Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6758: : Counterattack

"Jianbeitang is here to say goodbye to the lord! The lord has needs, so please summon it urgently." Seeing us, Jianbeitang was about to ferry back, and immediately led the sword ghosts of Beitang Kendo to say goodbye.

"Okay, but are you sure you don't lead your subordinates to ferry back to Sheng Daotian?" I asked immediately.

Jian Beitang thought for a while, Lianbu walked towards me, approached my ear, and whispered: "Yunying is used to the abyss of reincarnation, and has no attachment to Cheng Daotian. If the lord misses Yunying, he If the lord asks to call again, of course, if the lord insists on asking Yunying to follow, Yunying can also go."

Jian is the surname of Jianbeitang, Beitang is the first name, and Yunying is the word for Jianbeitang, so when she is called, she will be called Yunying Jiangui, and she calls it this way, obviously during this period of time. I got acquainted with it to a certain level. It was a naked tease.

So I laughed and said, "Unless you are willing, how can I ask you to go back to the creation day? The abyss of reincarnation is also pure, so you can stay there, and you will need your help as a ghost in the future. when."

"Huh, the lord must have too many female family members in the family. I am afraid that I will follow to make trouble. Don't worry, Yunying will not go. The lord will return." Jian Beitang chuckled, and immediately led many sword ghosts back to the abyss of reincarnation. , When I left, I occasionally turned around and behaved unwillingly, but it made me feel unsure for a while whether she wanted to follow me or what happened.

However, it may not be appropriate to take her back. She is usually fine to drink a little wine and kill a few ghosts. It's okay to kill a few ghosts. Most of those who enter the cycle of reincarnation are to lose some luck. Death is hard to die, but if you give her to the day of my creation, That's a mess. It's the other friends who fail to quit drinking by then.

After considering it for a long time, she also let her go back.

"Cunning fellow, don't forget that you promised Fairy Honxuya!" Ling Yi has done a lot for this trip. She is a ghost, and of course she will not stay at this moment, so she disappeared in an instant. I don't want to tell me more, there is only interest between her and me, and of course, there are interesting things to experience.

As for agreeing to Ling Yi, it was to take her to Heaven and Heaven to ask for justice.

However, no matter what it was, it was necessary to settle the six geniuses first, so after the remaining fairy family chose to stay, grandma controlled the shoulder Yuelong straight into the sea.

In order to be able to smoothly enter the Zen Dao Heaven, all the immortal families are concentrated in the hollow cave of the fairy mountain. This is the core area of ​​the entire aromatherapy furnace, and it is also the necessary place to occupy the territory of the Zen Dao Heaven. As for Those immortal families without territories must also be protected by this immortal mountain. After all, grandma herself is bound to this aromatherapy burner, and she is destined to stay in Liudaotian in the future.

After a burst of light, everyone instantly turned into thoughts and flew towards their own resonance. As for the remaining pure energy, they became part of the aromatherapy furnace.

When I reappeared in Chuangshitian, all the immortals noticed that my deity returned to the throne and quickly asked about the situation of Liudaotian at this moment.

I didn’t hide the slightest bit. I started talking about the incense burner, until the ferry back, there were still six supreme counterfeit goods sent to the next three levels to interfere with the process, as well as the situation of the immortal mountain forces entering Sheng Daotian this time. Everyone. Suddenly I was excited like a chicken blood. After all, Liu Daotian’s Sandao, Sanyuan, and Sanguan went back to each house, which means that Liu Daotian is in chaos, not to mention that the wife and sister have seized the idea of ​​dividing the soul. This means that The next six heavens must cause a chaos due to the return of the deities.

The biggest beneficiary of this chaos will be Chuangshitian, and the reason why Chuangshitian has waited so long is precisely for today!

After I said these things, I immediately asked about the situation of Chuangshitian. After all, it was not just the six Daotians who lost a lot of money. Even the three levels with the three octopole powers were swallowed by us, but our Chuangshitian was not lost. Grandma and sister-in-law in the six worlds of the creation day? And now Liu Dao Tian is back, although grandmother’s immortal mountain forces inherited these eight octapole powers, they are all in the Six Dao Heavens. If the immortals are at a disadvantage, she, as the heretical force at the core of the Six Dao Heavens, will immediately Under siege.

"Chuangshitian is wrestling with Liudaotian, and Tiandaotian is blocked by Sanqing. However, the area that touches my Chuangshitian is also harassing our border at this moment. The large-scale movement of Tiandaotian is destined to tear us apart. "Zhao Qian said quickly.

"How is the situation of Universe Supreme?" I asked immediately.

"The news is poor and it is difficult to find its trace, or it is rushing to help Liudaotian or Tiandaotian, or at this moment the snipe and clam are fighting and want the fisherman to profit." Xia Ruize analyzed.

I nodded and said, "In any case, this is the time when we created the world to conquer the Six Daotians. This is also the effort for Jiuer to capture the Six Daotians. Leaders of all parties, please take your place immediately, and then use your greatest strength. The leaders of all parties who attacked Liudaotian! Delay and disperse their power to destroy the deity as much as possible!"


Not only San Tai Tian, ​​but even Shi Qi Tian and Zi Shou Tian also loudly agreed. This is a golden opportunity and an outbreak after this period of dormancy. If you don’t take this opportunity to completely change the six heavens. , There will never be such an opportunity in the future.

So I also bear the brunt, leading all the eight-pole forces to charge and attack the six heavens at this moment!

Because all the forces have fallen into chaos to varying degrees, the pattern of Liu Daotian who could only be tied with Chuangshitian was immediately reversed. Except for Erqitian, there was no chaos at the edge, and the other forces were all like a rolling turbulence. In front of Chuangshitian completely vulnerable.

Under my strong attack, Earth Gate and Heaven retreat steadily. His internal impact was huge, and he couldn't make effective resistance. It spread out immediately after rushing, causing me to swallow a lot of luck. !

The same goes for Renguantian and Sanyuantian. Shangyuan, Zhongyuan, and Xiayuan deities should be in place. Therefore, under the offensives of Zishoutian, Shenzuotian, and Shi Qitian, various degrees of chaos were manifested. In the line of defense against us, only Yuan Qitian and Xuan Qitian performed normally.

But these two saw that the six great powers other than them were suddenly weakened, and they were shocked and frightened to resist. After all, my long drive went straight to the core of the six heavens.

Grandma sits on the fairy mountain, countless ghosts and celestial beings return to Liudaotian. In addition to releasing countless thoughts, it is also a super-powerful eight-pole power, so the influence on Liudaotian is not small!

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