Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6698: : Driving the Cloud

I secretly said that grandma is just used to it. She wears national clothes and crosses a brand-name bag. Grandma likes to walk unusual ways. When I was young, I didn’t know the luxury goods. This bag looked the same way. The side stalls are almost the same, just a bunch of English, which is not much different from a snakeskin bag when I was a kid.

Of course, now grandma is so majestic, she can't expose her old bottom.

"Oh, no wonder, I just said how to dress so solemnly, this time the spirit is going to be unlucky!" Senior Brother Yan gave a thumbs up, and then quickly shouted like a fan circle fan: "Come on, Senior Sister Zhou !we support you!"

Grandma gave him a look, which contained a lot of things, and I couldn't help laughing.

But the joke is a joke. Grandma is completely serious when facing the spirit. In fact, her clothes may be the most capable of exerting full strength for her. After all, every spell and movement is It needs to be assisted by prosperous and familiar styles. Such a posture is not deliberate, but deliberate.

Grandma slowly raised her head, and then said: "The mana in the sea of ​​reincarnation is endless. Neither you nor I can consume each other's energy here. Do you dare to fight the truth? Losing is losing, winning is winning?"

Qi Ling laughed and said, "Why don't you dare? If you are here, the deity is afraid that you won't be able to swallow you until the end of the fight, but it's hard to say when you go up."

Grandma smiled at the corner of her mouth and swished straight into the sea. Brother Hai, Senior Brother Yan, and Qi Niang followed suit. This swift battle will be the battle for the first immortal under the six realms, even What Sandao, Sanyuan, and Sanguan couldn't catch up with them in front of them!

The Qi Ling did not hesitate, gave up the ghost beast fighting here, quickly followed, and soon came to the sea with a thump!

The misty clouds of the sea of ​​reincarnation are like a moat between Jiuyou and the earth forever. Our immortals float above, so small compared to the entire sea of ​​reincarnation.

"Come on, make a move." The grandmother was not long-winded, and directly stretched out her hand to signal the other party to make a move. This posture was intended to let the spirit take the lead.

When Qi Ling saw her grandmother's gesture of asking for action, she immediately started chanting the spell quickly. Her speech speed and technique were very fast. When she started her hand, she was angry and roaring constantly, and even the voice seemed invisible, so she didn't listen. Constantly invading our minds.

Of course I can understand her curse. This ghost-riding and grandmother's ghost-doing actually coincide, or after thousands of years of reincarnation, the desire to become the strongest will often match the previous generation that was the most powerful. Yuguidao was the most powerful avenue before reincarnation, and now grandma has walked back to the avenue where the roots are connected!

"Yan Ai Yun Meng Yu Goddess, Hua Rong smiled with jade teeth, sorrowful words lacked fairy bones, life end in the sudden wind! Yu Gui Dao! Dream! Mid! All! Ghost!" The magic spell unfolded, and the smoke filled the sea of ​​reincarnation. Suddenly, it was like a dream, and everything around was covered, making people feel like they were in a dream!

I don’t dare to show up. Now this spirit is in the realm of Yuguidao. It is indeed the existence of the ancestor. Grandma has given up her origin and reincarnated and cultivated herself. Although the Taoism of Yuguidao itself is the same Source, but not exactly the same, now this clone can be said to have inherited the legacy of the deity before, and it is indeed very uncertain who wins and loses.

Senior Brother Hai breathed heavily, and couldn't help saying, "This way of guarding ghosts is powerful. Look at this cloud and misty dream, and your eyes sway a little, it's like all ghosts are coming. This is still where we are. Outside of their attack range, if they are approaching, imagine! Is the hair on top?"

"Haha, do you need to say? There are ghosts in your dreams, even ghosts!" Senior Brother Yan was shocked.

"Look, there is a goddess over there..." Qi Niang exclaimed and pointed towards Yunmeng.

We immediately looked over there, and sure enough, a goddess appeared there, which was completely different from other ghosts. She was tall, beautiful in appearance, and her clothes were floating like clouds, and the surrounding dreams There are as many ghosts as the crucian carp across the river, frantically approaching grandma!

And the grandmother was in it, as if she didn't see the goddess at all, she even pinched her fingers on her own, but we almost exclaimed.

"No! Should we remind Senior Sister next week that she is almost surrounded!" Senior Brother Hai said anxiously. After all, Senior Brother Yan was more ruthless, and quickly stopped and said: "A true gentleman who is not talking about chess, a man who has no regrets! Sister Zhou wouldn’t want to see us cheating, right?"

Brother Hai and I bit the roots of our teeth. At this time, the heart is touching our throat!

Chi Chi!

This goddess is the big boss among the ghosts. At this moment, she controls a lot of ghosts hiding in the clouds and wants to kill grandma in her sleep. Grandma may have fallen into a dream at this moment, and she looks like in our eyes. What could she possibly see?

If the grandmother does not counteract, or is afraid that she will be assassinated by the other party at any moment!

And just when Qi Ling sneered and ordered a full-scale killing, grandma laughed gloomily, and then almost all the spells were quickly squeezed out from the corner of her mouth: "When driving in the fog, I will fall into the void, and the clouds will often collapse. , His eyes saw the mountains and rivers collapse, evil spirits and evil spirits are inferior! Ghost way! Transformation! Ghost! Buddha! Mention!"


Nothing is imaginary, it’s like smashing the sky. I’ve seen my grandmother’s trick to transform the ghost and Buddha. That huge ghost and Buddha is absolutely beyond imagination. Once it appears, It indicates that the battlefield is about to be trampled, including all the opponent's realms, the next moment will be shattered!


Sure enough, Nahuagui Foti arrived on the battlefield while we were still in a trance. He stepped on the clouds and suddenly furiously fell down. With a loud noise, the waves of the sea of ​​reincarnation were surging, causing the sea to churn, and the world was chaotic! The former goddess and all kinds of ghosts all broke ground and collapsed under the destruction of Grandma's magic realm, and the battlefield was a mess!

Of course, the goddess is not a vegetarian, countless categorizations are sent out, all flashing in Yunmeng, but they are not affected by this ghost and Buddha, because as long as they are in Yunmeng, they will all exist!

However, grandmother Gaoming is clever in this trick. She should have calculated that the opponent’s range of attacks is all-pervasive, so she has decided to make a fuss on this realm. Although this ghost Buddha is a ghost, it also targets ghosts. There is not only one, all kinds of little ghost Buddha also came one after another!

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