Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7237: : Dongming

"Hehe, what kind of thing is Changle Xianzong?" The other side looked down, with a small look on his face.

"You!" Hong Shi's face suddenly collapsed, but the other party was not timid at all, and Leng Hun asked: "Why? You Changle Xianzong now dare to challenge the second-level sect? It's just the first stage of God's change, even though It’s your Sect Master who is here, so I am afraid that I would not dare to make my face like you, right?"

Hong Shi backed away for a while, and he didn't dare to go over it. After all, the sects are about strength, and the dog depends on the owner. This is no longer a question of cultivation. The opponent will just bite once it moves. He, the entire Dongming Immortal Sect will immediately lower the thunder power to the Changle Immortal Sect's threat effective, so Hong Shi can't do anything at all.

Moreover, he is still a big disciple. If something goes wrong, he must be fully responsible, and he will be guilty of conscience as well.

"Xia Daozhu, do you now understand what the second-level sect is? This is the second-level sect. You, a little-known Tianyi, dare to go wild here, and don’t look at the status of the Dongming Immortal Sect here. !" Cang Lu also followed the young man's **** to the side, as if she was already the great elder of the second-level sect.

"Haha..." I didn't intend to get used to the other party. I slapped it in an instant, only to hear a loud bang. The self-righteous young disciple who was still rebellious just now suddenly turned his head to his back and his teeth All of them were slapped and lost seven or eighty-eight, and they were completely relieved.

Yuan Ying jumped up suddenly, with a frightened expression in the eyes of all the disciples, as if the sky had fallen.

Including Cang Lu did not react immediately. When she hit the spirit, I kicked her to the distance. When I first entered the Nascent Soul Realm, the speed was completely satisfactory. , Not to mention that now Yuan Ying Dzogchen is only a thin line away from the divine transformation.

Seeing that I did things so simply that I directly offended Xianlezong and Dongming Xianzong, Hong Shi was already scared to move his eyes on me, Cang Lu, and the young man.

"I take the liberty to ask, what is the status of the Dongming Immortal Sect right now?" I didn't bother to wait for them to answer after I finished speaking. I sneered and walked towards the sect with my back. The horror has already been imprinted in my mind.

We used force here. Of course, we found the situation in the main hall of the Zongmen. Seven or eight immortals rushed out from the inside, and the disciples in the door were afraid to hide in the dark and watch, and those who were bolder had to hide away. Squeak.

For them, it was the crime of beating a second-level sect disciple, and the entire sect would suffer if it did not cause trouble.

One of the middle-stage divine change elders, who was dressed close to the previous disciple, saw Cang Lu lying behind me and the young Yuan Ying floating in the sky. The whole body was blown up, and he sprinted at me with a roar. come over.

I chuckled and said, "I don't ask about the situation and do it, then it's no wonder that I'm late to control others, right?"

"What are you talking about!? A mere primordial child who is perfect, dare to be so rampant!" At the same time the old man came quickly, his five fingers closed, and he hit me with a palm. The next moment, the air seemed to be burning. A giant flame palm hit me like a fly swatter!

I also hit the old man’s body with a palm, but this palm was different from the old man: "Deconstruction!"


The old man was missing a piece of his body in an instant, and the Shenbian Yuanying broke his body with a bang, and immediately swept towards the back mountain of the sect with a thunderous force. The only thing he could see was his panic. The expression of confusion, the strike just now was completely different from the general spirit skills, it was an earth spirit root spell that directly decomposed the opponent's body.

The deconstruction technique is of course a heavenly level, far more terrifying than the old man's mystery level grasping technique just now.

After hitting such a trick, the opponent’s reaction was enough to make me a little surprised. It was just a moment. With my current strength, even if I came to an existence far beyond the Divine Transformation Realm, I would dare to fight, but the second-level sect After all, the door is more sensitive to strength, and the other party will react like this. He must know that the gap is too big, and he will go back to report.

"You, you...you are going to be over! You broke the body of the elder Ming, offended the Immortal Sect of Dongming, you are dead!" Cang Lu said in a panic.

The disciples who followed the old man were already shivering. They used to follow the great elder and pounced at me fiercely, but now they are standing there awkwardly.

"Is it? I don't necessarily die, but if you let me go, you must be finished. Maybe Xianlezong will be affected by Chiyu too, right?" I laughed, and these words scared the entire sect's disciples.

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