Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6747: : Snooping

The light of fire blasted into the sky, and the light of the sky still blasted down like rain. Huangquanhai also turned over like a dragon, bulging countless thorny peaks without warning, and the light points brought by the self-detonation of the destruction of the fairy are one after another. Boom to the sub-array.

Most of these destruction faeries flew past here at high speed, so both the speed and the destructive power are unimaginable, as you can see from the howling and explosions.

"Go and see." Brother Hai is the initiator, and of course he is also concerned about the situation of this sub-array.

Grandma also controlled Jian Yuelong to advance to the sub-array. Not long after, we were around the sub-array. The sub-array was full of miserable conditions. This sub-array was not small, so the Tianguan and Renguan army in the coverage area were all suffered. It was a disaster, and Diguan knew that we were going to design before, so I ran out to find the gap, and now I saw that we were coming, I immediately ran back excitedly.

I also cancelled the counterfeit grounds, watched him enter the fairy mountain, and quickly asked him about the situation of the sub-array.

"It's terrible! I watched them still in this big formation, and I really squeezed a cold sweat for them! I didn't expect you to be able to make such a big formation. I didn't think it was necessary to leave, and I would bear it. It is considered to be accompanied by them in their suffering once, but fortunately, I dispelled the idea." Diguan's face was a bit unbearable, but this was also caused by him indirectly.

I nodded and looked at Senior Brother Hai, "Senior Brother Hai, should I be able to find a way to see the status of the sub-array?"

"That's not a problem, after all, I have also planted some concrete formations." Senior Brother Hai took out a banner and swept it at the edge position, and soon a terrible scene appeared inside.

Because the sub-array was completely activated, the inside of the Sancai Formation was in disaster. The Destruction Faerie that bombarded us was constantly looking for the fairy house to blew himself up, while Renguan and Tianguan were strayed inside, but the speed of movement was very fast. Slow, it seems that they are being suppressed by a gravity attack. As for the other immortals, they can't run. They almost stand in place and bombard the Destroyer Faeries, and most of them are wiped out!

Brother Hai’s sub-array can be controlled by three levels, so it is almost guided by the stone. Of course, the disadvantage is that it is also not controllable. The internal damage is almost entirely due to luck, and the Renguan and Tianguan are the functions. The immortal family of Baji has amazing endurance, and it is difficult for them to consume huge amounts of attack because they are not concentrated.

Therefore, after being bombarded for a long time, the sub-array still did not completely consume them to the six poles. They used their own strength to attack, and they still maintained the seven poles level, and they did not pity their men at all, so they let them Fled to the edge.

"No! They are going to escape. If we really let them escape, we will be in trouble if we want to seize the house." Senior Brother Hai said.

"Then let's go and intercept again!" I immediately proposed.

"No, I will give you an array of stones to extend the front of the sub-arrays. These three large arrays roll like a vortex, and it will continue for a while. As long as the expansion array is arranged in the direction in which they are fleeing, it will be difficult for them to escape. After speaking, Senior Brother Hai took out a pile of formation stones from his sleeves and handed them to our hands.

We hurriedly flew towards the different directions of the Tianguan and Renguan escapes. Senior Brother Yan and Senior Brother Hai were a group, and I took the Diguan to Block the Renguan Pass. With us are Tianguan and Renguan, they are always at any time. Those who are waiting to win their homes, of course, have to consume these two counterfeit goods to the six poles.

The three of us set up a large array very quickly. The moment everyone succeeded in setting up the array, the cornerstones of the entire array were already connected to each other. Only a bang was heard, and the skyfire was hit by the area where we were, and almost didn't kill us. All three are surrounded!

This Renguan has been infinitely close to the exit, but the moment she saw Huang Quanhai, the added large array immediately surrounded her, which made Diguan clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Okay! It's wonderful to cooperate with you." Unspeakable! This person has to be burnt naked!"

But as soon as these words were finished, Guan Benzun's face turned dark on the side: "No matter what, that is also my soul, how can it be so humiliating?"

"Hey, forget me, sorry, the little girl hurry up and prepare to seize the house, the person who wants to come to the gate will soon fall into the six poles." Diguan smiled awkwardly.

Ren Guan hummed lightly, and immediately waited to be ready to seize the house.

"Chuangshi Xianzun, if otherwise, let's take a look at Tianguan's situation? Don't make anything wrong, although their three strengths are about the same as ours." Diguan, the guy who saw Renguan was burnt by the sky to his clothes, could not help but think of it. After the cold beauty Tianguan, let alone anything else, Diguan is the second child of the three gates, and the strength is not as good as the Tianguan, and it is not the same as that of the people. How dare you usually make a difference? I didn't have a chance to make a mistake, but now I have a chance, even if it is not the deity, what is the difference between the appearance of the soul and the deity?

This is definitely a visual feast!

I laughed secretly in my heart, but when this guy mentioned the Tianguan side, I couldn't help but look after Brother Hai and Brother Yan. After all, something might really happen and all the shots were moved to the Tianguan side.

Not to mention, this day, the clothes will not be intact at the moment, and the burnt is so that almost only the important parts are not exposed. Now I am desperately fleeing, where can I take care of a lot? Therefore, the sight of Diguan was worth it, and I swallowed my saliva several times.

Angrily, he gritted his teeth and said: "Have you seen enough?! Haven't you seen the world?"

"Ahem, Chuangshi Immortal Venerable, we shouldn't stare unscrupulously. This deity means that we should look at the Tianguan side to see how they have arranged this expansion array..." Diguan hurriedly transferred topic.

The camera quickly shifted to Senior Brother Daoyan and Senior Brother Hai. As a result, both of these brothers' eyes went straight, and Tianguan didn't seem to care to stare at people like this. I don't know if she didn't care at all or she was already staring at everything. , In short, it is professional.

However, when I glanced at it, I noticed a problem. Suddenly, a ray of light was flying towards the direction behind Senior Brother Hai. At this sight, my face turned green!

Not only me, but even Diguan and Renguan were stunned, because the golden-red light was so familiar, and in an instant, this light directly blasted towards Senior Brother Hai and Yan who had just reacted. Brother and Tianguan!


Although the three of them used protective spells, all of them flew out without exception. Fortunately, the golden red light did not intend to chase them at all, but directly broke into the large formation area!

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