Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2400: : Through Heart

With a bang, a beam of light burst into the area where Zhao Qian was located, including Zhao Qian and the people in it! However, this moment's time was enough for Zhao Qian to react, and after the transfer of boundary power, everyone appeared in the outer area again!

But this laser beam was more than one beam. Soon countless beams shot out from the surrounding area, and there was no warning at all. It covered the entire Xinxianting area, and the sky was quickly shot by the light clusters, and the white clouds The smoke disappeared immediately, forming a real starry sky field, and it seemed to be covered with a layer of transparent film, making the position where the laser shot was darker than other areas!

At this moment, Li Xiangrui waved his sleeves, and then said lightly: "Ghost Emperor, you acted madly, talked nonsense, and did so many evil things. The immortals are already angry. Today, the leader of the four major World Alliance! Kill you this scourge!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of laser beam attacks were shot from the dark-colored transparent disk above. This time, instead of shooting all the tens of thousands of laser beams like just now, only dozens of attacks were shot down. Don’t look at this area. Each of the ten laser beams is different from the straight upward line just now. This time it is a convergent network attack. When it hits the ground, the ground also has the same disc response, so when the laser beam hits the ground, it will not hit the ground. Cause an attack!

The laser emitting port and the receiving port below the surface are actually a kind of reflective instrument like a transparent mirror. This is obviously to prevent the enemy from breaking the defensive shield of the ancient gods battleship and cleaning up the interior!

"Let the battleship exit the perimeter! Hurry up!" After I escaped a huge cluster of light, I immediately looked towards the sky. Sure enough, in addition to the dozens of light clusters that were shot down at us just now, the top and the million sword pavilion For the catastrophe of the bombardment battle, the warship has also endured hundreds of laser bursts. Fortunately, there is a powerful interactive reverse dynamic magnetic field generator that ignores the beam attack. Otherwise, under the attack of these beams, the warship will be destroyed instantly. Up!

"A well-deserved reverse dynamic magnetic field generator, but how many times can this legendary shield block the destructive light of the ancient gods?" Li Xiangrui sneered, and then looked at the demon emperor Jindole: "Demon emperor, ghost emperor I was suspected of killing your father and the Demon Venerable before, but now I repeatedly want to break the agreement, challenge the alliance, and bombard the Shenyang Demon God Realm battleship. Now I have used so many unwarranted charges to frame this leader. The Demon Emperor intends to stand here. Do you have other ideas on the side of the leader?"

"Follow Leader Li to the death! Leader Li has an order, and I Jindole will always follow! I also ask Leader Li to order!" Jindole seemed to think this was an opportunity to kill me, and of course he would never let it go.

Li Xiangrui showed an appreciative smile and said, "Okay, the Demon Emperor treats this leader like this, and this leader will not neglect you!"

Jin Dole was overjoyed, but Yun Bingxin was tightly guarding behind him, watching me warily.

And Zhao Qian and I are not so fun anymore. Countless beams are constantly shooting down. If we hadn’t been in the realm of real immortals, we would have been killed on the spot long ago, and the Havoc battleship was also retreating outside. There are waves of attacks. This may be because the rings in the sky and the rings on the ground are equal, and can only receive one beam at a time. Otherwise, all of them will be bombarded at one point. We would have been unable to avoid it. Avoided.

The power is huge, and sometimes it is also a shortcoming. With a swing of my catastrophe sword, a long and narrow crack splits the ground instantly, but what I did not expect is that these rings are not destroyed, but like a knife smashing into the water. , Reorganized!

"If it can be simply destroyed by this alone, it will not be an ancient gods battleship." Li Xiangrui sneered when he saw this scene, and then said: "I had to bear you a lot, and thinking about you was just because of a moment. Going astray with hatred, even for the sake of the alliance, I still try to solve the problem for you day and night, but unfortunately you repeatedly acted upside down, this leader can't bear you now, the long pain is not as good as the short pain. I believe the people of the ghost gods world , And understand the decision of the leader!"

I was hiding under this random laser, and I even had to buy time for Zhao Qian to leave here. After all, she had to concentrate on chanting the spell to transfer Tai Shuqian mother and daughter. Fortunately, Chen Yixian was still there, otherwise we might be too. Some are not strong enough, and I have been slow to leave, I also have the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to beat the Demon King.

Li Nianjun on the side watched me flee, and looked at the situation of Tai Shuqian's mother and daughter. She was obviously skeptical. She was not a fool. Since Zhao Qian rescued Tai Shuqian's mother and daughter, she was already suspicious. After all, Li Xiangrui's impression of her for several years was so firm that she was delayed for a while.

"Is there any misunderstanding in this matter? Why is Taishu and Xianchang imprisoned?" Li Nianjun asked with eyebrows.

"Nianjun, the ghost emperor is frantic and persecutes me like this. Didn't you see it? I also confined her in the secret room for the sake of Tai Shuxian's growth. After all, the power of hatred will always breed a lot of back ditch. It's like looking for the ghost king to confront her, like she's looking for Bailijue, and repeating her mother's mistakes? What's more, now the ghost king is looking for her everywhere, and wants to fabricate lies to slander me to confuse her, alas, Nianjun, let’s go.” Li Xiangruo really reserved and restrained his ambitions to Li Nianjun, and even the title was suppressed in a situation where he seemed to be a friend. This kind of elder affection is also the most intimate!

But I know why Li Xiangru is so good to Li Nianjun. In the past few years, she has not only awakened the natural sword body, but also mastered the method of transformation. Sooner or later, she will be the successor of the ancient immortal world, so Li Nianjun treats him In other words, more than any chess piece played! Naturally, she would not let her leave because of any doubt.

Li Nianjun hesitated, then looked at me, and sighed in my heart. Now for Li Nianjun, I don’t force her to believe in me unconditionally. After all, she had only stayed with me for a year in the Ghost God Realm before. Li Sang-ruo is not only his grandfather, but he also exists like his master. How could that relationship be comparable to a friend?

But just when I didn't do much in this laser area and was about to leave and return to the battleship to look for opportunities, Li Nianjun didn't know what to think. After hesitating, he flew towards me: "Brother Tian!"

I was taken aback for a moment, and Li Xiangrui's face darkened, and he said, "Nianjun! Do you know what you are doing? Don't forget, your father is still in the fairy garden!"

However, even Lee Sang-ju couldn't keep her. How could her father, who abandoned his wife, be able to keep her?

And even if I heard that Li Xiangrui was no different from a threat, it couldn't stop Li Nianjun from flying towards me!

At this moment, a seemingly indistinguishable speed of light also came towards Li Nianjun. I knew that Li Xiangru was so cruel, and immediately shrank to Li Nianjun, pulled her into his arms, and then shot her. Facing the beam!


I only felt a sharp pain in my whole body, but it was not caused by the laser, but at this time, Li Sang-rui actually launched the sword technique of ‘Sword with the Sword’ and took the opportunity to attack me!

Under the fierce attack in an instant, I even scored several swords on my body, and the protective shield was destroyed several times. Even the ancestral dragon armor was directly destroyed. Fortunately, Li Xiangrui was quite deep in the city, or Li Nianjun was afraid that this time I would be fragrant and eliminate jade. It's gone!

"Let go of Nianjun!" After Li Xiangruo hit me several times, he immediately stretched out his big hand to grab Nianjun away, but at this time, Li Nianjun suddenly swung out his sword and forced Li Xiangruo's hand back. I took advantage of Li Sangnu's stunned effort and immediately shrank away from the ground!

This time, it can be considered dangerous! However, I, who suffered a huge loss of moral power, would not be able to fight with Li Sang-kun again, and there are so many lasers here, it is not a place for people to stay, it is more serious to take a battleship and attack outside.

"Nianjun!" Li Xiangrui showed bitterness on his face and looked sad, but Li Nianjun didn't know when he had already made up his mind and hugged me tightly, not willing to say a word!

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