Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3391: : Lonely

The first wave of attacks was mostly rapid spell bombardment, while the second wave was the mainstay of Ji Shanhong and Chengtian King, and some large spells that required preparation time. As for the third wave, there was no need for them. Having said that, because many sword immortals have already chanted sword songs, these powers are usually the most powerful. Once activated, they are inevitable. No matter how strong the defense ability is, they will be destroyed at once. After all, there are too many enemies. Up!

But under the first round of attacks, my strong aura still existed, because all the attacks passed through, and many even collided with each other, directly destroying or penetrating each other!

Standing on the flower of Jieli, I looked at all the immortals, only ruthless on my face. Then, I stopped the improvement of the interface dimension of the flower of Jieli, and while suffering some minor damage, I made a big hand. Waving, the magic sword sky quickly spread towards the surroundings!

At the same time, after seeing the second wave of attacks by Ji Shanhong and King Chengtian, after seeing my concentrated blow, they all bombarded them!

There is no doubt that their plan is perfect, but in front of the powerful flower of bounds, all attacks are almost ineffective, even if it causes space distortion and space-time crack effects, as long as I am still in the flower of bounds, they There is no way!

Seeing that all the offenses were avoided by me, Ji Shanhong and King Chengtian looked at each other, and they knew the reason for this, and the Zijin Qi that I released, because it spread so hugely, they also let them smell it. Extraordinary!

"Is it sword energy?" Chengtian Wang was so shrewd that he immediately broke the name of this breath, while Ji Shanhong gritted his teeth and said, "Retreat? What about the sword fairy troops?"

"The first and second troops are withdrawn, and the sword immortal troops are hard to shake!" Of course, King Cheng Tian did not intend to stop most of the troops who had been chanting the curse, so that he would lose the opportunity.

I sneered and sang a sword song with peace of mind when the Flower of Jieli appeared again and resisted the remaining attacks!

Even if the flower of boundary strength does not increase the spatial dimension, its defense ability is no worse than the innate treasures like the blood lotus. Before a certain amount of attack, it is impossible to be damaged, so this also allows me to perform the sword song!

"Playing twelve songs in the cloud, looking at the common people like practice! Seven steps to reproduce the old prosperity, three times with nine songs and one hundred thousand immortals! One day! One hundred thousand swords immortal!" I stepped on, from the flower of Jie Li Step out!

"Looking for death! Focus on attack!" Cheng Tianwang shouted coldly, and it seemed that seeing me coming out of the flower of world power meant death. A group of immortals either accelerated their spells, or they continued to blast their attacks at me!

Under the intensive attack of hundreds of thousands of immortal families, the attacks I endured by Sword Song are more than a series of descriptions. Almost every step I take, countless attacks are hindering my progress, if not for Sword Song's super defensive ability , I am afraid that the mana consumed by the sword qi hood alone can squeeze me dry instantly!

Seeing that many of the sword songs of the immortal family were about to be completed, Ji Shanhong also showed a triumphant smile. No leader wanted to win, and in front of him, victory was there!

But what surprised them was that I took seven steps in a row when I walked. After seven steps, there was no step to mobilize the sword energy. I only heard a loud bang, and all the magic swords that were originally emitted. Heavenly sword aura, all mobilized for me, three steps to reproduce the prosperity, three times nine long songs, one hundred thousand sword immortals overlooking the common people to practice!


In the sky, thousands of sword shadows formed by the sword aura burst down, crackling like rain hitting bananas, covering and weighing everything underneath. The sword fairy who originally chanted the curse suffered the horror brought by my three veins. Magic Sword Heaven, all expressions changed drastically. Some savvy people immediately gave up singing and mobilized the sword song that was about to be launched. These can escape half their lives, instead of the ones that are about to be launched, they are all cut into flying. gray!

The power of the Three Veins Chuangyuan is actually not comparable to the power of the three realms of Dao. If it is one-on-one, the ending will only be destroyed in an instant, unless the body is like Ji Shanhong and Chengtian Wang and his ilk!

The sword immortals of the three realms tried their best to support, but after bearing the first wave of one hundred thousand sword immortals, they immediately retreated. Fei also dragged the wounded to flee to the periphery, while Ji Shanhong and King Chengtian did not dare to face this directly. The sword song that the scene suddenly launched, retreated beyond the range.

But even if they are safe and sound, facing the many deaths and injuries of the Reincarnation Realm and the Three Realms of Dao, they can’t help being shocked, and none of them will survive, especially the first echelon, because they are within the attack range of Huan Jiantian. , Almost impossible to escape.

Among them, the two heads who supported Cao Zhili before were also cut into incorporeal bodies in this attack, and they were breaking out!

At the same time, Xie Chuhe, who had entered the Flower of Realm and avoided the Magic Sword Heaven, stared at me angrily with complexity and anger on his face, and said: "I don't want you to treat it differently, we In between, only you die and I die!"

I ignored her and let her fly out of the Flower of Boundary Force to chase me, and now is my chance to slaughter all the Jiao Xianjia, because now after an attack by the magic sword sky, the sword fairy team almost defeated me, and left The pressure of the troops under my attack is not that great.

My naling method took the opportunity to activate, and a dozen immortal incorporeal bodies were sucked over to me before they even escaped. They became part of my strength, and the wings were converted into energy and injected into my body. The mana is restored like a perpetual motion machine!

Under the attack of Heaven Smiting Divine Sword, more than a dozen reincarnation realms pierced the sword qi on the spot, including the three realms of Dao, and they kept retreating under my frenzied attack, until Ji Shanhong and Chengtian king took their lives. Come on top of the team!

This time, the two of them knew why I dared to break into the core of the attack alone, because here, even in the three realms, the threat to me is limited, and there is no one who dares to fight me alone!

Bang bang bang!

My Heavenly Sword is infinitely fought, and the Heavenly King does not have the slightest temper, and his swordsmanship is also superior, but compared to mine, it is really insignificant, and in terms of strength, he is far behind, if not for the side. There is also Ji Shanhong who can bombard Nalingfa to send and receive freely, fearing that he would have killed me long ago!

Ji Shanhong deserves to be the commander-in-chief. Soon after the attacking team defeated me, while playing cover, he could organize the troops again, and Xia Chuhe fully assisted him in the attack, which made me feel the power of the siege again. !

Huan Jiantian's sword aura spread out again, because at this time it is necessary to have another deterrent!

Sure enough, seeing the release of the purple-golden aura, Ji Shanhong's face suddenly stunned, and he immediately ordered the weak to retreat and use long-range spells, while the strong came up cautiously, trying to contain and hit me!

But I never expected that after I took back the Flower of Jie Li, I immediately released the blood lotus!



Hidden in the flower of Jie Li, I watched all the lotus petals of the blood lotus fly out, and then the petal missile blasted to the back of the reincarnation realm. I was very pleased. Years of waiting, the blood lotus has also been among the ranks of the first-class treasures of the Nine Heavens. This time the attack has been very rewarding, and many immortals were killed on the spot.

Seeing my great magic weapons come out frequently, I often use one point to cover one area when attacking. Ji Shanhong can't make it even if there is fire. I am afraid that he is also good at large-scale scheduling and team battles. He really wants to eliminate individual soldiers. Not good at it!

The strength of Chengtianwang’s several Dao Sanjie subordinates is also good, but on the whole it is much worse than Xie Chuhe, so basically they don’t even have the qualifications to rush into my side. The sword aura around me is like a rainbow, close to the body. Even weaker Qi will be cut in half!

But after all, this is the core of interception protection. Their attack strength is almost endless. Waves of attacks never stop, and my mana is also rapidly consumed. If it is not unlimited, I am afraid it will be early. It's over.

However, it is basically impossible to use causal phagocytosis. You can only rely on quick posture and tyrannical sword energy to continuously fight guerrillas and kill the birds!

But when there are always problems with this kind of offense, after adapting to my attacking rhythm, King Cheng Tian immediately assigned several commandos to haunt me at the expense of my life.

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