Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6710: : Green Wine

"The end is also pity and rain, who is passionate and bears the grass? The hundred years of the past, the birds sing in the air, and the ebb and flow in the middle of the night! The creation of the fairy road! The past is the smoke wave!" With a wave of my long sword, the second Sword Realm rises again, and the first wave is consumed. I couldn't get through the huge amount of mana, except for the second sword song to save the emergency, there was no other choice at all.

This sword song was once used to defend against Ziwei Immortal's Man Ye Ziwei. It is a very powerful defensive sword aura, so the moment my long sword was swung, as the past was aroused, the heavy snow that collapsed was instantly hit. On the countless raindrops that have been stirred up!

The sword aura that was raining raindrops was spread by my sword. Even the snowball that rushed down quickly was also shattered by these sword auras. Under high-speed impact, no matter how strong it is, no matter how strong the difference in hardness is, it will be hit. Confused, let alone the collision of sword qi and sword?

I seem to find that the sword avalanche ahead was stopped by me, and Jian Beitang’s laughter became even louder. After all, I was at an absolute disadvantage, because no matter how strong I am, it is already the second sword song. At this moment, she is better than me. More than half of the preparation, so only the second sword song is needed, and she feels that I have to be crushed into mud like a ruin!

"Customers come to bring wine and discuss the sword together, burn the fire and cook the carnal night, who will persuade me to drink, drunk sweeping autumn leaves and lying red cream! Beitang kendo! Happy to do it!" This sword Beitang is more powerful than I imagined. Many, how can I bring the disadvantages back after seizing the advantages? As an all-round Swordmaster, she is certainly very good in Sword Song.

So this time with the sword song, the avalanche that fell was stopped, but the red frost and fallen leaves flying under the sorrow of autumn are even more frightening!

The chaotic red leaves swaying and falling replaced the cold mountain avalanche. Jianbeitang’s laughter went from far to near, as if a urging Yan Luo approached me, and looking from a distance, she slowly stood there with a pot of green wine hanging there. Smile, as if caught in his own thoughts.

But under this bewildering smile, all the fallen leaves are sorrowful, and they may turn into murderous swords.

There was a lot of burning fire around her, and there was a tripod on it. The tripod was steaming hot, but there were no guests around her. Only the messy wine glasses and the blood scattered on the ground were enough to eat the meat in the tripod. Most of the rest are just leftovers, and even the dishes on the guest seats are messed up. It can be seen that the scene is three rounds of wine and food.

"Legend and Jianbeitang discuss the sword, but you need a pot of wine and a pot of boiled meat. No matter who comes to find her, you can talk about the sword, so that you can cook the five flavors and drink the wine three times. When I feel courageous, I want to buy her a drink, and I have to drink it, and no matter how much you drink, she only has one drink, and she can only drink one. This makes Hongshuang drunk and full of sorrow. That is to say, either she died, or the one who sought her to discuss the sword died, not to mention, there are really countless swordsmen who have come here, just to buy this beauty a glass of good wine."

Thinking of Qi Niang's words, I couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. This woman is not a good stubborn. This is a gambling with a sword. This wine is the last supper! And this sword music is not chanted one after another, obviously it is to divide life and death with me.

I became a swordsman who invited her to drink, and her move was afraid that she would kill me.

Walking step by step, I instantly felt the sense of substituting for her to talk about the sword. That feeling really made me laugh and cry: "The past is empty, and it seems to be ebb, girl, I haven't drunk this wine yet, how can I get drunk? Sweep the autumn leaves and lie on the red frost? How about enjoying a drink?"

"Chuck..." Jian Beitang couldn't help but smile, and the green wine in his hand threw it towards me. I took the wine and poured it into my throat immediately after opening it. I grumbled a few mouthfuls, and I smiled. Throw the hip flask back: "Who is so intoxicating, how intoxicating this kind of wine can make you drink the centuries-old fairy drunk I have collected, and discuss kendo with you again!"

Jianbeitang took the hip flask and flicked it with the rope of the hip flask. She walked towards me with the sword while tossing. Her smile gradually reduced. I guess I did anger her, but I was telling the truth. The alcohol content is less than thirty, and it is almost like boiled water. I can't think of putting her down in one sip. This is really impressive.

"Death..." Jian Beitang slowly uttered a word, and immediately the sword in his hand was raised flat, and after the other hand was placed on it, the surrounding snow suddenly blown down the leaves, and the sword gas was like a long whip. Sweeping towards me!


I snorted. This is the remaining half of the sword aura. At this moment, my second sword song is already incomplete. It is impossible to resist it completely. So I carried it hard once, and my blood boiled suddenly, and I had to rely on it. The beginning of the third sword song resisted the aftermath of this sword song: "Why don't you have to waste time in comparison, this trip is a misty poem, the green mountains and wild wine look at the northern dusk, when the lonely fairy snow falls on the sword! The creation of the immortal way! The misty sword poem! !"

The moment the white snow and fallen leaves were swept away, the green hills quickly revealed their original appearance, as if the cold winter had passed, I was relieved from this. This time it was a strange risk. Just borrowing her to drink was deliberately disturbing her mood, so this The half-dao sword song brought me back some more, so at the moment when my third sword song started, the overwhelming sword aura was no longer, but it was like a sword whip licking my body!

Of course, her advantage is still there. Just as I withstood two attacks, she only withstood one. If this third sword song collision fails to equalize the gap between each other, then this time the decisive battle with Jian Beitang will be Declared defeat.

There is a plan to accept her as a ghost, and she will greatly help my next plan, but I did not expect to fall into such an unfavorable state.

Standing on the green hill, my sword intent gradually hovered, and my strength reunited on my sword very quickly. This was a process of gradual reorganization from disintegration, and I couldn't tolerate my mistakes.

And Jianbeitang’s third sword song was also readily available, but her drunkenness was sobered up from the exchange with me just now. I am actually waiting for such an opportunity, because she has such a great opportunity. The weakness is that you can't drink alcohol!

One sip will make you drunk, drunk will kill immortals, and two sips will vomit. This is probably because she only took one sip. Because of the two sword songs, she was dragged into a slightly drunken state. At this moment, she can’t He raised the jug slowly. The hesitation is actually conceivable. Whoever vomits and then drinks, that is great perseverance, and such perseverance is precisely for a person who vomits after a second sip. Great test!

It depends on whether she dared to take a second sip from Jianbeitang!

However, the green jug lifted up, but slowly fell.

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