Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2108: : Tired Dog

All the ghost officials lifted into the sky, looking at me in panic. After all, I didn't expect that I would suddenly explode like this. Not only did the ghost emperor Tu Ming's hand be broken, but the palace was beaten away.

I really couldn't bear it too. I took relief products to marry my sister-in-law, and they gave birth to this shameless idea, and I still put it forward in this juncture! Has challenged my affordability!

When the ghost emperor Tu Ming showed horror, he immediately looked at the big ghost emperor who had also lifted into the air and flew aside, a little hesitant about how to face this situation.

And other officials, after this momentary pause, had various expressions on their faces, and some of them had an understanding attitude towards my actions. After all, the Lord was the Supreme Lord of Ghost Dao anyway, and that was not profanity.

But some of them showed surprised expressions, because they didn't have too many attitudes toward the Holy Venerable Xia Family. After all, the matter of calling my daughter-in-law had been secretly spread in the trail.

I don’t care about any opinions at all. If you come to the door, I will return it. The big ghost emperor frowned and said angrily: "Xia Yitian! You are moody, and you often hurt God, if you don’t belong to the Lord. Guard, the emperor ordered the guard to take you down! Now he dare to commit a crime here!?"

"Let the Lord marry you? Go to your mother's salted duck eggs! You don't deserve to look in the mirror without soaking urine!" I angered, and instantly appeared next to the ghost Emperor Tu Ming, and I cut it out again with a sword !

The Ghost Emperor Tu Ming was also a very strong first-grade Daogui, dragging his wounds and fleeing extremely badly. In addition, his Daogui was also eager for the savior, so he immediately stopped in front of me and wanted to fight me to death.

My murderous intent has been born, so I still care about who he is, and immediately drew the sword and released the purple thunder, and suddenly the entire sky was enveloped by the divine thunder. Not every first-grade Dao ghost is so tyrannical as the worry cloud devil, and can be The commander of the guard at the atrium, there is also a Taoist weapon in hand!

Seeing that I was really angry, these Dao ghosts planned to focus on defense, and the big ghost emperor looked intolerable at this moment, and said angrily: "Xia Xian's house, you wounded Tu Ming, and you started to act in front of the emperor. , I have repeatedly offended the emperor, no matter how good his temper is, he can't tolerate you so presumptuous! Where is the guard!?"

A group of guards all stood up and drew their weapons. However, at this moment, even if I face all the ghosts and gods here, I am fearless. My wife is inseparable and surrendered. I have come all the way. Because of her, what I have planned all the way is just to walk happily with her. She can't get out of the body now, and can't even walk the world easily. How can I stop the pace?


I struck it with a sword, and the front suddenly turned into a place where thunder was raging. A large group of guards and Dao ghosts of Tu Ming Gui Emperor were also enveloped in it. Completely irritated!

"Very good! The emperor doesn't give you a lesson, I really feel that he is invincible in the world!?" The big ghost emperor also came to me in an instant, the pale claws in his sleeves, and he grabbed me in an instant!

"Gushen!" I roared, and thunder burst out like white velvet flowers, and black thunderclouds appeared at this moment, and the ancestral dragon armor appeared on me like this! And this time the Ancestral Dragon Armor is different from the one in the battle against the Worry Cloud Devil, it is an Ancestral Dragon Armor in a complete form!

The two thunders resembling horns on my head extended to the back, and the two huge thunder wings behind were clearly fluttering. The anger of the emperor in my hand is also full of the thunder of the ancestor dragon at this moment. There is no doubt that he has entered from the emperor. The order became the Ancestral Dragon Sword!


I slashed with a sword, and the power of the ancestor dragon instantly annihilated everything in front of me, but at this moment, the ghost claws of the big ghost emperor actually banged and grabbed my "ancestral dragon sword", and A violent black air, like a booming explosion, polluted the entire emperor's anger!


I was stunned. I couldn't think that this big ghost emperor could actually avoid the divine thunder of the ancestor dragon, and with his tyrannical power, grabbed the sharp and incomparable anger of the emperor!

I pulled the sword with anger, only to hear the sound of clucking gold and iron, and the Great Ghost Emperor instantly grabbed the other hand to my face!

In the case of Ancestral Dragon guarding the body, I was not afraid of any physical crushing attacks. I also stretched out the hand that condensed Ancestral Dragon's power, and blasted the opponent with a strong punch!

After the loud noise, the big ghost emperor grabbed my fist without any effort. His two ghost hands really exceeded my expectations. They were able to dissolve the thunder pulp of the emperor’s wrath and resist it. The power of Zulong!

And at this moment, a group of guards and ghost emperors, Daogui, all attacked me without any hesitation, and the big ghost emperor suddenly smiled. In this attack, many of them were first-grade Daogui attacks. , Even if my Empress has the strength to surpass the first grade, if all the attacks are real, I will definitely end up seriously injured!

I want to fight the ghost king, and I am not at all shocked, but facing all the combat power of the entire atrium, it is basically a mantis arm as a car. At present, I don't have the ability to reverse everything!

"Xuan!" I roared, and the Yin-Yang Chakra appeared gradually throughout my body, interacting with the power of Yin-Yang!


All the attacks fell on me immediately! I just felt that the Ancestral Dragon Armor vibrated strongly, and then he just resisted countless attacks!

The mysterious cannon that the big ghost emperor gave me held back, and I was surprised! And he showed an incredible expression to me being able to withstand the first round of attacks!

"Operation!" Only I know that this time I forcefully resisted the attack and consumed the strength of the Ancestral Dragon, but the arrow is already on the string and I have to send it. It is impossible for me to release it when others want to insult my wife. Pass him.


The second wave of attacks came again, and my whole body was extremely uncomfortable. The strength of the Ancestral Dragon was almost on the verge of collapse at this time. You must know that there are so many first-grade Dao ghosts, and ghost emperors are here to attack me. Changed someone else and died a hundred times long ago! It is hard to imagine that I can bear it alone to this point!

"Cannon!" I roared, and after reciting the word cannon, the entire light wheel changed in an unbelievable way, and my whole body was covered in gray! And the activation of the mysterious machine gun also instantly launched the big ghost emperor, and in an instant it flew a long distance!

The terrifying advancing strength and violent energy made the big ghost emperor look hideous because of the impact of Dao power. At this time, his always hand has been unable to hold my emperor angry, and the other hand is against me. The fist gradually lost control!

"Mysterious Machine Cannon!!"


With a loud noise, I took the big ghost emperor and smashed out of the palace wall, hit the back mountain of the palace, and pierced the entire back mountain directly through a huge gap. Then the violent ancestral dragon power, In the constant raging, the big ghost emperor’s imperial robe also broke a lot of big holes, revealing his skin full of runes, that dark rune, actually connected with a pair of ghost claws, this guy is a Taoist weapon and a ghost. The perfect combination of body!

No wonder you have such a powerful super power! To be able to resist my Ancestral Dragon Sword and Emperor's Wrath, I should know that he is not a normal ghost repair!


Once again hit the huge mountain, the big ghost emperor was also a little unable to hold the power of the mysterious cannon, but at this moment, suddenly the ghost claws connected to his body unexpectedly exploded fierce devilish energy!

In an instant, I felt a deep fear attacking me. Such a fear is something I am very familiar with, but it is also an extremely good field!

"Are you a devil or a ghost!?" I replied coldly, and then the innate devilish energy in my body spewed out the moment I opened my mouth. This innate devilish energy was as dark as an abyss, as if it were ghost energy. But in fact, there is absolutely no form of ghost spirit at all!

That was the spirit of murder, so he swallowed the devilish energy he wanted to explode and infect me in an instant, and nothing was left behind!

Innate devil qi is the root of all devil qi. His devil qi wants to pull me into the demon realm, but he did not expect that his devil qi ancestor'innate devil qi' is hidden in my body, not only fearless Any devilish energy eroded, and even swallowed it directly!

The big ghost emperor who paints tigers not to be anti-dogs is all surprised!

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