides of the road, and classmates walking by, constantly saying goodbye to good roommates and friends with tears.

Perhaps everyone knows that after parting, they will no longer feel the same as they did in school.

They will meet different people on their journey, and perhaps they will never find the feelings they had at that time again.

Yun Chuyue stopped, Cheng Feng felt it and stopped too, turned around, his eyes puzzled as to why she stopped.

Yun Chuyue looked up at him, maybe everything was just right today.

The two stood in the little bit of sunlight that came through the gaps between the leaves, the breeze blowing each other's hair. People were taking pictures happily, or discussing whether to take the postgraduate entrance examination, study for a master's or doctoral degree, or hugging and crying when they met. They were far away from each other, and maybe they didn't know when they would meet next time, and they promised each other that they must be each other's best friends.

The noisy and noisy sounds around could no longer enter her ears, and her eyes were looking at her Cheng Feng tenderly and attentively at this moment.

Yun Chuyue shook her head and chuckled, her eyes were tender and gentle, and in the midsummer season, it seemed that the sunlight through the green leaves was sprinkled in her eyes.

Cheng Feng seemed to feel something when he saw this, but he still couldn't believe it.

But he was looking forward to what she would say next, and his heart was beating wildly in his chest. He looked at her expectantly. He quietly looked forward to the paradise in her words for him.

Then he heard her say:"Let's get married!"

After she finished speaking, she still smiled at him so gently, with her pretty and beautiful face and slightly raised lips and eyebrows.

Cheng Feng felt that all the scenes and sounds around him began to become unreal, and his mind was blank.

Wasn't it an agreement that they would get married after graduation?

But at this moment, he still couldn't believe it and still felt that this was a blessing from God.

She actually told him that she was going to get married, they were going to get married!

Cheng Feng's dull expression made Yun Chuyue burst out laughing.

""What's wrong? Is Mr. Cheng stupid? Why don't you talk?" She raised her eyebrows and asked.

Then she deliberately put on a serious expression and said:"Does Mr. Cheng regret it now? Or does Mr. Cheng disagree... um!"

When Cheng Feng reacted, he heard her say that he disagreed, and he was immediately frightened. The first thing that came to his mind was to stop her from saying the next words and block her lips, so that she could only sob and tremble in his arms.

Yun Chuyue was messed up by his deep kiss before she finished speaking.

Many young couples in college also kiss because of graduation, so the two of them are not too conspicuous.

But their looks are so high that many people still notice them.

Yun Chuyue found that there were people around watching them, and pushed Cheng Feng away with force.

Then she grabbed his hand and ran out of the school.

Cheng Feng was still a little dazed, just smiling foolishly.

"Mr. Cheng, let's get the marriage certificate!"

Cheng Feng heard the girl who was running in front of him, calling him softly to get married. He finally knew clearly that he and she were really going to get married.

Looking at the girl holding her hand and running in front, she was wearing a doctoral gown and holding a doctoral hat in the other hand. Her long hair fluttered in the wind as she ran. He could even smell her faint fragrance behind her, accompanied by the smell of grass, which penetrated into his nose.

Cheng Feng ran a few steps quickly, and with a force of both hands, he hugged her, causing her to exclaim, and then she put her arms around his neck.

""The husband is holding his wife and running!"

Cheng Feng ran out of the school.

Yun Chuyue gently leaned her head on his shoulder.

Her heart was filled with sweetness.

She thought she liked this day very much. Everything was just right, whether it was the perfect sunshine, the breeze that blessed them, or the green leaves that shielded them from the scorching sun.

Everything was just right.


Civil Affairs Bureau.

When the two of them arrived today, the people in front of them had just finished their procedures and walked out.

They didn't line up, but sat there with their ID cards waiting for registration.

The white shirts on their bodies were bought on the street.

The two of them were very natural when taking pictures, and their love could be felt from the photos.

The cameraman who took the pictures was brightened when he saw the two of them. It was because the two of them were so good-looking and so loving.

After taking the pictures, they sat in front of the window waiting for the staff to press the seal.

She felt that he was a little nervous, and his big hand held her small hand slightly.

Turning around, she saw him staring at the staff's movements without blinking.

With the sound of the seal, she felt his big hand loosen, as if he was relieved.

After receiving the certificate.

The staff looked at the two of them and said with a smile:"I wish you two happiness forever!"

Cheng Feng was a little dizzy with joy after getting the marriage certificate, and the smile on his mouth widened.

Anyone can feel his happiness.

Then he turned to her and whispered,"I married you! I finally married you! I am a hundred times happier than when I founded C Group. No, it's a thousand times!"

Then he looked at the marriage certificate in her hand.

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