Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7172: : 喽王

Chi Chi Chi! A bunch of sword qi was sent from my sword, and a handful of them penetrated these immortal families that were anchored by the force field of heaven and earth. These immortal families have been transformed into Yuan Ying, although the sword does not pass through non-Yuan Ying areas. It's nothing, but it also consumes a lot of energy. It's like the energy gathered in the head, and the head is chopped off at once. It won't die for a while, but it also loses its strength because of the loss of the main core of spiritual power.

In this way, it is not as good as Yuan Ying fleeing out of his body, because the opponent who can chop off your head is certainly not an opponent that can be defeated within the weakening ability.

These pierced immortals were still planning to flee. One of them immediately swung a sword and cut off the upper body. Yuan Ying fled out immediately. I didn’t chase them down, because these immortals all fled out. Chasing Feidi's God Transformation Yuan Ying faster, it would be better to let the immortals who besieged me get punished.


My sonic boom unfolded, and a sword plunged into the position of the opponent’s Divine Transformation Yuan Ying, and then a sword was pulled above my head, because the opponent’s Divine Transformation Yuan Ying was probably hiding in other places. After all, Liangyi Tiandi practiced. The way is slightly different. The opponent is likely to be in the lower abdomen, or chest and head.

Sure enough, a sword missed, the opponent's head exploded in the next moment, and a god-transformed soul infant rushed out of the blood mouth, and then fled at a lightning speed.

I secretly said that terrorists like this can really attack me, but this is quite common to me. I immediately changed the method of attack, directly condensing deconstruction techniques, and blasted directly to an immortal family who had escaped. .


This time, I was lucky. I picked a person whose cultivation level was not in the early stage of God Transformation, so I disassembled his body on the spot, and the opponent’s Yuan Ying hurriedly fled to Qianshan City, because it was considered the protection area of ​​Qianshan City. Who should kill and who shouldn't be killed is the decision of Yuelin Society. If you dare to fight privately, the consequences are self-evident.

After having Shen Tianshi Tangdao, Miss Zhilin over there is simply extremely mighty, as if she has her own aura. She has played Jintao and a few immortal families who have become perfect with her head, and she has no power to fight back.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Jin Tao took advantage of Zhilin's pursuit of his partner and did not pay attention, so he wiped the soles of his feet and ran away. I have been paying attention to this old man for a long time, and immediately left the other immortal houses and rushed towards Jin with a sonic boom. Amoy.

I know who is sesame and who is watermelon. Now these immortals are here just for profit. I thought that the cost was not that high, but I stepped in on one leg and knew that the cost was so high that they couldn’t. Continue to invest, without grievances and grudges, these people are just a mob.

Moreover, there are still mobs who have no money to rob. The only wealthy is actually Jintao, so the sonic boom catches up with Jintao, and when Miss Zhilin also reacted, Jintao's face was pale with fright: "This island" The lord is not fighting! Two brave, the island lord is not an opponent! You also killed a lot of our immortal houses, if you don’t do this, what about it?!"

"Just forget it? You can think about it, but we can't figure out how to block it for you. Isn't it costly to fly so much?" I said, releasing my sword and blasting towards Jintao.

This old man is indeed not a good stubble. As soon as I saw that I was not using the Shentianshi divine knife to break through thousands of treasures, I immediately took out a pile of hidden artifacts like tribulus from my sleeve and splashed it at me for a while!

These things were shocked by my force field, all of them were shaken out of spiritual control, and they blew up. The smoke made the old man immediately take the opportunity to escape. It seems that the old man is still very shrewd.

But I'm not bad, I don't care where he flees, as long as he is still within my tracking range, the scope deconstruction technique can make him have nowhere to hide.


The surrounding smoke disintegrated and restored the original clear and bright world. The old man was so deconstructed by me, of course, it was a physique. At this time, Miss Zhilin also chased him, and the brewed knife skills turned into The soaring beam, as if drawing a knife and breaking the water, directly slashed towards Jintao!


The sound of the cracking leather was shocking, and the old man immediately disappeared on the spot. He thought that his Yuan Ying would have a half chance of being hit. However, the Yuan Ying after his transformation actually hid in an unexpected place, without being noticed. At the position of his left abdomen, the little Jin Tao continued to rush towards the distance after a jump.

I can only keep getting closer with a sonic boom, and although Miss Zhilin is fast enough, she can only be at the same speed as the opponent's Yuanying, and it is probably impossible to catch up.

It can be seen that Jintao, as the overlord of a region, is by no means comparable in strength.

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