Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5430: :hungry


The speed of Sword Master’s sword is staggering. I even think that he only made one sword. Because it was too fast, the sonic boom was detonated before the next burst, so I only thought it was nine times. The detonation continued to explode in an instant, with a breathtaking roar!


My one-inch nine swords also roared continuously, and the sound of the explosion was like thunder. Although the eighth style of the sword master is still far behind, but with the tenacious experience brought by my years of life and death, this sword focuses on accuracy. Above, so this sword was also activated extremely keenly and accurately. The moment it blasted all the Nine Swords out in a flash, the Nine Swords and the one-inch Nine Swords of Master Taste Sword slammed between square inches!

Bang bang bang!

I just feel like there’s something spitting out of my body. This nine-inch sword didn’t fail. Three wounds in the same position were shot on my body, letting blood squirt out like a column. The same was true for Sword Sovereign. The wound seemed to appear at one point, but the accuracy of the head was much worse. He saw two marks, one hole and three swords from Sword Sovereign, and it was too far behind.

The two scars of Master Tasting Sword were also bleeding, but he soon recovered. After all, one is close to the lungs and the other is close to the heart, neither of which is fatal.

But the hole in my body is properly close to the heart. If it weren't for my slight grasp of life and death, I'm afraid I would enter the yellow spring with one blow!

It was not easy for me to recover, and Master Jianjian seemed to be taken aback. After all, I never thought that I would use the nine-style magic trick to the eighth-style, which was already a miraculous thing for him.

Including the disciples, all of them were dumbfounded, because in their opinion, I would not use nine magic tricks.

"Unexpectedly, the master's swordsmanship is so powerful..."

"Yes... I thought that the big brother would only use the drunk sword, but I didn't expect to use the nine magic tricks. It's like the master..."

"No wonder the master wants to pass on the position of the head to the big brother, it turns out that the big brother also knows the nine tricks."

"Equally equal to Master, this swordsmanship really deserves to be a big brother..."

The disciples did not have too many doubts about the swordsmanship of Sword Master, but they were curious about me. This is normal. After all, in their minds, I am Fang Cunshan's alternative. Now the master and apprentice battle will truly bring out their own strength. , It has a blockbuster effect.

"Hehe, using the nine-style magic tricks of Fangcun Swordsmanship, it seems that you have to take Xian'er down the mountain." Taste Jianjun seemed to feel my determination.

"I also ask the master to be able to open up the Internet. It is because of the disciples' hard work and the determination of the younger sister." I immediately saluted.

Master Taste Jian lowered his eyebrows and said, "You thought you didn't investigate the Lu Family as a teacher? What can you do when you go down?"

"Why does the master have to keep the younger sister?" I asked back.

Master Taste Sword snorted and said: "You should never doubt that you are a teacher! If you still recognize me as a master today, then it will be good for you to give up drinking. I will ask you to come out of the cave in the face and be the head of Fangcunshan in the future. You will also inherit the position. As for the Lu Family, you will be investigated to the end for your teacher."

"What about Junior Sister?" I asked.

"Little Junior Sister did not succeed in her studies. Now she has lost her enthusiasm. She should be allowed to descend from the mountain in the future." Taste Jianjun said coldly.

"Master, we can't wait, we are going down the mountain now!" Lu Xian'er said suddenly.

Master Taste Jian lowered his eyebrows, but still looking at me intently, I nodded and said, "Master, you have also heard it. It is not the disciple who forced you, but you forced the disciple. Please take out the sword."

"Haha... I know as a teacher, you have been wanting to see the last of the nine tricks of being a teacher for so many years. Fortunately, being a teacher today will satisfy your desires, but this trick is nothing. It can be broken, I am afraid it will make your life unsafe, so you are willing to bear it? Just to bring Xian'er down the mountain?" Taste Jianjun asked.

"Yes, in order to take the younger sister down the mountain, the disciples are willing to try this last style that can't be broken." I said seriously, thinking that this style really is no way to break, but what kind of no way is it?

Is it almost square inches? Or is there a sword in all directions, nowhere to put it? Just thinking about it is enough to make people shudder, and it really makes me feel like I want to try it. It's a collision between life and death, and I don't dare to taste it if I don't understand the sword of the world.

I suddenly found that in some respects, I was almost the same as Master Taste Sword, like a hobby in the field of Taste Sword.

"What if it's dead?" Tasting Sword Lord suddenly asked.

My expression is slightly condensed, it is not like a master should ask his disciple, it seems that this move is powerful, or even he can't control the power of this move.

"If I die, my disciple would like to thank Master for this sword." I said without hesitation, I actually don't understand who can use a sword to give me death, but I have never been defeated in the battle of life and death, and I have never failed in many years. I was defeated. Although I am now in a state of drunken swords, my swordsmanship is very clear and even more vigilant than before. I don't believe that this style can kill me.

"Okay! No, move, OK, break!" Master Jian Jian took a steady breath, then Jian Jian was stretched out and retracted, and then he shot!

"Stop it!" But at this moment, Lu Xian'er suddenly stood in the middle of us, stopping Master Taste Jian's next shot!

Taste Jianjun closed his eyes slightly, his steps didn't even seem to have taken a step, but he was already standing behind Lu Xian'er, as if it wasn't Lu Xian'er stopping him, but he took the initiative to stop, which made me, Lu Xian'er, and even Lu Xian'er. Yu all the disciples took a breath.

"What? Are you not planning to go down the mountain?" Mr. Taste Jian asked solemnly.

"Master, disciple, please...the prospective disciple should go down the mountain. The senior brother stays on the mountain... the disciple is not willing to let the senior brother be injured..." Lu Xian'er gritted her teeth.

"Hmph, I've already said, either win me or don't let any of them go down the mountain!" Taste Jianjun didn't plan to let go. This made me quit other ideas, and Lu Xian'er hesitated and touched himself. My belly suddenly wanted to say something.

I lowered my eyebrows. Isn't this little junior girl hungry now?

"Little Junior Sister, don't worry, the big brother will take you down the mountain to eat meat after taking this trick!" I encouraged, but actually wanted to try Sword Sovereign's ninth formula.

Lu Xian'er looked at me dumbfounded, while a group of juniors and younger sisters had already leaned forward and backward with a smile, making her face flushed with shame, and she was very angry.

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