Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6933: : Feng Mo

As a result, when I returned to Luomu Valley, there were three more beautiful women around me, one was Mu Xianzhou’s guilty Yin Ying, the other needless to say, all the way from Star Soul Sect to Fengpu City and then here. Lingzhao, under the threat of her parents, I had no other choice but to take her to Luomugu.

All that is left is to pass by the Nuling Palace when he comes back. This fox owl also gave me Fox Xia. What he called the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. In fact, he wanted to rub my car and let me. Bring her daughter to the spiritual realm for free.

These are of course nothing to me, but the most important thing is that Lingzhao and Huxia are like their fathers, and naturally they don’t deal with each other. On the way, they ridicule each other and stare at each other, if it weren’t for me. On the way, I'm afraid that there will be a fight. It can be seen that it is not reasonable to say that the enemy does not meet.

But in any case, if you don’t bring it back, this alliance doesn’t have to be concluded. The protection fee has to be paid, otherwise Luo Mugu will probably be that big. These righteous ways are counting on the group to destroy my granary, but the big sects It is said that he has already sent his own spiritual realm elder to take care of the nursing home for me. It will not be long before he wants to come. When the time comes, even if the righteous way wants to destroy me, it will not be so easy.

I saw that Huxia and Lingzhao had a dispute again, and shook their heads and said, "Don’t say that I didn’t tell you two girls. It’s really useless to argue about it now. If you only see me like this, you will become my lady of the valley. Then you are going to be disappointed. I look good now, but it's not what I used to be. When I enter the spiritual realm, maybe it won't look like this. Don't blame me for not saying that when I become ugly."

"Ah?" Hu Xia was taken aback, and then said with a distrustful expression: "Dong Ren, you are afraid that you want to break the inner alchemy! The inner alchemy is spiritual and adult. What it looks like, of course, needs to be long. What, is it possible that you can really become ugly?"

I smiled awkwardly and said, "Isn't it ugly? It's just not as handsome as it is now."

I borrowed my body to enter my soul. The original Dong Ren was already dead. Now as my cultivation level is gradually improving, although the difference from the original appearance will only get closer with the cultivation level, the gap is still not small. Of course, After possessing the Spirit Realm, his eyes have certainly not changed much, but some details are naturally inferior to the original Dongren.

But Dongren is Dongren. My summer day is summer day. Even if I have long been used to being in a certain place with other masks, I can't stand it for a lifetime. It looks like this time, the deity is the king.

Lingzhao is not as innocent and arrogant as Hu Xia. Seeing that I don't seem to lie, she quickly said: "Some people know a lot by nature. As the saying goes, this is not what it used to be. Is it possible that you are the same?"

"Hehe, it's not what it used to be... if it looks like it is true, but if it is in other respects, I don't think I lose to anyone." As I said, I quickly used a roll of fur. The spell carved out his original appearance, and then returned it to several women for reference.

"It's not you at all!" Hu Xia said anxiously.

And Lingzhao stopped talking for an instant, and looked at this portrait in a daze. It was normal that he couldn't accept it for a while, because the gap was big even for me, and I didn't know what would happen to Senior Sister Xianli? There are Chang Jie and other Luo Mugu disciples.

As for my disciple Bai Cheng, I think she will believe me, maybe this is my instinct.

Even Ying Yi, who was on the side, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Could it be that the predecessor is Yuan Ying grabbing the house!?"

"No, I'm from a foreign immortal family, but a ray of soul thought intruded into this body by mistake. If you need more detailed information, I can give you all, and my purpose is simple, Dengxian is." Said with a smile.


The three women looked at me in shock. They were shocked by me at this moment, but they still didn't believe me.

However, if they believe it or not, they just accept it. I did not deliberately let them accept my existence immediately. Anyway, the portrait of the deity has been given to them. After all, when I was spiritual, I was no longer like Dong Ren, because To be spiritual means to form an image with a spirit, even if you want to borrow this body again, you can't do it.

So this is the most necessary thing before I hit the spiritual realm.

The journey back to Luomu Valley was as quiet as before the storm. The only twists and turns was to make them accept my deity's affairs. If they couldn't accept it, it was also in my expectation. Dong Ren was another person after all.

By the time we returned to Luomu Valley, Huxia's words were obviously less, but Lingzhao accepted my existence more than she did. Maybe she didn't see my appearance at all. She escorted me along the way, and she believed that I could protect her. .

At this moment, Luomu Valley has been re-repaired. The entire Luomu Valley cannot be said to be magnificent, but various infrastructures surround the main peak, and the number of disciples has been increased. The elders are also talented. I heard that there are several spiritual consecrations. A lot of money is here. As for the strength, it still needs to be considered.

With Changjie here, I'm still very relieved. Luomu Valley is not mine alone, and it is my task to hit the spiritual realm, so I arranged for Fox Xia and Lingzhao to enter the newly built Valley Master Palace in the back mountain. Later, I also chatted with Chang Jie about the next plan of Lumugu.

When Chang Jie saw the portrait I gave, he just smiled freely, and said, "That's no wonder, but the Lord Gu grew up like this, which seems more in line with Chang Jie's imagination. Otherwise, with a young man, how could it be possible to make it? Such a earth-shattering event? We have received the news that you have stepped through Fengpu City and killed the lord Bi Gao during this period. This matter has spread all over the world. Let us worry about it and fear that there will be something. Yes, but thinking of your awe-inspiring prestige, no one in our valley wants to flee."

"Very good, how about the remaining tasks?" I asked.

"Naturally scramble for the first time, otherwise, is there the current situation? The Valley Lord is really a magical calculation, and I have calculated everything, and I just dealt with it according to the Valley Lord's intention." After Chang Jie finished speaking, it seemed that he had remembered something, and took it out. A booklet: "By the way, this is the booklet that Luo Mugu needed for the spiritual realm that I found out when you were leaving. It contains a detailed record of the powerful spirit beasts that were surrounded by the enclosing magical realm around the back mountain Tongtianshan. The location, Gu mainly breaks through the spiritual realm, this booklet is right in time."

"I just said it casually, I didn't expect to find it?" I said in surprise.

In order to cultivate their own immortal homes with spirit realm, all schools and factions need to build the secret realm of sealing demon in the back mountain of their own. This is to have the corresponding spirit beast veins to follow when I have the spirit, and what I lack now is this secret realm of sealing magic. s position.

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