Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7001: : Big Worm

This is already the initial cultivation of the spiritual realm. As the old lady said, this holy water beetle must succeed in sealing the secret realm, so the dragon is now a fairy family with the spiritual realm, and this water knife is The attack at the level of the spiritual realm, even in the early stage of the spiritual realization, has reached the penetrating power of the latter stage of the spiritual realm!

No wonder the old lady in the hospital has a worried look. At this time, most of the spiritual realm elites in the gate are in the frontier fortress area. The spiritual realms left here are all guarding the mountains, which is incomparable to the reorganized Water Mist League.


It was another light beam. I didn’t use the six-color umbrella to stop it, because the light beam hit a direction that I couldn’t see. In addition to the fog, I couldn’t see the distance tens of meters away, so I only heard a miserable sound. That's it.

The grand elder of the hospital was also panicked, and quickly prepared to order again, I immediately said: "He left it to me to solve it. You will do your best to protect the Emperor of Medicine. You don't need to worry about other things!"

The elder of the cinema still intends to refute me, but I have already come to Dalong in an instant!

At this time, there were a few weird beetle tails behind the dragon, and his face was full of hideous raised blood vessels. After he saw me, the tail behind him immediately opened the shooting posture, and then the water jet started from the tail. Shoot to my side!

Chi Chi Chi!

The short beam is not as good as the one just now. It seems that the trick just now is similar to a trick, but don’t look short, it hit the ground with a wave, and then left a small pit. If it hits someone, It is estimated to be over.

I am very familiar with this kind of attack. The six-color umbrella blocked the unavoidable attack. This time it just shook. It didn't almost pierce the umbrella like just now, and I took this opportunity to pull out the Thunder Marrow Sword. He detoured behind him in a flash, a sword cut off the tail behind him, and then the palm of his hand directly grabbed the back of his neck and directly injected the veins into it.

Just like Xianli's spiritual time before, this dragon has not completely escaped the control of the spiritual world, so his whole person is still controlled by the beetle-like spiritual veins. If he is completely free from the spirit, it will definitely not be the way it is now.

After forcibly invading the opponent's veins, I immediately noticed the weird changes in this guy right now. The dragon's body veins did not have the slightest problem at all. The holy water beetle veins extended by reference were completely successful, but the strangeness was a little bit subtle. The veins of is indeed the same as recorded in the book, it is small and extends to an unknown direction, and when I reached the end of my exploration, a strange pulling force pulled my spiritual veins into it in an instant!

I was taken aback, and hurriedly increased the input of the power of the veins, and directly cut off these veins, which were much smaller than the normal ones, at a thunderous speed!

The big dragon is not idle. He is still multiplying tails behind his back. The tip of the tail is like a syringe, which can shoot out many water channels. Fortunately, I am a multilingual spiritual vein, so I cut him off with a Thundermarrow Sword. With his attacking routine, he forcibly cut off the tiny spiritual veins that controlled him!

Don’t say it, this great dragon’s spiritual veins are deriving in a mess at this moment. Although I had predicted it, I still have to choose the correct and severable spiritual veins from his various intricate spiritual veins, otherwise the result will not be said. And Yu, once the spiritual vein connected with the spiritual consciousness is cut off, it will only cause him to fall into a state of madness, or he will become a fool at all.

I know how this jade scroll costing a Yang Shen Dan came, maybe it was the old lady in the hospital forcibly reading it, so the complex and changeable spiritual vein network did not reach the end, the area of ​​the head, It should have come from the Secret Realm of Conferred Demons.

It happened that Gu Ling had to connect from the spirit veins in the Conferred Demon Realm, which also meant that I couldn't simply break their connection.

It’s like a nerve surgery that can cause paralysis if I’m not careful. It took me a short while, and even after several attacks from unknown sources in the mist, I tried to control the spirit of the dragon. The veins were cut off one by one, and the extra spirit veins had already been generated, so they could only be dealt with as a sequelae.

Dalong Guling is finished. Also because of the consumption of energy, the chaos of the veins is expected to continue for a while, but as he adjusts his cultivation, he will definitely be able to overcome these redundant veins in the future, and even seal them.

Seeing me carrying the big dragon queen collar who was still in a coma falling down, a group of immortals no longer knew what to cheer or what to express. A group of people gathered around, not discovering the spiritual veins of the big dragon's body, or watching me prepare how to explain.

"He may faint for a while. You take good care of him. At any rate, it is also a holy water beetle, which should help your water mist alliance to some extent." I cut the veins that control his body and also connected the broken ones. The vein itself, so the contradiction between the spirit veins definitely exists, and this enchanted magic secret realm is the creator of the biggest sequelae.

I have roughly got the result of this magical secret realm in my heart, so after taking a look at the big dragon, I said to the old lady in the hospital: "The elder of the hospital, you should return me a Yangshen Pill for the logarithmic number."

"Ah? What? What do you mean?" The old lady in the studio was stunned in her fashion, and a group of immortals all looked at her, just to see how she planned to explain.

I smiled coldly and said, "What you gave me is not the spiritual vein reference map of the holy water beetle at all."

"Don’t talk nonsense, Lord Dongren! It is indeed the spiritual vein reference map that this immortal gave you, and I personally took it from the leader! I have personally verified it, and it is definitely not a fake! And you are not already the valley owner. Has the spirit pulse of the Great Dragon Master Nephew untied? This proves that this jade scroll is really undoubted! I will never return it to you anyway!" The hospital gritted his teeth and stared at me. There is absolutely no expression of lying.

I thought about it, half-squinted my eyes and said: "So, this reference picture is the result of your verification, then it is the result of all the spirits in this magical secret realm, but according to my previous investigation, The spirit veins referenced by the dragon are all controlled by a certain summoning spirit vein. That is to say, the spirit vein references they copied are only part of it. There may be a big guy inside, hehe, that’s interesting, I don’t know. Does anyone know the details of sealing this holy water beetle back then? Or according to my guess, what the dragon copied is only the daughter insect, or just a part of the mother insect's spiritual veins, but in any case, it is absolutely impossible it `s complete."

"What are you talking about? There is another big holy water beetle in it?!" The photographer was taken aback, and his mouth couldn't close.

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