Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6002: : Dental forceps

I jumped in my heart and pulled the reins of the wind dragon to retreat, but the wind dragon seemed to be very interested in fighting the queen. When the queen rushed over, it also ran into it directly!


Although I was pulling on the reins, the mechanism under my feet was damaged, so I was knocked out in an instant. Fortunately, I was in the body of a ghost, and countless tentacles immediately caught the Wind Dragon!

The impact between the two sides has sunk vigorously. It is not surprising that the Wind Dragon did not listen to orders. The queen's speed is too fast. If she chooses to avoid it, she may be hit without completing the evasive action, and it has always been passively hit. The damage is greater than the active attack, so it ignores my request to attack.

This collision also drove the queen away. Of course, it also roared in pain, preparing for the next impact, but I also saw it instantly grow amethyst on the collision part, which made my face look. It's not good looking, I'm really worried about what I come.

If the Dragon is also infected, it is probably the shortest life mount in my hand. It is impossible for me to let this happen, so I immediately took out the emergency blood drink, poured it into my mouth, and sprayed it directly onto the contact surface. on!


Like hot water poured over, this strong immortal energy system liquid really played a role, causing the contact surface to crystallize and fade immediately. In addition, the Biaofenglong itself grows in the Qiongtian law, and it can grow to a legendary level, and its resistance is not strong. Doubtful, so amethyst does not spread fast.

But to cut the root, either cut off a piece of skin directly, or you need to think of other ways.

Seeing that he couldn't get his roots, Biaofenglong of course also screamed. I immediately took out the peeling knife and picked up the scales directly. This time the impact, Biaofenglong finally knew that the enemy in front of him was poisoned. .

This is like a poisonous existence, and the Wind Dragon is a little afraid to take action, but I quickly pulled its reins to signal it to land quickly.

After the impact, the queen again prepared for the second impact and moved the nose pliers, as if she was planning to squeeze the Biaofenglong.

Now it's impossible for Wind Dragon to land, because the ground is full of mountain and river ants. If it landed, I was afraid that the queen would not kill it, and the soldiers and worker ants guarding the queen would also come forward.

Flying in the air is actually the best way to fight.

My feet turned into a suction cup of ghost gu, and they were all buckled on the reins still tied to the wind dragon, and my hand also grabbed the green ink thorn, and my body did not change into the form of ghost gu, keeping my body. , It is still necessary to wear armor, otherwise the body of the alien beast will be exposed to someone.

"It's time to be obedient this time. We have to use weapons." I threw a moonstone to the Biaofenglong to swallow, and then pulled the reins, and continued to collide with the rushing queen!


This time, of course, I won’t let the Wind Dragon collide with it. Instead, I accurately ejected the long-needed green ink thorns, hit the queen’s body, and knocked it out in an instant. Of course, The Wind Beast was also under my tremendous strength, pulling me out a long way, and the two sides hit the ground under a loud noise, and the Wind Beast and I were hit several times.

Although the Beast Wind Beast had never been hit by such an evenly matched impact, it had good anti-strike ability. In addition, it overwhelmed a few ants without much injury, so it rose to the sky after a few bounces.

The queen ant has only half of its body left. It is impossible to be like the Wind Dragon. It can easily get up after hitting the ground. Thick water is constantly flowing out of its abdomen. Whether it is falling or hitting, it is dying to struggle.

So now it's just a matter of who has persisted for a long time. Biaofenglong dares to challenge the queen, so why not just watch the opponent's death?

After the hurricane dragon returned to the air, the huge fleshy wings fluttered again to keep it in the state before the impact, and the queen's colorful wings also vibrated quickly, but the state can still be seen. It is probably impossible to kill it within a few shocks.

I took a look at the location where the Qingmo Lin thorn hit just now. It was the suspected weak spot I chose, but the Qing Mo Lin thorn failed to penetrate it. It even slid down to make both of us tremble, so it may be possible to deal with it later. It has to be changed to another position.

Looking at the broken abdomen that was constantly dripping with thick water, and the beetle that could be infected by the wind dragon at any time, the green ink Lin thorn in my hand directly hit the inverse scales on the neck of the wind dragon, activating its violent state !

Two legendary behemoths, the Dragon of Wind does not have the slightest advantage in size, but in terms of speed, the Dragon of Wind does not give too much, so this time to activate its rage, it can burst out all the potential of its body.

Sure enough, the Biaofenglong roared immediately after the pain, his eyes widened, and he rushed to the queen madly!

This time, the queen also intends to bite the wind beast. Maybe it knows that the infection is severe, or it may not know it, but instinctively wants to bite the opponent, but I will definitely not let it do this!


The two sides collided once again, but this time the contact surface was not the Wind Dragon. I tightly bound the Wind Dragon and continued to move. The green ink thorn in my hand was like a toothpick, resisting the pressing boulder. , But even if the impact is amazing, my power is not comparable to their impact. The power of the fairy family, moving mountains and filling the sea, breaks the ground, even if it is the restriction of the Qiongtian law and the high-speed splitting of mine The power of law, but not the impact of two giant beasts can suppress me.

I directly knocked the queen ant off the ground, and the Biaofenglong still planned to continue to bite, but gave me this long spear and countless tentacles to withstand its fierce impact!

Of course, the ant colony also rushed towards our tide. I shot the Beast Beast, forcibly pulled it aside, and ordered it to flap its wings and fly!

This blow pierced the queen's neck deeply, but the queen seemed to be okay. She still had to climb up my pole. Of course, I would not let it succeed. The countless tentacles made it like a spider web. Bundled up, the alien beast is a more terrifying existence than the legendary beast. Although it consumes a lot of mana, it is all worthwhile.

The wind beast was in a violent state, let it flap its wings and fly, it did not obey orders, but vented its anger into the ant colony around it!

I just kicked it and let it pounce on the surrounding ant colony, and I released countless tentacles on my own, and fought against this huge queen, like brown candy sticking to it. , I infected it with the poison of ghost gu, and attacked it with the green ink thorn. Of course, most of the attacks were ineffective on this queen ant, and its hardness far exceeded the green ink thorn in my hand!

Of course, it can't help me. It has even forgotten that there is still the wind dragon raging on the side, and it concentrates on biting me with teeth.

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