Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6426: : Fairy Shadow

I am still very satisfied with the management of Hanxian Mountain over the years. Bai Suxian can be regarded as the real power faction of Hanxian Mountain. Of course, besides that, I also want to know more details, so I asked: "Well, it is so good. that……"

"Big Monkey, don't talk about government affairs here. The children are tired of hearing it. You, you should go back to Sangong to talk." Li Guxian couldn't help complaining, but actually wanted me to see it. Sister-in-law, after all, she doesn't want me to lose sight of one another.

"Ahem, it's okay, if you don't check it for a while, you can talk about it. Then please ask the fairies to worry about these government affairs. I'll go to Sannomiya for a walk..." I said with a light cough. The female fairies have smiles in their eyes, and they know why I’m going back, of course, there are also expressions of reluctance. After all, I rarely come back, but hurriedly came and went, but it also made them feel a little cold. Naturally, I also felt uneasy. Said: "You guys have nothing to do on weekdays, so go to the Imperial Study Room to move around."

The women were of course extremely happy, but the grandmother said with a straight face: "The government affairs are arduous a day, and there are many possibilities, but I can't bother them every day. I really want to see you again."


A group of women suddenly agreed seriously.

Regardless of the grandmother's seriousness, it is actually for everyone and me. Of course, as the control of the entire harem, she can say that, although everyone's expressions are serious, but their hearts are relieved, so she quickly opened her eyes and smiled.

I did not stay long, after teasing the fairy queen Xia Ling, I quickly went to the harem interface.

Because it has been a while since I woke up, and I knew I was coming, of course Sannomiya prepared food and wine, and indirectly took the dust for me.

Of course, everyone is very happy that Chuangshitian has added more powerful generals. Of course, Sannomiya mainly puts more housework on the table, like the marriage between Ling Tian and Li Poxiao’s youngest daughter Li Muqing. This is a rare city in recent years. It's a big deal.

"Huh? Meng Daozhi is pregnant with a child? I'm going to be a grandfather?" I was stunned, and I couldn't help but feel mixed. Unexpectedly, it was only a short time. Ling Tian and Li Muqing hadn't married yet. Ling Tian sent his wife to The child is pregnant.

"Isn't it? Xu was the reprimand you almost took out the whip before you left. This child has finally gotten better. Hey, I don't think I'm going to be a grandmother..." The sister-in-law looked happily. There is a trace of sorrow in my eyes because of the old age.

I laughed: "Why should we bother with these generational names, whose life is almost endless? Besides, you are always incomparable in my mind."

The sister-in-law was taken aback, with a blush on her face.

Zhao Qian chuckled and said, "Brother Tian has been walking around the world for a long time, and his face has grown thicker, and even Sister Qingcheng and I have ignored him like no one else."

"Speaking of all Lingtian children, but Ruxue this child still has no sense of belonging, how can it be so easy to find a match in this world?" Xue Qingcheng couldn't help mentioning Ruxue's lifelong event.

I smiled and said: "She is such a strong child, she really has to find a dedicated fashionista. By the way, what about Luo Han's child? He is also a top child in the realm of heaven, right?"

"Although Luo Han is excellent, he is extremely motivated, and he is close to the water platform, but what about it? Ruxue has to be admired, why should we mess with mandarin ducks?" Xue Qingcheng sighed.

Seeing Xue Qingcheng look embarrassed, Zhao Qian is also deeply worried: "The child Ru Jin learns from her own sister everywhere, and his eyes are high. Ling has been reproduced. He has been struggling for decades and has been tireless, fearing that he will go for a hundred years. Now the two children have become less temperamental. Following in the footsteps, parents will eventually worry about it."

My sister-in-law glanced at me and said, "You have to have his heart so that you won't lose anyone."

I was always blushing, immersed in food and wine. When all three of my eyes were on me, I had to toast and say: "The conscience of heaven and earth is also the broad-mindedness of the beloved wives. It is only for the country, the people, the heaven and the place. What can I say after making me?"

The three of them smiled and teased and judged me for a while. Fortunately, they all gave me down the steps, which finally did not embarrass me too much.

The most important thing is actually the marriage between Ling Tian and Li Muqing. Li Poxiao now has a special position in Jiuzhongtian, and he has mastered the important position. In Jiuzhongtian, he is not a big or small faction leader. The most important thing is mine. Right-hand man, so whether in politics or family origin, marriage is necessary, and this has also triggered many things that are contrary to my ideals.

Besides, Ling Tian didn’t agree with him at first. Fortunately, after a period of running-in and experiencing some disturbances, it was not forcibly kneading them together. Only this point is worthy of relief, even if there is much inside. Somewhat deliberate ingredients.

Everyone secretly rejoiced that they had brought together this political marriage, and they wanted to avoid long nights and dreams.

After Sannomiya and I explained the details of the preparation, I turned on the green light to pass, and Li Poxiao should be back to Tiancheng soon too, when it will be the red tape of the wedding.

After dealing with the housework, I began to mention some future things. After the Dao Conference, I will abdicate and let me become virtuous. The position of the city lord is of little significance to me. Apparently, he was still involved in the affairs of the Nine Heavens, Sheng Dao Tian originally felt that I was over-controlling. If this continues, there are even more reasons.

"Brother Tian, ​​the city lord has completely handed over the matter to Ling Tian, ​​do you want to wait no more? The previous affairs are small, but the harem is big..." Zhao Qian smiled bitterly.

"The abdication has been decided. As for the collective proving of the harem, the three of you should work harder. The rights of the previous dynasty should be handed over quickly." I said.

"That's okay, I can finally shed this burden." Xue Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief, while sister-in-law looked at me and was about to say something, but her eyes moved behind me.

"Hehe... I'm really embarrassed. I didn't intend to hear about your harem. I was thinking about coming out until Xia Xianzun left. I didn't expect that the Six Dao Immortal Venerables here are so powerful, I can actually see this Immortal Venerable..."

I lowered my eyebrows, and my sister-in-law stood up quickly, waved her sleeves, and said with some dissatisfaction: "The secret of my harem, how can you be visited by an outsider?"

Xue Qingcheng and Zhao Qian also stood up, watching the position behind me warily.

At this time, a gust of cold wind seemed to pass by, and I hurriedly turned my head.

At this moment, there seemed to be a shadow of a woman wearing fairy clothes in the air. This shadow made me take a deep breath, "Which fairy venerable excellency is? Can you tell me your identity?"

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