Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6762: :penetrate

Hum, before I can say the next sentence, there was a discordant sound when the original harmonious three emperors played together. This discordant tone came from the hands of the earth emperor. It seems that you love me. The posture of the idiot and complaining about the girl made the girl of the land sway her mind.

"Hey, Immortal Yaoyue praised it." I chuckled and answered Fairy Yaoyue. Of course, I did it deliberately. You must know the moment you pluck the strings, play the jade flute, or tap the chime. They are all connected with their own mood, and with the changes in the scenes, the mentality will also change accordingly. If the mentality is stable, the three emperors will play smoothly. If the mentality is affected by others, the probability of this discordant sound appears Will increase.

So I deliberately pulled Yaoyue Immortal Venerable to get close, and it shocked the Three Emperors instantly. After all, who is the Immortal Family of Yaoyue Immortal? That is one of the nine legendary supreme beings, and the immortal of creation, but she is like a petite bird in my arms. How can this not shock the Three Emperors?

"Now it's not just ten thousand horses galloping. Dingdingdongdongdong is like rain hitting bananas. It's very nice. Could it be that Immortal Venerable is moved by Yaoyue?" Yaoyue Immortal Venerable laughed.

"I'm afraid that Immortal Venerable Yaoyue is getting deeper and deeper. What can I do if I can't extricate myself?" I chuckled, and I thought that Immortal Venerable Yaoyue was really good at provoking people, but he had to do a full set of dramas. The impact of the concert is not small for me. If it weren’t for the Dao Jian in my hand, I’m afraid that it would be struck by thunder and lightning at any time, or hurt by sound waves. At this moment, although the three emperors are constantly bombarding, it is not just continuous, at the same time It is also accumulating power, and once the power reaches the climax of their playing together, it will immediately fall to the ground!

Before that, weakening their climax is an inevitable choice. Once the climax is messy, there will be weaknesses and gaps, and then my Dao Qi will be able to find a chance to crack it.

The three emperors cooperated delicately. Although the emperor had a problem first, the emperor regained control with the compact chime playing. However, because the tone came in a hurry, it directly collided with the scale of the emperor. Of course I didn’t. I will let it go. While holding Yaoyue Immortal Venerable forward, I also started to pull the cocoon, and use Dao Jian directly in the messy scale area of ​​the opponent!

The next moment, with a boom, Wan Dao Xiaguang directly blasted towards the position of the scale compensation gap, and the seemingly perfect three emperors played eggshell so it broke a piece for me!


There was a shock, followed by countless noises. It seemed that the other party could not help but play the most powerful link with the three emperors. After all, this chaos is related to being forced to give up. Therefore, while I have not completely disrupted it, it is the correct solution to directly trigger the scale climax.

Therefore, the emperor’s chime is struck more and more urgently. The sound is magnificent and guiding. Although the sound of the piano and the flute are equally beautiful, they do not have the dominance of the chime. They can only follow behind. The emperor played together, so the intensity of striking and the different chimes all became the incentive for the emperor and the emperor to cooperate!

The emperor changes the repertoire, and the emperor and the emperor will follow. Just this is tantamount to profitability.

"Haha, the sound of the chime is like the voice of the king, and it is also called the king of sound instruments. It may not be easy for the creation of Immortal Venerable to break through." Yaoyue Immortal Venerable reminded with a smile.

"How can I know if I don't try?" Of course, I didn't believe it. I immediately waved Dao Jian, crackling out a thousand rays of glow. You must know that once this Dao Jian came out, you will be converted by all means, no matter what the avenue of origin is. Crack, so what I need now is to crack the core of the other party. As for other side stances, where can I manage so much?


As a result, I did not bet right this time. As Yaoyue Xianzun said, the voice of the king is indeed like layers of armor, only a few layers broken, and the surrounding sounds have circled around us, the emperor of humans and the emperor of earth. After that, there was no idle time, just like playing to make the surrounding road base all accumulate and condense, just like the continuous accumulation of gunpowder. At this moment, we are surrounded by gunpowder piles.

Once I didn't sweep the gunpowder and found a way to leave, I would be blown up in the gunpowder pile. This is where the three emperors played together!

I didn't sit still and asked immediately: "I forgot, there is a fairy with the wisdom of the world in my arms, dare to ask Yaoyue Xianzun, how to break the situation in front of me?"

"How do you know this deity? This deity only cares about hiding in tenderness, but where can you dare to point fingers and feet? You must know that you can't have both fish and bear's paws." Yaoyue Immortal Venerable is starting to make trouble again, this girl is the pick at the critical moment of.

But she would never be without any hints. If the phantom **** status is destroyed, it will not be easy to get it back. So I chewed her words and suddenly a flash of inspiration in my heart.

The meaning of this inability to have both is very simple. Since the benefits cannot be obtained for me, I have always wanted to sweep the gunpowder. The goal of doing so is too big. The ignition is actually the fuse. If there is no fuse, Then can the three emperors blow up together?

I got an idea right away.

In the sleeve, something like a square brick soon began to regroup and condense.

This thing gathers the heaven and the earth, and it is the treasure of the great master. It is also called the seal of the master. It is the master of the world, and it also fixes the heaven and the earth and the ten directions. This is the treasure I borrowed from Taiqing.

It is also the strongest Dao-based artifact among the Three Dao implements.

As for Dao Jian, I took it away, and with this collection, my defensive ability instantly collapsed, and countless noises suddenly fell!

Sure enough, seeing me put Tao Jian away, these three emperors had already looked at them, and they were completely recovered at this moment, and their scale attacks would also be driven in. Therefore, the emperor shouted and said immediately: "He is going to run away, this is the moment. Now! The three emperors play together! Destroy his phantom **** here!"

"The three emperors play together!" The emperor of humanity and the emperor of the earth also responded decisively, and then, the sounds of Xianqin and Yuxiao suddenly appeared one after another, and a set of chimes seemed to ring in an instant, and only a complex sound was heard , I almost lost my hearing!

Even Yaoyue Xianzun thought that I was not ready, so he hugged me tightly in fright and buried his head in my chest!

However, everything in this world has its own way, including these sounds. Just as the sound was about to penetrate my body, the great mage treasure condensed in my sleeve suddenly rolled down like this!

Next, the whole world was quiet, with me as the center, the surrounding world seemed to be completely forbidden!

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