Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6978: : God's Palm

"I've seen many requests like this, and few are better." The Thunder Marrow Sword in my hand swiftly moved forward, and it was straight to the opponent's throat!


"Good come!" The woman knew my instant explosive power, so when she stepped back the next moment, the sword in her hand retreated far away with the help of her strength! Immediately afterwards, Fenying Jianqi continued to shoot out from her sword, I immediately held the umbrella to avoid it, and this gap also made her cut in the air without hesitation!


The shield of the six-color umbrella was broken open in an instant. I knew that this woman would be so strong that she would not be without a little bit of preparation. The next moment she closed the fan, her palm prints hit the opponent's chest!

"Evil Seal Palm!? You still cultivate your palm!" The woman was shocked when she saw the palm print on her body, and hurriedly prepared to flee.

"I'm sorry, today you will fall here." I finished speaking lightly, and instantly bypassed her and flew away. Then the screams came from behind, without any suspense, this evil seal palm. She has been beaten into a spiritual state, and then Ling will directly take the attack, and finally fall here.

But when I looked back at the woman’s final outcome, a white shadow came and saved the woman’s spirit directly, but the effect of the evil seal palm was still on the spirit body, so the wind splitting palm continued to fly towards A spiritual man who embraces a woman.

A pure white long sword in the male fairy's hand, swiftly moved forward and took the initiative to attack. The wind splitting palm was actually cut in half under his sword, and the man quickly stepped on the magical sword energy and cut it with a single sword. An assembly line of evil seal palm!

I couldn't help but take a high look at this male immortal. The male immortal looks decent and has a steady eyebrow. This is a good-looking young man. As he stepped on more sword energy, the assembly line was directly cut off by him.

"At the end of the fifth year! Why are you here?!"

What seemed to be several rounds of dismantling the assembly line was actually completed in a short time, and even when the good son stopped, the woman Gu Ling reacted.

This spirit looks like a child, and the entity is actually a humanoid living pill. In fact, the appearance is still based on illusion, which is clearly different from the Yuanying that exists in the Yuanying realm.

The man named Wu Mo put the woman Ling Ling on his palm and said: "Ken Xue, you leave this place quickly, I will deal with this guy!"

"At the end of the fifth month, you have to be careful of him. The Valley Master of Lumugu is very powerful. Only the Pill Dao Realm can easily scream for me. We need to unite in order to have a chance to win him!" Kan Xue hurriedly Said.

"I know, I won't fight with him, he is going to the main hall, you go back soon." After the end of the five, he immediately attacked me with a sword. His toes point to his feet, and there are several sword auras under his feet. , This guy is so powerful here that he charges very fast. After all, whoever uses the force to advance is very fast, so his attack is amazing!

And not only that, there is murderous intent in the opponent's eyes. This is the gaze of eliminating evil. I know it well, so my heart is also murderous, because they can cultivate to such a level of cultivation, and there is no blood of evil innocents in their hands. I am I won't believe it.

"Boom God's palm!" I had already brewed a trick when they were chatting. I hit God's palm with one blow and slapped the man in an instant!


The man didn't even hear the screams, he was shot into meat sauce in an instant, and Gu Ling couldn't fly out, and was completely turned into ashes under the attack of the six veins and the palm of the god!

"Fifth end!" The woman screamed in horror. When she looked at me, her eyes were nothing but horror. I looked at her poisonous spirit, shook my head, and said, "You are about to die, too. Any last words?"

The woman turned her head and ran away. It seems that the death of this good son is not a very important thing to her. I shot it in an instant, and a thunder light crackled, and the woman's coffin was wiped out!

A group of immortals who rushed over watched me kill two spiritual Dzogchens, even the immortal families in the spiritual realm would not dare to come and die again.

I turned around blankly and flew to the place where Young Master Jia's eyes had been before, which should be the main hall area.

After no one dared to stop me from moving forward, it didn’t take long for a Taoist temple group to appear in front of me, and the mountain protection formation had been opened. Pillars of light rushed straight into the sky, using the sky to draw demonic energy down, and rolling to guard this place. The main hall area.

I couldn't help but look at the dark scene in surprise, the way Tianludao was surrounded by demonic energy, I couldn't help being amazed by this big array.

"It's kind of interesting. Righteous way borrows the demon energy of Tianshan Mountain to protect itself. This is much smarter than Fengpucheng." I smiled and looked at Tianlu Dao from a distance. There were sword carvings everywhere, one by one at the moment. There was a glimmer of light, which seemed to be a flash of light.

And at this time, the black devilish energy faintly formed the appearance of a strange beast, which appeared and disappeared in the sky above the whole sky, and when he looked at me, it was obviously hostile!

I condensed my eyebrows as I watched the strange beasts constantly flashing out of the black clouds, and I was unavoidably surprised. After another glance, I understood the reason in my heart.

"Huanglong is the guardian beast of our Tianludao, Huanglongxian, Yuxiejin, demon head, you kill our five-end Daoist, Kanxue Daoist, and many disciples of Tianludao, Huanglong will not let you go. !" A woman's majestic voice came, and I looked at where the voice was.

In a large circular formation area with a long sword inserted in the middle, a thin woman wearing a spacious dress is now dancing with two long swords in her arms, and following the rhythm of the sword dance, this magic sky yellow dragon also follows Soaring in the clouds, sometimes sneaking into the clouds, sometimes spreading teeth and dancing claws, and almost rushing out, but Huanglong is a condensed object of devilish incarnation, it is impossible to really transform into a dragon, as long as I don't enter the area of ​​devilish energy, It takes me nothing.

But I was attacking the city by the evil Dao, in order to retaliate against them for attacking Luomugu. If I can't go in and kill this Dao Zun, how can I achieve the goal of revenge? And if I retreat directly now, then my reputation will not be able to restrain this group of righteous Xiaoxiao.

"Little lady, you Tian Lu Dao can be bolder and tell your disciples that the reason why I am attacked now is because the elders of their sect, their masters, are attacking us at this moment, Luo Mu Gu! We Luo Mu Gu! I'm experiencing the cruelest **** battle since the reconstruction! And all this is just to covet my living alchemy furnace in Luomugu! For a living alchemy furnace, how many disciples came to kill me?! I will ask you, they have What sin! Their sin is that they just joined us in Luomugu, righteous and evil, is it the original sin of killing each other?" I said coldly.

The disciples below suddenly heard of the heated discussion, and the woman's figure also stopped.

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