Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6690: :Observed

"No..." I suddenly felt suspicious. Generally speaking, even if the effect of ghost control is not good, it will at least make the ghosts stunned, and even need a certain amount of strength to break free, but the problem is not the case now, these ghosts Fish have already been cursed by people, which means that some people have also used ghost control on them!

At the same time I was shocked, I immediately summoned the Rule of Destruction Sword, and instantly penetrated the ghost fish in front of me!

The pierced ghost fish still rushed towards me, I could only burn it directly to ashes with the six karma fire, and this blow made me sure that there must be someone controlling the ghost fish.

But there is no need for me to doubt it anymore, because other ghost fish have also begun to hover around me, waiting for opportunities. They seem to wait for me to release the karma fire and then attack me. Of course I refuse to release this karma fire for them. There is a chance, because I also want to see what other tricks the people behind.

And at this moment, the unimaginable darkness below began to approach, and I could only immediately retreat towards the surface of the sea. Although there was still a fairy mountain below, there was still some distance away, enough for a huge ghost beast to hide below. So I can't wait until it's near to escape.

When they rushed to the surface of the sea, everyone was already floating in the air and fighting, but the object of their fighting was not ghost fish, but the sky gate, human gate, earth gate, and even the devil and the black dragon. Brother Hai and Brother Hai are all mixed in, because there are also a few weird Shan Shan beasts involved in this melee, and everyone fights on their own or has their own parties.

Unknowingly, a half of the entire fairy mountain was already in the sea of ​​reincarnation, no wonder there was a giant beast climbing up to chase me just now.

"You..." I was about to say something to make everyone work together to deal with the Shan Shan beast first, but at this moment, the darkness under the sea is approaching the sea surface. I was surprised that this thing actually dared to go ashore again. Subverting my imagination, a dragon that was much bigger than Wu Jiao suddenly rushed up from the bottom of the sea!


The roar shook the mountains, the earth rumbling, and the rocks fell down. Even I couldn't help covering my ears!

Under the unimaginable dragon head, the dragon's body was disproportionate, but it was about the size of a three-story fairy mountain. The roaring dragon swooped into the air and crashed into the sea again. This jump scared everyone. Ran around and couldn’t even help me tell them!


Misfortune did not come singly, the fairy mountain sank again, more than half of it at the moment.


The water bubbled up again, and the sea spiraled, and within a short while, a monster of the same size with a one-eyed bull's head and fish body flew up and shot a fierce golden light toward us!

The next moment, I just felt that I couldn't move up and down, and my body began to scab constantly. I was so scared that I quickly shattered these petrified phenomena. When I looked at other immortals, not only them, but also the Shan Shan beast could not move.

And the dragon came up again. This time it was half-diving. When we were petrified, it swam to us at high speed. This huge body stirred the sea into a vortex, with a terrifying momentum!

Wujiao and Shenglin were petrified most thoroughly because they were too huge. The dragons that couldn't escape were swallowed by the giant dragon. Fortunately, Qi Niang and Guizi had escaped from petrification, otherwise it would be unimaginable.

The Shan Shan beast on the Sanguan level was also released. It was originally brave and courageous, but when I saw the giant dragon, it seemed like a mouse had seen a cat. Let alone trouble, I don’t know where to hide at this moment. .

It seems that the sea of ​​reincarnation is more than just such a giant dragon. Their appearance makes the smoke cloud stronger and dense enough to spread out on the water to the extent that you can't see each other. This makes it more difficult for me to maintain everyone.

The golden light is like the light of a flashlight. Outside the fairy mountain, the sea is swept back and forth. Anyone who is caught in the air will be petrified on the spot. The monsters in the sea of ​​reincarnation seem to have been instructed by someone at this moment. Up.

Because of the golden light, everyone was forced back into the fairy mountain. As the idea of ​​sneaking into the treasure of the incense burner, the primitive monsters who encountered the incense burner were simply vulnerable.

Of course I can't learn from them. After all, there are six karmic fires. If I have enough opportunities, I can destroy them.

So I was floating on the surface of the Samsara Sea, and just like I thought, the minotaur body monsters and big-headed dragons here are the main guardian beasts, and they will not attack directly because there are some black fish and giant snake fish that can glide. They will monitor us on the water, and once they find me, huge guardian beasts will attack in turn.

Of course, I will inevitably fight back with karma fire, but these monsters seem to be endless, even after the tauren was caught by me and burned its eyes, it directly destroyed itself.

But I was not happy for a while, and another new minotaur would appear. You must know that such a big monster should be squeezed into this water in a limited number.

So I have to doubt that these monsters will resurrect and be controlled!

Armed with this information, I am definitely a monster that cannot completely destroy the sea of ​​reincarnation. I am afraid that I cannot work together, so I immediately turned around and returned to the fairy mountain.

"One day, where did you go? It was so hard to find you! By the way, we saw that the seal of the Shan Shan beast Oolong and Shenglin went back again!" When he saw Brother Hai again, he told me This amazing discovery.

"You mean that as long as it is swallowed, it will return to the seal?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes! So you must not be swallowed, these huge holy beasts should be the guardian beasts of the incense burner! And who else is controlling them! Now we can't get down to the sea of ​​reincarnation at all, we are all on the first floor at this moment The top of the mountain is waiting for you!" Senior Brother Hai took me to the top of the mountain.

"Do you still need a hidden trace?" I glanced at Senior Brother Hai. Senior Brother Hai smiled and said, "You think? Everyone dare not go down to find you. They are all hiding on the top of the mountain. Now the sea of ​​Samsara Sea is busy and tight. ."

I also took the initiative to hide my breath, after all, going to the top of the mountain can't harm a group of immortals, everyone must be very cautious.

Sure enough, when they came to the top of the mountain, everyone and the unleashed mountain beasts were honest, all lying there afraid to move, and the awakened fairy family either sat cross-legged or looked around vigilantly. Changes in the environment.

Seeing my backbone came, their eyes all focused on me.

At this moment, my grandmother had already left the customs, and when she saw me she breathed a sigh of relief: "A Tian, ​​everyone knows about coming up, don't you?"

"I was observing the surrounding situation just now, thinking what to do." I smiled bitterly.

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