Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6988: : Fried fish

Traveling with a cleanliness girl is also a new thing. She is about to vomit but can’t vomit, her belly is empty, or she is so thin, because she usually doesn’t eat anything, so she flies all the way in the wasteland. , Suddenly I was painting in the ink and wash mountain stream, I was wearing a green Luomugu green shirt, and the girl in a pale beige Tianludao dress, it seemed as if the color of the sky was drawn in the beautiful embroidery.


Just halfway through the road, the abdomen of the rose medicine rolled slightly, and a little withered. Obviously, the abdomen was hollow when I vomited, and I was a little hungry and tired.

I have been tired for many days. Even though my body is getting better and better, I can't stand it anymore, so I propose to find a beautiful place to stay temporarily.

"You said you want to rush to the Water Mist League..." Mei Yao looked reluctant.

"Hey, if you don't go, I'll communicate with them in the same way as you deal with Tianludao, and just borrow the Confinement Secret Realm." I laughed.

"No! The Water Mist Alliance's colleagues are very good to me, I don't allow you to do this anymore! I'll just help you, can't it help you?" Mei Yao said hurriedly.

When I fell on the ground, I watched her fall lightly, and I stretched out my hand to help her fall. The little girl quickly turned around and floated to the side, very disgusted with me. Of course, I just made fun with her. Bullying a soft girl like her is actually very interesting. Of course, it is limited to some innocuous aspects. If it exceeds a certain range, it is a hooligan.

I took a look at this mountain stream. Not to mention, there are a lot of fish swimming in the water. I can't help but stretch my fingers, swish a few green vines, and then rush out, and then I pulled out a long one. Seven or eight big fish with fins came, about the size of some people's heads.

The big fish was also vigorous. After landing a few times and straightening its posture, the eight pairs of fins immediately slashed away like the oar of a dragon boat, and tossed towards the rose medicine.

The rose medicine exclaimed, and I smiled and waved my big hand. The vine cut the fish into several sections. The blood splashed all over the floor when I looked at it, and even some of it directly splashed on the face of the rose medicine. Let her soften instantly.

I held her in a hand and smiled: "Why didn't you see your soul before, but now that you see blood, it has become like this. Isn't it because you want to take the opportunity to throw into my arms?"

Mei Yao hurriedly pushed me away, and said, "I...I'm faint and bloody...Who asked you to hold me..."

"If you have cleanliness and faint blood, then how do you make a pill? The way of pill medicine is all kinds of rare and exotic treasures, and even the parts of the body of a spirit beast. If you are faint and bloody, it is estimated that you will go to pill You can't cast a spirit beast heart, let alone the fresher the thing, the more dirty it will become." I laughed.

"Who said I made a pill? Do you think I am a pill demon like you... even excretion... vomiting... even eating that... I'm just... medicinal..." Mei Yao retched again.

"Well, you are studying medicine, and I am alchemy. Now I will show you my cooking." I laughed, snapped my fingers, and the vine put the stone on the stove and set it up. After the slate was placed, pieces of fish were placed on the slab, and the flames burned from underneath. This stone-fried fish was also considered a special feature.

As for the seasoning, I need to get the ingredients locally, so I looked at the rose medicine and said, "Since this is the way of medicine, there should be seasonings. How about we eat medicated food today? I'm going to fry the fish and you put the seasoning."

"Huh?" Mei Yao looked at the fish cubes in surprise, and then hurriedly said: "I...I am a vegetarian..."

"Vegetarian? My God, are you a nun?" I looked at her in surprise.

"No... I just can't stand other tastes... Meat... I can't eat it." Mei Yao said.

I secretly said that this is a total cleanliness, although I didn't say it clearly, but this girl is like a kind of fireworks, no wonder she only vomits water, no wonder she is so thin.

"I don't care what you eat. Anyway, you can put the seasoning. If it doesn't taste good, I will eat Yangshen Danhou and kiss you." I chuckled.

"Ah!? No, no, no, no! I put the seasoning, I just put it... vomit..." Meiyao retched again, but she honestly took out a small bag of seasoning from the bag, and then she kept going I sprinkled finely divided spices on the fish meat, and dripped some vegetable oil after the fish was fried. Not to mention, the spice and vegetable oil of this rose medicine have a special fragrance. I really don’t know what plant the little girl extracts from. Collect and dry.

Looking at the colorful seasonings, I couldn’t help asking: “These seasonings are very fragrant. I think I’m going to sing joyfully when I use them for frying fish. Since you don’t eat meat, why do you have so many seasonings? Are you just making them? Don’t eat? Or do you just do things in the kitchen? It’s not like, the kitchen is so smokey, you definitely can’t stand it..."

"Of course I am not doing miscellaneous work in the kitchen, and I am not making it for others. Can I cook it myself... It's just that I eat some plants, not like your big fish and meat..." Mei Yao said with joy.

"No wonder, the taste of plants is weak, so you have extracted so many condiments from plants and minerals in order to eat too much, but it is a pity that these condiments are only used to stir-fry green vegetables. On the fish cubes, it makes people move their index fingers." I praised.

Seeing that I understand her so much, Mei Yao's eyebrows bend down obviously when she speaks: "Of course, but unfortunately, my senior sisters don't like to eat plants, so I usually cook by myself."

"Although I don't like eating green vegetables, I don't refuse. Besides fish, how about you also make a green dish for me to taste?" I laughed.

Meiyao nodded happily instinctively, but when she turned around looking for wild vegetables, she seemed to have thought of something and hesitated and said, "When have I been so familiar with you? I cook for myself. Okay…"

"Anything will do, I won't mind rubbing your food, of course, please don't mind rubbing my fried fish." I happily said.

Meiyao suddenly looked disgusted, and said, "The skin is so thick, I put the seasoning for this fish, and I don't eat meat, it's fine for me to be a vegetarian!"

Seeing the little girl disappearing from sight, I fry the fish on my own. When the fish was almost fried, Mei Yao came back with a handful of wild vegetables. When she came, she was puzzled and puzzled. , I don’t know what happened.

In addition, when I look at me, I still have a weird face, which makes me a little strange: "What's the matter?"

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